From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 456: : How are you responsible

Chapter 457 What Are You Responsible For


The huge martial arts field of Canaan College was just like yesterday, still crowded and crowded.

After Ye Han appeared, he saw several people standing at the entrance of the martial arts field.

That was Ruo Lin's mentor and Xiao Yu, as well as Xiao Yan and Xiao Ning.

It's just that the demeanor of the first two completely covered Xiao Yan and Xiao Ning, making them bleak.

Instructor Ruolin looks like she is in her twenties and has a dignified appearance. Although she is not stunning, she is more dignified and elegant, and has a gentle aura of knowledgeable and reasonable, and Xiao Yu, except for her strength, her external configuration can be considered. Going to the top is not much worse than Xiao Xun'er.

An elegant and dignified, mature and gentle, a young and pretty, full of youthful vitality, such two women standing together are indeed very eye-catching.

Ye Han came alone, and naturally he saw the two at a glance.

However, unlike others who saw the scorching heat in the depths of these two people's eyes, Ye Han's eyes were cold and expressionless, and he quickly came to the two of them with a cold aura.

These people naturally saw Ye Han. Instructor Ruo Lin took Xiao Yu and stepped forward. Unexpectedly, just after two or three steps, they found that Ye Han had already arrived in front of them.

A forcing wind pressure swept over in an instant, causing the two women in front of them to move slightly stiff, and the dress on her body was tightly attached to the exquisite and plump figure, with attractive curves.

"Where's Xun'er? I searched for her all night and couldn't find it." Ye Han said coldly with an uncontrollable anger in his voice.

Instructor Ruo Lin paused for a while and looked at Ye Han with a bit of solemnity in her eyes.

The speed that Ye Han showed made her feel a great pressure.

"Xun'er, she, isn't she with you?" Xiao Yu's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, looking at Ye Han, with a hint of playfulness and ill will in her tone.

Xiao Xun'er was not with Ye Han or Xiao Yan, so who would she go to?

Combining with the chat yesterday afternoon, Xiao Yu had already vaguely guessed Xiao Xun'er's intention, and now she can only hope that the little girl doesn't really do that stupid thing.

But if she really did that.

Xiao Yu was a little curious, if Ye Han knew what Xiao Xun'er had done, how would he react, would he be directly mad.

There is no doubt that the best way to get revenge on a man is what she told Xiao Xun'er.

"If she was with me, would I still come and ask you?" Ye Han gave Xiao Yu a cold look.

Those indifferent and ruthless eyes made Xiao Yu's face turn pale instantly, and his breathing stagnated slightly.

Ye Han glanced at Xiao Yan, and probably guessed why this woman would tell Xiao Xun'er to take revenge on a man like that.

If nothing else, this woman should like her cousin.

Unfortunately, strictly speaking, Ye Han had to thank her.

Without her help, how could Xiao Xun'er voluntarily sacrifice himself, and how could Ye Han succeed so easily.

In return, Ye Han has decided to find an opportunity to repay her well.

"We also looked for her for one night, but we couldn't find any trace of her. We thought she was with you. Have you really not seen her?" Instructor Ruolin said, in those gentle eyes With a trace of exhaustion that could not be concealed.

Obviously, this is the sequelae of her worrying and running around all night.

Seeing her like this, Ye Han couldn't help but slightly ease the cold look on his face, and shook his head.

"Your game is about to start, go in! I'll go find Xun'er again." Instructor Ruo Lin turned around and said to Xiao Yan and the others.

"Teacher, I'll go with you." Xiao Yu said.

She was worried about Ye Han, worried that if Xiao Xun'er did something like that, the man would suddenly go crazy, which would be bad for Ruo Lin's mentor.

The rest of the people left one after another, but Xiao Yan glanced at Ye Han with a hint of deep hatred, and then turned away.

Xiao Ning kept up with his pace and looked like he was following his lead.

Ye Han turned and left with the two daughters.

"I've found all the places I can find in the whole academy. You said she will leave the academy and go to other places." Ye Han pretended to be eager and said.

