Chapter 430 Rules

Da da da! ~

The crisp sound of hoofs sounded, and a carriage drove out from the city gate.

A young man in a mask sat on the hood of the car, holding the reins in one hand and the whip in the other, leaning against the car door, with a comfortable look on his face, looking at the crowds on both sides of the road.

The wheels turned and passed slowly, and the crowds on both sides of the road slowly retreated.

"Beauty, do you need a car? The whole journey is low speed and safe."

The speed of the carriage became slower and slower, and finally, it stopped beside two beauties, one big and one small, who were walking slowly.

As the young man in the car opened his mouth, the two beauties stopped and turned their heads at the same time. The older beauty flashed a surprise in her eyes, but she was expressionless and walked directly to the carriage...

In my heart, I feel that this guy will still be very good at things? Knowing that she can't walk a long way for the time being, and the most important thing is that she has a carriage, so she won't have to take one step and two steps in the future, and will be taken advantage of by others.

She excitedly came to the carriage...

However, the carriage was too high for her to get on.

This is a bit embarrassing. You can't climb up with your **** on your back, right?

"Call me Xianggong and I'll pull you up." The masked young man said with a smile.

The older beauty glanced at him lightly, then the joy on her face subsided instantly, and said indifferently, "Xiang Gong."

Hearing the words, the young man jumped out of the carriage and came to the woman's side.

"If you say something unpleasant, don't always give me a cold face, who will you show it to?" The young man's voice was cold, and a suppressed rage would burst out at any time.

When Liu Erlong saw this, he was taken aback.

Only then did I remember that this guy's village was destroyed, and he must have been engulfed in fire. Now he can't be annoyed.

The so-called well-informed, cunning and cunning, nothing more than that.

There is no doubt that these three people are none other than Ye Han, Liu Erlong and Xiao Xun'er.

"Forget it, twisted melons are not sweet, and I don't think you really want to be my wife. You and I may have no part in it. In this case, instead of looking at each other, it's better to leave it alone." Ye Han said in his eyes. His anger suddenly eased, and he said so.

Liu Erlong opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't expect Ye Han to let her go like this.

But, can you really leave him now?

Ye Han didn't care what Liu Erlong was thinking, he turned his head slowly, looked at Xiao Xun'er beside him and said, "I'm going to Heijiaoyu, where are you going?"

Xiao Xun'er's beautiful and refined face instantly revealed a surprise that could not be concealed.

"My destination happens to be the Black Corner Territory." Xiao Xun'er said.


Ye Han spoke directly.

Xiao Xun'er heard the words, glanced at Liu Erlong, then shook her head secretly, she couldn't control the affairs of the other couple, she just wanted to take a ride!

Xiao Xun'er got into the car, Ye Han just turned around when someone hugged his arm.

"Take, can you take me with you?" Liu Erlong pleaded helplessly as he looked at Ye Han, who had an ice mask on his face and looked inhuman.

"Forget it! Since you're reluctant and don't want to follow me, I've had enough of accommodating you, so why don't you just leave and leave a good impression on you and me, goodbye!" Ye Han said coldly, full of Ruthless and decisive, without hesitation, Liu Erlong forcibly broke open Liu Erlong and grabbed his palm.


Liu Erlong was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

If he hadn't noticed the staring eyes around him long ago, it would be too late for Liu Erlong to be happy to be free, where would he be begging him here.

"Hehe, beauty, since people don't want you anymore, why don't you follow your brother in the future! Don't worry, my brother will definitely treat you well and won't mind your past."

Someone jumped out impatiently and laughed.

This is a peak fighting spirit. The reason why he jumped out so quickly is not because he has no brains, but after careful consideration.

The woman in front of her was obviously an ordinary person, frail and ill.

The other girl, judging from her aura, is not very strong. In the end, the man's strength is unknown. However, after messing with an ordinary person, he can't win the other party. If he wants to come, he obviously won't be strong. .

Besides, you guys are going to part ways, so I jumped out to pick up a bargain, it shouldn't be too much!

This person felt that what he did was not only not excessive, on the contrary, he might be rewarded, and he would be able to hold the beautiful woman back smoothly.

Unfortunately, Ye Han didn't play cards according to common sense.

Seeing someone jumping out, Ye Han said nothing, the scarlet long sword reappeared.

Ye Han's long arms moved in circles, and the scarlet-red long sword in his hand turned into an arc and swept across in an instant.

In an instant, an arc-shaped sword energy slid across the man's neck.

The man's eyes widened, with surprise in his eyes, as well as the unconcealed horror, looking at Ye Han at a loss.

No one thought that Ye Han would suddenly take action, and he was so decisive and merciless.

Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han, his eyes flickering slightly.

These few people who have bad intentions towards him can find out, and Ye Han must have discovered it long ago.

Originally, Liu Erlong thought that Ye Han was deliberately saying those words just now in order to force himself to obey him.

But I never thought that this person just jumped out, and the result...

Bang! ~

A big head fell to the ground, but the man's tall stature still stood there.

The headless corpse was like a javelin, maintaining the standing posture before his death. The blood on the head and neck was sprayed three meters high like a fountain, and then like a goddess scattered flowers, it sprinkled crystal clear blood droplets all over the sky, which looked spectacular.

Ye Han had no reason to stop when he started.

The scarlet long sword slashed horizontally and vertically, one person was cut in the waist, the other was cut in half vertically, and the three people had their heads chopped off. The scene was extremely bloody.

The few pedestrians on the road were so frightened that they were fled in embarrassment, not daring to stop for half a step.

"Okay! After we met, you called my husband for so many days. Although I forced you to do most of it, it's fate. Now these people, I've solved them for you, and they don't owe each other. , you can let go and live the life you want." Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong, who was hugging his arm tightly, and said sincerely.

"The two don't owe each other, huh, it's good that the two don't owe each other, my innocence has been tarnished by you, how should I settle this account?" Liu Erlong said angrily.

She is really giving it up now, and she plans to be reckless with all her might.

"We don't owe each other. You said it lightly. I used to have a husband, but because of you, how will I face my husband from now on?"

"Your life was saved by me. Everything about you should have belonged to me. I am giving you freedom now, which is the greatest tolerance for you." Ye Han said with a serious look.

He has his own reasons, and the rules of the village are the fundamental reason why he can be calm.

Although it's just an unnecessary thing, it's not a serious gentleman's agreement in the first place. It's the last word to fool the other party.

When Liu Erlong heard Ye Han's words, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

The rules in some places are bigger than the sky, and some people are old-fashioned and stubborn, unreasonable, and stubborn like a cow. This kind of people is talking about the current Ye Han.

In the face of Ye Han, who was talking about the village's rules, Liu Erlong felt that any rebuttal would be playing the qin to the cow, and it didn't make sense at all.

(End of this chapter)

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