From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 431: : Ryu 2 Dragon Choking

The black great plain stretches as far as the eye can see, and a carriage is like a fearless warrior, slowly marching forward with a lonely and firm pace.

Suddenly, an endless black army appeared in front of it.

It appeared very suddenly, as if it had already been set up here and had been waiting for a long time.

When the horse pulling the cart saw this, it finally let out an uneasy neigh, finally attracting the attention of the owner of the car, but unfortunately it was too late.

They were already under siege.

"What's going on?" Lazy Yangyang's voice came from the carriage.

The tall figure covered his face with a mask and walked out of the carriage slowly, staring at the black storm coming from the mountains and the sea in front of him, he was stunned for a while, and then he stretched out involuntarily.

Who else could this person be if not Ye Han?

It's not that he pretended to be forceful, but that he couldn't escape.

Since you know you can't escape, you're still nervous about the hammer.

As he stretched his waist, thick walls of ice rose from the ground, forming a four-sided cage, directly surrounding the carriage.

The crystal clear wall of ice surrounds the sky and the ground, like the tightest line of defense, but it does not affect the sight of several people.

Just when the wall of ice was just rising, a black storm came in an instant.

The sky outside turned dark in an instant, and with the rapid sound of crackling, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly descended.

Xiao Xun'er clenched her fists nervously, stood beside the carriage, looked up at the sky, her face turned pale.

Xiao Xun'er could feel the power of this storm. If she was alone, she would definitely be swept up into the sky in an instant, and then torn to pieces by these storms. There was absolutely no chance of her being spared.

Liu Erlong in the carriage couldn't help but wonder what was going on outside. He stuck his head out of the carriage and saw everything clearly. After discovering the abnormality in the sky, his face that was full of blushing instantly changed to Xiao Xun'er. Just as pale.

In the dense and violent cracking sound, the ice shield that was blocking it suddenly covered with dense cracks, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

"Playing Duzi, we might really have to hang up, do you have any last words?" Ye Han looked at the two of them and asked.

"I, you, are you really helpless?" Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han unwillingly and said.

After paying so much, being bullied for so many days, and compromising for so long, seeing my body getting better day by day.

Mainly if his own physical hidden dangers are resolved, then revenge is natural, and there is no problem.

Regardless of how strong Ye Han is now, Liu Erlong has never doubted himself.

With her previous experience, she believed that she would be able to surpass Ye Han in a short time, and it would not be easy to kill him then?

Seeing that good things are coming, but reality hit her again.

Ye Han shook his head and said nothing.

This black storm is indeed a bit tricky, the power is a bit too much, and it may be difficult to survive without paying a little price.

So taking this opportunity, Ye Han wanted to spy on the secrets in the hearts of the two girls and see what the two girls were thinking about before they died.

"I have two wishes. I'm afraid there is no way to realize the first one, but there is still some hope for the second one." Xiao Xun'er said with pale cheeks and a miserable smile.

"No matter what your wish is, just say it and listen, what if it will come true?" Ye Han said.


Xiao Xun'er looked at Ye Han, her eyes suddenly flickered, and said, "I want to kill a **** named Ye, do you think I still have a chance?"

After so many days of getting along, sometimes she really doubts wearing a mask and calls her name Xiao Han that **** Ye Han. Unfortunately, she has no evidence, nor the courage and strength to break the mask. .

"You look so beautiful, yet you speak so rudely. It's obviously that the man surnamed Ye has done something that everyone is angry with you, right?" Ye Han jumped off the carriageway.

His sudden action caused Xiao Xun'er's pupils to shrink slightly, her heart jumped fiercely, and she quickly took two or three steps backwards subconsciously, until she hit the icy wall behind her and then stopped.

In the end, she found herself thinking too much.

In Xiao Xun'er's imagination, the picture of the man in front of him removing the mask from his face and rushing towards him quickly did not appear.

After landing, the man left Xiao Xun'er a tall back.

"Come on! The carriage is too big, come down, maybe you can find a chance." Ye Han stretched out his hands to Liu Erlong and said.

"I can still survive, and there is still hope and opportunity for revenge." A look of joy flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes, his disheveled body protruded from the carriage, and suddenly he screamed again, trying to retract the carriage.

Seeing this, Ye Han quickly grabbed Liu Erlong's arm and pulled her out.

"Tell me, what exactly did that surnamed Ye do to you that people and gods are angry with, tell us your unhappiness, let us be very happy, be happy, you see, it's the countdown to our lives now, I'm like this Shouldn't the request be excessive?"

Ye Han hugged Liu Erlong, who was disheveled, in his arms, and looked at Xiao Xun'er.

"Why don't you die? Use my unhappiness to make you happy. Is this human? I have never seen such a shameless person." Xiao Xun'er snorted indignantly, ignoring him.

But after Ye Han made such a fork, the tense and depressed atmosphere involuntarily eased a lot.

Boom! ~

Ye Han stomped the ground and stepped on a bottomless pothole.

"Come here, come to my side." Ye Han hugged Liu Erlong with one hand, and then said to Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er hesitated a little when she heard Ye Han's words, then came to Ye Han's side, looked up at his masked cheek and said, "Go..."

Before she finished speaking, her slender waist was hugged by someone, and her slender body fell directly into a broad embrace.

Ye Han hugged from left to It was too late to feel the beauty in his arms.

The Wall of Ice has reached the point where it is at the end of its power, and there is no extra time for him to squander it.

Holding the two girls, Ye Han took a step forward and stepped directly into the big hole he just stepped on.

boom! ~

Just as Ye Han left with the two front feet, the ice wall behind them burst into pieces.

The horses pulling the carts neighed uncomfortably, but stopped abruptly.

The black storm raged and roared wildly. It didn't go away on this land for a long time, and the dark land was scraped off layer after layer of soil. This was a real digging three feet.

With such a powerful black storm, even the strong Douhuang might not be able to eat and walk around.

Ye Han took Xiao Xun'er and Liu Erlong to a place more than ten meters deep underground, and then used extreme ice to reinforce the surrounding soil.

However, the black storm was too strong, and it only caught up with them in an instant. Ye Han noticed this change and could only keep strengthening the surrounding ice to make the wall thicker, hoping to block it for a while longer. .

The wall of ice became thicker and thicker, and the small space between the three was further compressed.

In the end, Liu Erlong was pushed behind Ye Han, his whole body sticking to Ye Han's body like a cake, while Xiao Xun'er was like a koala, leaning tightly against Ye Han's chest.

However, before one crisis was resolved, another crisis suddenly appeared.

Liu Erlong was suffocated.

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