"It's possible, it's better than this. Let's go to the town outside and have a look. There are law enforcement teams patrolling there. If Xun'er really goes out, we will get the news soon." Instructor Ruolin said.

Ye Han heard the words, nodded silently, and walked straight forward.

But the next moment, his footsteps stopped instantly.

Then with a bang, two **** of softness and firmness hit his back directly.

"Ah You……"

Xiao Yu's face showed three parts of pain and seven parts of shyness. She staggered back, and after standing firm, she covered her chest with her arms and glared angrily at Ye Han who suddenly stopped.

This man was so fast that he was walking like a fly. Even mentor Ruo Lin had to concentrate and grit his teeth to keep up with him. If Xiao Yu wanted to keep up, he could only do his best to catch up.

But who would have thought that this time, it really suffered a secret loss and hit the man's back directly.

The firm back made her feel as if she had hit a steel plate, and her chest hurt.

Ye Han glanced at Xiao Yu and ignored it, but turned to look forward.

There, a slender figure walked slowly, walking slowly, looking a little weird when walking, as if he had suffered a serious injury on his leg, limping.

Instructor Ruo Lin had already run up first, grabbed the figure's arm, her tone was eager, and her eyes were worried, "Xun'er, where have you gone all day? We are all worried to death, what's the matter, where are you injured? , let's go, I'll take you to the doctor."

"I, am I okay?" Xiao Xun'er said, a sweet smile on her pale face, as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom, making the whole sky appear even brighter.

"How can you be all right?" Ruo Lin worried.

"She's all right."

Ye Han stepped forward and pushed Ruo Lin aside, her eyes were deep, like the sea before a storm was about to come, bringing an invisible heavy pressure to people.

"Tell me, who is that man?" The icy voice had no emotion at all, but it was so terrifying, as if the next moment was going to be a storm and stormy waves.

"What, what that man?"

Xiao Xun'er's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words, but she pretended to be calm, as if she didn't know anything.


Ye Han gritted his teeth and slapped him.

The strong wind whistled and the air creaked, as if it could not bear the force of this palm.

If such a violent slap really landed on Xiao Xun'er's pretty face that looked like a flower and jade, it would definitely be full of peach blossoms and an extremely miserable end.

"do not want!"

Xiao Xun'er looked at the palm, and knew that she couldn't dodge, so she simply couldn't dodge, so she just watched quietly, but an exclamation came, her body staggered, and she was pushed away directly.


The violent breath rushed towards her face, Ruo Lin closed her eyes, her face was pale, and she did not dare to open it for a long time.

The furious wind blew the skin of her face out of shape, but it stopped between the rulers of her face.

"You, are you crazy, she's your fiancee, you didn't see him, she's injured right now, right? You don't care about her, you still have to beat her, and see Xun'er's parents another day, I will definitely persuade them to take back their fate and cancel this marriage." After Ruo Lin opened her eyes, she looked at Ye Han in front of her with lingering fears, but she still couldn't forget her responsibility as a teacher.


Ye Han grabbed Ruo Lin's and almost lifted her whole body, making that beautiful face look directly at him.

Ruo Lin looked at the handsome face close at hand, she could smell the breath from him while breathing, and she couldn't help but panic.

It was the first time that he had grown so close to a person of the opposite sex.

"I'm not interested in broken shoes, but..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, the first half of the sentence was cold and suppressed his anger, but the second half of the sentence suddenly changed his tone, with an unbridled evil intention, slowly approaching Ruo Lin's ear, and whispered, "However, I remember, you said , you will be responsible, I am very curious, if such a thing happened, how are you responsible?"

The hot breath sprayed into the ear hole, making people itchy ears and trembling hearts. They wanted to avoid it, but there was nothing they could do.

Ye Han let go of Ruo Lin and glanced at Xiao Yu lightly, which made the girl's heart skip a beat, as if the things she had done and the secrets in her heart had not been concealed in front of this man, and everything was just fine. In that way, the red fruit is exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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