From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 447: : Xiao Yan is here

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Next to the peaceful town, a pitch-black strange tree, under the sunlight, casts a large shadow like a terrifying monster with claws and claws, bringing great pressure on people.

Between the branches of the tree, some corpses were hanging in it, and the breeze was blowing and swaying, making people horrified to watch.

"Is this the famous Necronomicon tree?"

Ye Han whispered to himself, but his face was indifferent.

He squeezed the palms of the two women and made them come back to their senses.

Ye Han looked at Yao Ye and said speechlessly, "Yan Ran is just scared, how could you be so scared as a general?"

"I'm not afraid!" Nalan Yanran whispered softly, but her body involuntarily shrank to Ye Han's side, the palm that was not held by Ye Han, even more involuntarily grabbed Ye Han's arm. sleeve.

But Yaoye shook her head when she heard the words and said, "It's different."

Most of the people who kill people on the battlefield are ordinary people with low strength, but here, among the corpses above, there are two Dou Kings alone, and there is a Douhuang strong man hanging on it.

"Even if the dead person is strong, what does it have to do with you? We didn't come here to make trouble, do we need to be scared like this?" Ye Han said indifferently.

Then he dragged the two into Heping Town.

As soon as they stepped into it, an obvious fluctuation swept past several people.

Ye Han frowned, and then ignored the strange fluctuation with a sense of detection.

Peace Town, worthy of the name of Peace Town.

Here and the outside world are completely different, the outside is chaos and disorder, and here is the paradise.

The villagers in the town live and work in peace and contentment. There are vendors on both sides of the street, and some children play and play in the streets. The peaceful atmosphere is unobstructed and completely different from the outside world.

The arrival of Ye Han and others naturally attracted the attention of the villagers in the town, but they just glanced at them, with a little vigilance in their eyes, but there was no sign of panic at all.

Ye Han glanced at the street, and just as he lifted his foot to continue walking, he found a dozen figures, either running and jumping from the roof, or galloping quickly from the end of the street.

In an instant, more than a dozen figures have appeared in front of Ye Han and others.

The leader glanced at Ye Han and the others, and one of the leading middle-aged people said indifferently, "Anyone who enters Heping Town must report their identity, name, etc., otherwise they will be directly expelled."

There were more than ten people in front of them. Except for the middle-aged person in the lead, most of the rest were young, and they seemed to be around twenty years old.

However, looking at their breath, they are full of energy and restrained breath, giving people a solid and powerful feeling.

These people are uniformly dressed, and wear a badge on the chest. The badge is engraved with a blood-stained red dagger.

When they saw Ye Han, most of these people looked at him with repelling eyes, but when they looked at Nalan Yanran and Yaoye, all the men's eyes lit up slightly.

This is an era of looking at the face, such a young and beautiful woman, even in Canaan College, is among the top, and there are two at the same time, how can it not make these people shine.

The middle-aged man looked back, routinely took out a few pills and handed them over to Ye Han for him to take.

Ye Han took the medicine pill, played with it for a while, then turned around, avoiding the middle-aged man's sight.

"One for each."

While speaking, Ye Han gave Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye a pill each.

After a few people finished eating the pills, naturally nothing abnormal happened. They successfully broke through this level and got the qualification to enter Heping Town.

The three of them didn't look very old, plus the handsome men and beautiful women, the group of people didn't embarrass them and let them go away.

As soon as the three of Ye Han left, a group of people at the back stepped into the town of peace.

"Hey! It's really lively today."

Among the dozen or so members of the law enforcement team, one grinned, and then a group of people stepped forward, surrounded them, and recounted what they had just said to Ye Han.

A group of people took the medicine pill, but one of the black-robed teenagers said hesitantly, "Well, students of this college, can you not eat this thing?"

The sudden sound made a dozen members of the law enforcement team stunned for a moment.

Then someone said, "Listen to what you mean, are you a student of this school?"

"Well! After passing the college's admissions test, I took a period of leave, so now I can only come by myself." The black-robed man said with a relaxed smile on his face.

Hearing that the young man walked through the Black Corner Domain alone and came here, a group of people were naturally shocked, and then he pretended to be there.

These people were even more shocked when the black-robed boy revealed his name, age, and the tutor who recruited him.

He turned out to be Xiao Yan, the guy from the Jiama Empire who was on leave for two years.

A group of people were shocked again, just because Xiao Xun'er had mentioned brother Xiao Yan many times.

And not long ago, Xiao Xun'er asked for leave to leave, and it was said that he was looking for his brother Xiao Yan.

However, these people's eyes suddenly became strange.

Xiao Xun'er had just returned a few days ago, but this young man named Xiao Yan is now returning alone. What's hidden in it?

Did the two fall out?

"That's right, I am Xiao Yan of the Jama Empire, Wutan City." Xiao Yan shrugged, spread his palms, his face relaxed, but he couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart.

He didn't expect his fame to be so big, and the Canaan College law enforcement team even knew his name.

In the ensuing conversation, he finally understood why these people knew his name.

It turned out to be because of Xiao Xun'er's girl.

Thinking of that gentle and quiet woman, like a secluded orchid, Xiao Yan couldn't help but have a smile like a pig brother on his face.

But all of a sudden, he remembered the scene of the woman sitting in Ye Han's arms and kissing Ye Han at the alchemist conference in his mind, and then the scene changed, and Yun Lanzong's astonishing glance...

That peerless beautiful That flawless and delicate profile face, at that moment, like a sharp knife, it stabbed into his heart fiercely, making him feel that his chest is huge. Pain, his face turned pale, his fists clenched involuntarily.

"What's up?"

The captain of the law enforcement team was well-informed and could see at a glance that Xiao Yan's mood was not right, so he immediately opened his mouth and said.

"Cough? No, it's alright!" Xiao Yan waved his hand, trying his best to maintain his light-hearted image.

The captain of the law enforcement team nodded, made a few words of courtesy, and then without saying anything, he took out a badge and handed it to Xiao Yan.

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