From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 436: : Black Seal City

Chapter 437 Black Seal City

It's hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words, and the great compassion never saves oneself.

Because of the existence of Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er, some of Ye Han's methods could not be used, so he didn't kill this two-star Dou Huang with a single blow.

In this way, it gave these people the illusion that they could kill them back.

However, I really thought that Ye Han had no other means.

The scarlet-red long sword flew in the air, and in an instant, eight long swords were formed, slashing in all directions, forcing the leaders of the dark army with their minds to the outside, making them unable to approach.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han used his mind and his hands to pinch the magic tricks, guiding the golden giants to special positions.

In an instant, a wonderful formation took shape.

The core formation of the golden-armored giant outputs energy in reverse, constructs the formation, and then condenses the might of the heaven and the earth, condensing a more powerful giant phantom in an instant.

Immediately, the giant stretched out his palm and slapped the few people who were responding to Ye Han's long sword attack.

The pupils of those Douhuang strong men shrank fiercely, and they couldn't care about anything else, they just pulled back, trying to avoid the power of this shot.

But they underestimated the power and speed of this palm.

Their speed is fast, and this palm is even faster.

With a bang, a huge palm fell from the sky.

"Oh no."

The short and rapid cry came to an abrupt end with this palm.

The smoke filled the air, and the huge palm covered the ground, leaving a deep palm print and two human-shaped meat patties, and then slowly disappeared.

In the world of self-cultivation, the technique of spreading beans into an army is not used for fighting at all, but for clearing and assisting, such as arranging formations, or doing chores and doing some housework.

However, in the Dou Qi Continent, at this stage, their combat power is absolutely terrifying until they encounter a real powerhouse.

Especially since Ye Han has refined so many quantities, they can definitely be regarded as a powerful organization when gathered together.

"You two, do you want to die or live?"

Ye Han looked at the two Douhuang powerhouses with gray faces and no fighting spirit, and said indifferently.

The two, who were already dead-hearted, suddenly heard Ye Han's words, and their hearts, which had already fallen to the bottom, suddenly had an indescribable joy.

In Ye Han's words, they saw the hope of living.

"I, we want to live, we want to live." The two knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing and looking forward.


Ye Han nodded and said, "Since you want to live, and I'm not a bloodthirsty person, I'll give you a chance. Let's talk about the situation in the Heijiaoyu first, who are the strongest people there, and the powerful forces. Which ones are there?"

Listening to this thought, the devil, who made tens of thousands of people die tragically, said that he was not a murderer, and everyone present felt a little absurd.

If you are not a bloodthirsty person, I am afraid there will be no murderous person in this world!

Whether it was the two fighting emperors who survived by chance, or Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er, they all complained in their hearts, but no one dared to express their thoughts.

Whether it was the two black bandit leaders, or Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er, they were all frightened at this moment.

Tens of thousands of people disappeared with a single order, and the three Douhuang powerhouses even said that they would kill, and they raised their swords and fell without any ambiguity.

Whether it is Liu Erlong or Xiao Xun'er, they are not ignorant people, but now, they are still terrified by Ye Han's methods. Looking at the tall figure at the moment, he can't say a word.

Ye Han ignored the two women behind him, but looked at the two in front of him.

"Heijiaoyu has a black list, which records some strong people, but the real strong people will never put themselves under the general public of the Qing Dynasty. Those are just the strong people on the table..."

After spending so many years in the Black Corner Territory and the Black Prison Great Plain, they naturally knew many unknown secrets.

With the truthful confession of the two, Ye Han also gained a general understanding of Heijiaoyu.

This is indeed the most chaotic place in the Dou Qi Continent.

However, for Ye Han, everything is not a problem.

Just push it horizontally.

The two surviving Douhuang strongmen summoned the remaining 20,000 to 30,000 subordinates and led Ye Han and his party directly to the Black Corner Territory.

Two days later, the eight doors of Heijiaoyu Black Seal City were destroyed, and Ye Han officially took root in Heijiaoyu.

The Eight Doors were destroyed, and Ye Han took over the property belonging to the Eight Doors as a matter of course. In an instant, from a barefooted outsider, he transformed himself into a wealthy rich man.

The Black Seal City auction house has been operated by Eight Doors for many years, and it is definitely the most important cash cow, but now it has changed its surname to Ye.

The annual large-scale auction was not postponed because the auction house changed its owner, and it was still held as scheduled.

Originally, the Mittel Auction House was already extremely shocking, but compared with the auction house in the Black Seal City, it was simply insignificant, not worth mentioning at all.

At the entrance of the auction house, ten golden armored giants stood quietly on both sides, and beside them were guards dressed in black, with long golden knives slung around their waists, with bright eyes.

The cultivation of these people, the lowest is the Great Fighter.

On that day, Ye Han's fight was equivalent to a cleanup. Those who survived had only two brushes, and their strength and means were not comparable to ordinary people.

Now these people are the elite of the elite, and they all come in handy.

At this moment, a thin figure in a black robe came to the door of the auction house.

He looked up at the tall auction house in front of him, revealing a handsome and stern face. Looking at the auction house in front of him, the shocking color in those star-like eyes was unabated for a long time.

After a long time, he tightened his wide black robe, then lowered his head slightly, pulled the hood on his head, and completely covered his face with He has always been cautious, In this chaotic place, which is famous even on the Dou Qi Continent, he is cautious everywhere, lest he be caught by the tail.

After making sure that his figure was completely hidden, he followed the flow of people and slowly walked into the auction house.

The huge space in the auction house made the young man who had not seen much of the world involuntarily lose his mind again, Xuan Ji recovered, and walked towards the center of the hall.

In the huge auction house, there are some huge screens hanging around, and on the screens are countless items participating in the auction.

It's just that there are not many rare items in these items. Those real precious treasures exist as the bottom of the press box, and naturally they will not be exposed in advance right now.

Of course, if some powerful people or forces want to participate in the auction, they can naturally find out information about these treasures through various channels.

The boy's eyes glanced around, and finally stopped on the door frame of a treasure room. He hesitated for a while, and then walked in slowly.

There is a door, but once you step in, it is completely different.

This so-called treasure room is not the only one. The space inside is extremely wide, and it has been divided into no less than a hundred secret rooms. The security measures are excellent.

"Sir, are you here to appraise treasures? Or are you here to do price assessments for auction?" The boy just entered the door of the treasure appraising room, and immediately a hotly dressed maid stepped forward, her sweet voice carried With a charming way.

(End of this chapter)

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