From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 473: : Back to Black Seal City

"What did you just dream about?"

With a wicked smile on Ye Han's face, he looked at Xiao Yu and said narrowly.


When Xiao Yu heard the words, she was stunned at first. She didn't expect Ye Han's question to be so evasive. When she recalled Ye Han's question, she couldn't help but think of the scene in her dream.

In the dream, Xiao Yan bid farewell to the past relationship, saw Xiao Xun'er's person clearly, and finally chose to be with her.

"You should have taught Xiao Xun'er to take revenge on me, right?"

Suddenly, Ye Han spoke again.

"Ah! You, what did you say? I, I don't understand." Xiao Yu could not help but let out an exclamation, her eyes panicked.

"Do not understand?"

Ye Han's palm touched Xiao Yu's face, smiled faintly, and said, "You like Xiao Yan, but people seem to despise you!"

"You are jealous of Xiao Xun'er, but it's hard to say clearly, my appearance gave you the opportunity to stain that girl like Qinglian, so do you think you have a chance?"

"Don't rush to explain, just listen to me." Ye Han always had a smile on his face, but for some reason, when Xiao Yu was about to refute his words, he lost his courage in an instant.

"Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan are no longer possible, that's because Xiao Xun'er doesn't like Xiao Yan, you think there is an opportunity, your chance is here, but, others don't want it, others choose the rest, really Is that what you want? Think about it carefully, Xiao Xun'er doesn't like it, but you are rushing to post it. See you later, how do you deal with yourself?"

"Xiao Xun'er's man, you are probably curious about him! I can tell you..."

After finishing speaking, Ye Han quietly lay beside Xiao Yu's ear and said, "It's me."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yu was instantly enlarged by Ye Han's dumbfounded eyes, and then his eyes were full of disbelief.

"The cat meowing that night was very enjoyable to hear!" Ye Han continued to speak, just one sentence, which made Xiao Yu's whole body stiff.

At this moment, although it felt absurd, he had to admit that Ye Han was Xiao Xun'er's man nine times out of ten, but he didn't know how he deceived Xiao Xun'er.

"You, why are you telling me this?" Xiao Yu said in front of her with embarrassment.

In his eyes, there is the guilt of being exposed to the dark side of his heart, and the confusion about his own feelings, but more is the confusion about Ye Han's words.

She didn't understand why Ye Han told herself this.

Besides, how could he and Xiao Xun'er be possible?

That woman obviously hates him so much, how could she have a sweet face when she mentions him, showing an undisguised little girlishness.

"Do you understand now?"

Under Xiao Yu's gaze, an ice mask appeared on Ye Han's face, and there were visible changes in his eyes and hair color.

"You, did you deceive her with this face?" Xiao Yu asked in shock.

At the same time, he was extremely vigilant in his heart, why did Ye Han tell himself such an important secret.

"Xiao Yan is already an abandoned waste, even if you really become his woman, what can you get, I will now give you a chance to prove yourself, you and Xiao Xun'er will compete together to see who can get me Sincerely." Ye Han said.

"Compete with Xiao Xun'er and prove that you are no worse than anyone else."

Xiao Yu was shocked, but Ye Han revealed the secret in his heart.

From childhood to adulthood, she was crushed by Xiao Xun'er in everything except her age. She was jealous of her and often competed with her in secret, but, without exception, they all failed miserably.

"If you think about it, you can also see that Xiao Xun'er's heart is on me now, but I'm just taking advantage of her, now I'll give you a chance to be my woman, at least, from this moment on, you With the qualifications to be on an equal footing with her, maybe, there is still a chance to crush her."

Ye Han is like a seductive and depraved devil. With his incorrupt tongue and cunning heart, he accurately grasped Xiao Yu's character, and then pulled her into his language trap step by step... …

How could a little girl in her twenties be the opponent of a monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

People seem to be shocked to receive a letter, and they dream of no trace of spring overnight.

Looking at the dazzling red mark on the bed, the tears in Xiao Yu's eyes kept interrupting, but in the end, she couldn't hold it back and still slipped from her eyes.

