From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 444: : Praying mantis catches cicada

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Earth-level fighting skills, I am afraid that they are the first-class forces in the mainland, and they will be carefully kept as important things and will not be easily shown to others.

But now, it has been put on the auction table, and it can be obtained with the brass thing between the world.

However, think about where is this place?

Most of the things that can be auctioned here can't be studied deeply, because they are all things that came from the wrong way, so it can be understood.

Three thousand thunder is only the second finale item, but it pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the craziest moment.

Countless forces compete to bid, and they spend a lot of money without blinking an eye.

The background of the great power is vividly displayed at this moment.

A full half an hour passed before this battle of fighting skills came to an end.

Finally, the ground-level fighting skills were obtained from the Black Skull Tomb.

After a few minutes of cooling, after everyone's boiling blood was calmed down, the finale item appeared, which was a seventh-grade medicine pill.

Those who know the goods have bright eyes, but those who do not know the goods are blank.

"This medicine is called Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill, a seventh-grade medicine pill..."

The last four words alone are enough to impress anyone.

As the auctioneer talked eloquently, he slowly revealed the difficulty of refining the medicine pill.

If you want to refine Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill, you must first have the magic core of two dragon-type beasts that have been dead for no more than seven days, and the level of the magic core cannot be lower than the sixth order.

When this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

A sixth-order magical beast is equivalent to the cultivation level of the human Douhuang realm. In this way, this seventh-grade medicinal pill is simply beyond imagination.

It's a pity that Zai Ye Han sees this medicine pill as garbage among garbage.

The so-called breaking and standing back, breaking all the previous constraints and taking all the attributes of oneself to a higher level, it sounds awesome, but in the end it depends on the will of God, depends on luck, and it also has to be severely injured or dying. On the line.

Ye Han just wanted to laugh when he heard it.

This kind of luck pill, perhaps only in the hands of the protagonist can play its real effect. If you change the person, I am afraid that there is no way to truly transform until death, and achieve the so-called breaking and standing.

Of course, it cannot be said absolutely.

However, Ye Han just wanted to say, garbage pills.

You can treat him as a treasure, but you can't affect my contempt for him!

The auctioneer talked exaggeratedly, citing scriptures, and telling everyone the experience of a strong Dou Zun as an example, forcibly improving a wave of Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill, which once again caused the shock of everyone below.

Although a Dou Zong defeated his opponent in a battle with his own enemy, he was deeply impressed by him. However, because he took the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill in his early years, everyone thought that his life was not long, and he might disappear forever in this place. time in the world.

Seven years later, a strong man in the Dou Zun realm forcibly came into the world and changed his fate against the sky.

The auctioneer said that he was very excited, as if he was there at the time and saw the Venerable taking the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill with his own eyes.

An orator, fooling a bunch of fools.


The auction ended successfully.


Ye Han stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, one arm wrapped around Liu Erlong's shoulder.

Liu Erlong leaned on his shoulder boredly, looking listless.

After the auction ended, she finally got some energy.

"The auction is over, but the show has just started." Ye Han turned back and looked at Liu Erlong, a mysterious smile appeared on Jun Yi's face.

Liu Erlong didn't speak, obviously not interested in Ye Han's topic.

"Let's go! I'll take you to see the excitement."

Ye Han didn't care about Liu Erlong's attitude, and with a faint smile, he took her palm and walked out.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes, and he could only follow in his footsteps.

After so many days of getting along with her, her fiery temperament had been rubbed off by Ye Han before she knew it, she lost her edge and corners, and turned into a well-behaved and obedient little woman in front of Ye Han.

No matter what she thinks in her heart, at least on the surface, she is really well-behaved and obedient...

After leaving the auction, Ye Han helped himself and Liu Erlong to cover up the aura on his body, and then followed the man in black robe.

He followed the black-robed man, and the black-robed man followed the Blood Sect Young Sect Master and his party.

"I'm sorry, no one can take away my things. No matter what kind of young sect master you are, if you take my things, you have to pay the price."

A dark shadow galloped past, leaving a faint sneer across the jungle.

"Humph! Killing people and stealing treasures is so fresh and refined, shameless and disgusting." Liu Erlong's pretty face turned cold, and he snorted coldly.

Ye Han glanced at Liu Erlong and couldn't help laughing.

Then he lowered his head and kissed her on the face, saying, "I didn't expect my wife's heart to be so honest, but if you know these things in front of you, none of them are good things."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong glanced at Ye Han lightly, his eyes were full of helplessness, she really had nothing to do with Ye Han, her nominal husband.

The two followed the black-robed man, and the black-robed man followed the blood sect young sect master and his group. They turned around and returned to the vicinity of the Black Seal City again. Then the blood sect man entered a small forest and put himself The figure disappeared completely.

Obviously, they are also conspiring to ambush others, but they don't know that they are also the target of others.

There were originally some small woods with the sound of insects and birds, but because of this group of uninvited guests, they suddenly fell into a strange silence and became silent.

The man in black robe hid in the grass on one side, laying his body tightly on the ground, quietly observing the surrounding situation, and planning to come with a mantis to catch the cicada oriole behind.

Time passed, and suddenly, there was a faint sound of horse hooves on the tree-lined path to Black Seal City.

"Fighting into a horse, so terrifying."

Looking at the group of knights in sight, Ye Han couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you think the other party's horse runs fast? I wonder if Dou Di can catch up?" Ye Han said.


Liu Erlong pouted, feeling that Ye Han's question was a little brainless.

A woman wearing a green robe first appeared in the field of vision, apparently from the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

Obviously, the people of the blood sect wanted to fight the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill.

It's a pity that the leader of Tian Snake Mansion is not a vase that doesn't work. On the contrary, this woman has extremely rich experience, coupled with the situation of carrying a lot of treasures, her vigilance is naturally full, and she found a small wood just as she approached. is wrong.

After some investigation, the ambush turned into a clear grab.

The blood sect came prepared, the Douhuang-level blood sect sect master had already led a large number of people to ambushed here, and the Heavenly Snake Mansion was naturally not an opponent, and Ye Han shook his head when he saw this scene.

If the Heavenly Snake Mansion was a weak force, it would be fine, but it was obviously very strong, but it chose a Douwang-level elder to carry a heavy treasure. What is this for?

Are you afraid that others won't steal it?

In the end, the behavior of the blood sect master made Ye Han feel that there was a hole in his head, and his brain was caught by the door.

Obviously, the victory is already in hand, and he has obtained what he wants, but he handed it over to his son and asked him to withdraw first.


"You deserve it."

Ye Han couldn't help but complain.

But he didn't hesitate in his actions, he turned around and followed.

On the way to escape, the Young Sect Master of the Blood Sect actually encountered the group of people from the Black Skull Cemetery who had returned secretly.

Greedy, the blood sect young sect master saw the treasure in front of him, naturally he refused to let it After fierce fighting and paying a certain price, the people with black skeletons were all wiped out, and they auctioned them off The things that arrived, Sanqian Leidong, were about to fall into the hands of the blood sect.

But at this moment, a mutation arose.

A suction force came out, and the scroll that had just arrived flew away from his hand in an instant before it was warm, and fell into a slender palm.

"Haha! Thank you Young Sect Master for your help. In return, this fighting skill will not bother Young Sect Master, you can keep it by yourself."

Above a big tree, the black robe was flying, and the man held the scroll that recorded three days of thunder, and smiled faintly.

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