From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 470: : Falling Heart Flame

The weak voice, however, carried a domineering domineering spirit that served Ni Tianxia, ​​slowly rippling from Ye Han's heart, turning into invisible ripples and disappearing between the boundless world.

The flames used a secret technique to communicate with the strange fire from the outside world and got in touch with it.

Nalan Yanran closed her eyes shyly, feeling the weight from her body, the heavy pressure, the scorching temperature, her whole body and mind melted.

Originally thought it would be another day of immortality, but after waiting for a long time, the person on him seemed to have forgotten the next move.

Quietly opened her eyes, Ye Han's out-of-focus eyes came into view, Nalan Yanran was startled, and quickly said, "Ye, what's the matter with you, Brother Ye?"


Hearing this, Ye Han quickly came back to his senses, his eyes focused, looking at the delicate face that was close at hand, watching her worried eyes, smiled and shook his head, then lowered his head and kissed the alluring red lips, Kouhuahua said, "Sorry, I'm sorry, another day my brother will love you more, love you, and compensate you twice. We may have to leave here today."


Lying on the side, wrapped in a thin gauze towel, Yao Ye regained her strength, her face was flushed after the fierce battle, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Ye Han wanted to leave here because he was worried.

However, Yaoye and Nalan Yanran's concern is by their side, so the two of them feel that this is the best place, there is only him and them here, and once they leave, then...

Thinking of Ye Han's flirtatious character, Yaoye wanted to stay here even more.

"Yes, the restriction will be lifted in a while, and we will be able to leave here. I know what you are thinking..." As he spoke, Ye Han lay in the middle of the stone bed and carried Nalan Yanran and Yaoye into his own. In his arms, he said, "But we are not immortals. Although we can do it for dozens of days without eating or drinking, we still need food supplements. The most important thing is, fighting qi, this world is already a dead world, there is no heaven and earth. When the essence qi is generated, there is no source of vindictive qi, and now we can rely on our own background to hold on for a while, but in the long run, within a few months, we will be trapped in it, so it is only a matter of time before we leave."

Listening to Ye Han's words, the two girls couldn't help but arched into Ye Han's arms, pressed their body tightly against Ye Han's body, and hugged her even tighter with both hands, as if he would let go if he let go. It's like flying away from your eyes.

Ye Han felt the thoughts of the two girls and could probably guess what they were thinking.

"That's it! How about we stay here for another ten days?" Ye Han said.

Then contact the flames in her heart and let her delay the day of breaking the ban...

When the two girls heard Ye Han's words, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Nalan Yanran took the initiative to raise her head and kissed Ye Han's face, expressing her gratitude and happiness.

Ye Han turned over and looked at Nalan Yanran condescendingly, and said with a wicked smile, "Since we are not in a hurry to leave now, let's continue the game we just haven't finished!"

Nalan Yanran shyly covered her face with her hands, not daring to look at the handsome face in front of her.

"It's so easy to be shy when both are old couples." Ye Han smiled and took Nalan Yanran's palm away, looking at the girl's pretty red face, it was very interesting.

"You, you rascal, you will bully others." Nalan Yanran pouted shyly and said coquettishly, then directly wrapped her arms around Ye Han's neck and pulled his head towards her...

With an affectionate kiss, Nalan still hugged Ye Han's neck, his mouth was close to his ear, he exhaled like a blue, and his voice trembled as he said, "Light, be careful."

When Ye Han heard this, he nodded solemnly like a soldier who received an order from the peak.

Putting the gun on the horse, Fang showed his true nature as a man.

The warhorse under his crotch is neighing, a good man gallops on the battlefield, majestic, brave and invincible...

For ten days, Ye Han accompanied Yaoye and Nalan Yanran to walk through every inch of this vast and deadly small world, cruising to explore the secrets, looking for some possible opportunities.

But obviously, with the strength that Bibi Dong had just arrived in the Dou Qi Continent and had not yet been completely sealed, she entered this small world and used sky-defying means to set up a formation that could change her life against the sky, and absorbed the good fortune in this secret realm. Clean, not even a root hair is left behind.

Ye Han and the others walked all the way, but naturally they didn't see anything except the magnificent ruins.

However, several people are naturally not discouraged, because their purpose is not to find opportunities.

Ye Han wanted to accompany the two girls to relax, and the two girls wanted to enjoy the precious time alone with Ye Han.

Although strictly speaking, they are not alone together, after all, there is an "enemy" by their side.

But the word "enemy" has long since vanished in the hearty battles, and the sound of dragons and phoenixes has disappeared, and it no longer exists.

Now Yao Ye and Nalan Yanran are one and the same, it is not too much to say that they are in love with sisters.

In fact, Ye Han felt that Nalan Yanran's relationship with Yao Ye was probably better than that with Yun Yun. This might be the so-called friendship in arms!

We have carried guns together, endured cannons together... The friendship that we have experienced together is indeed beyond the line of mentoring and apprenticeship. This is also human nature.

A loud bang came!

The whole small world was trembling at this moment, as if it would burst at any time, and an amazing heat wave came from the entrance that came in.

On the side, the two women who were playing in the water that Ye Han made out of the space ring trembled, and looked at each other with a bit of sadness in their eyes.

Because the two knew that it was time to leave.

Here, Ye Han belongs to them, but after leaving here, Ye Han will no longer belong to them.

Ye Han could only pretend not to see it.

"Let's go over and see if the exit is open." Ye Han smiled and held the palms of the two of them. The two girls glanced at him, and nodded with a slight smile on their faces.

Ye Han took the two to the source of the sound and found a big hole, and at the end of the hole was a crimson ocean.

Taking the two girls through the big hole, a scorching breath rushed towards the face. This is an underground space. The entire space is filled with a kind of red, and below this red world is a vast magma sea. The languid colorful pythons are hovering in the lava lake under their feet, watching them with those cold Come on! Little guy, let me see if I swallowed you or you swallowed me. "A fiery red phantom emerged from Ye Han's dantian, provocatively said with a soft and charming voice to the colorful python below.

"Is this the Fallen Heart Flame, the so-called cheating device?" Ye Han pulled the two girls and also looked at the colorful python below, curiously.

At first, Yaoye and Nalan Yanran also looked at the colorful giant python under their feet, but when the red-clothed phantom appeared, their eyes were directly attracted, with deep doubts and a trace of loss in their eyes.

Although this woman is only a phantom, the feeling to them is so amazing. If it really condenses the real body, it will be absolutely flawless, and there will be no flaws.

Ye Han looked back at the small world behind him, but found that the small world was collapsing rapidly at the moment because of the strong vibration just now. In an instant, a violent wave of air came along the opening of the hole. That small world has disappeared, as if it had never appeared in the world.

After Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye discovered the changes in the small world, they lost their minds for a long time and could not recover.

That small world holds a very special place in their hearts.

There, they said goodbye to their youth and ignorance, and became a woman from a little girl. There were their dreams, but now, the place that carried their dreams was broken, and for a while, they felt empty in their hearts.

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