"Do you feel wronged?"

Ye Han tidied up his clothes, sat down beside the bed, held the other person's shoulder, and said, "Compared to Xiao Xun'er, you are lucky, at least you know who the person you are sleeping with is, at this point, You have won."

"Don't cry, if you miss me, you can come to Black Seal City, Guanghan Palace to find me, I won't leave there for the time being."

Leaving an address for Xiao Yu, Ye Han left here without any regrets.

What does it feel like to make a mess of a fox instead of catching a fox? This is the current Ye Han.

Originally thought that relying on Xiao Yu might be able to break through, but after a night of hard work, he only increased his Dou Qi cultivation a little bit. It is not so easy to break through Dou Zong.

Xiao Yu is too weak. No matter in terms of aptitude or talent, she can't compare to Nalan Yanran, Yaoye, or even Hu Jia, let alone Xiao Xun'er.

Instead of getting what he wanted, he got into a debt of love, and Ye Han himself felt a little unlucky.

But things have already been done, and it is the man who has to shoulder the responsibility, so he gave Xiao Yu the right to choose. If she is willing to come to find him, then Ye Han will naturally not treat her badly. If she does not come, then A passer-by in life, everything is up to her to choose.


Looking at Ye Han's back, Xiao Yu stretched out his palm and his lips moved, but in the end he was unable to utter a complete sentence.

Ye Han left, the disappointment on his face pierced into Xiao Yu's heart like a knife.

Why compete?

Why do you love vanity?

Why do you have to be fascinated by ghosts and listen to his words so easily?

Xiao Yu covered her face and cried, her heart was already full of regret.

Ye Han used words to arouse the comparison in her heart, leading her to fall into his own language trap step by step...

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Where is this?" Wearing a red coat, Hu Jia looked at the familiar scenery around her, and her head was a little dazed.

"We have already left that ghost place." Ye Han smiled and touched Hujia's head and said.

"It came out." Hu Jia's expression was full of surprise.

In the past few days, she has been cultivating in Ye Han's space ring to consolidate her foundation. She originally thought that it would be another protracted battle after she came out. Who knows, it has already changed the world.

"It's been so long since you've been out, do you miss your grandfather?" Ye Han said.

Almost half a year has passed since entering the Dou Di Cave Mansion. As long as they are normal people, they will definitely miss their relatives.

But the girl in love is not a normal person at all.

When Hujia heard the words, she first nodded, then shook her head suddenly.

"Humph! That bad old man left me to I don't want him." Hu Jia raised her red lips and said nothing.

"He's your grandfather, go back and see him, and give me a word by the way, give it to your dean, let him wash his neck and wait, I'll go back to find him..."

Ye Han's tongue was eloquent and sweet, which made the girl feel dizzy, and then obediently returned to her grandfather's side.

The biggest reason why Hu Jia was sent back to spread the word was to tell the girl's grandfather that he was still alive.

Ye Han didn't dare to guarantee whether Lorraine was still alive, but if she was still alive and had the news that she had passed on, she would be safe and sound in the years to come.

Canaan Academy is tight on the inside and loose on the outside. It has very strict management on the entrants, but there are not so many restrictions on the outsiders.

Ye Han glanced at the Canaan Academy behind him and left.

Right now, his strength is not strong enough to threaten Mang Tianchi, unless he uses the Indestructible Primordial Spirit, but the consequence of doing so is that it will be more difficult to improve in the future.

"I hope Ruo Lin is okay! Otherwise, I will raze Canaan Academy in the future."

The faint voice dissipated with the wind, Ye Han came to the Black Corner Territory, and returned to the Black Seal City.

After nearly half a year of development, the current Guanghan Palace, with the help of the forces left by Ye Han before he left, has dominated nearly one-third of the area of ​​the Black Corner Domain, and it seems to be a leading force.

Now when it comes to Guanghan Palace, no matter which side is involved, you must give a thumbs up and look at this dragon crossing the river with awe.

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