From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 424: : special hobby

Chapter 425 Special Hobbies

Dreams are completely different from reality!

The all-round slaughter did not appear. When the two sides met, the cannibals gave them a disservice.

In an instant, the human side was taught a lesson by the cannibals.

The high momentum stagnated for a while, like a chick who was strangled by the neck.

On the other hand, the cannibals side, from beginning to end, there is only excitement in their eyes, the excitement after seeing the food.

And the eyes of the cannibals who killed a strong human fighting spirit were all red.

The blood essence absorbed by the undead warriors was fed back to several of them, making them feel comfortable all over, and they felt like they had inexhaustible strength. The light looks more terrifying and evil.

However, the war between the two sides did not end because of the injury or death of one person. The cannibals as a whole were full of thirst for humanoid food.

The death of several companions did not make them feel timid, but even more bloodthirsty.

Without any extra words, the fierce shopping began again, and more cannibals quickly gathered.

The offensive of mankind has been contained, and the decline has already appeared.

Xiao Xun'er followed a group of strong human beings. She originally wanted to take revenge, but now she regrets it a little.

The loud shouts around her made her upset. The faces painted with white lines were so ferocious and terrifying, she couldn't help being terrified, and she remembered the scene when she was caught by those people.

Not long ago, she was relatively lucky. She met the mysterious man wearing an ice mask and was rescued by him.

But what about this time?

After finally getting out of the tiger's mouth, why can't I think about it, and followed this group of so-called strong people to die.

Xiao Xun'er's flames have a certain restraint on these undead spirits, but she is only a master fighting master. It is the limit to deal with one or two undead spirits in the fighting spirit realm. In front of these hundreds of cannibals Totally vulnerable.

Everyone was surrounded by groups, with three floors inside and three floors outside...

A larger combined strike formation unfolded silently, and a huge demon **** phantom slowly condensed in the sky.

The dark clouds rolled, the thunder shone, and the sun was obscured. This piece of heaven and earth fell into darkness, shrouded in the monstrous magical power.

"If you don't take action, she will be in danger."

On the top of the mountain in the distance, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger looked at the battlefield below, and said to Ye Han who was beside him without turning his head.

"Who are you saying is in danger?" Ye Han said with a slight smile.

"Don't you know who I'm talking about?"

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger turned his head, glanced at Ye Han, said something lightly, and then looked back at the battlefield below.

"What does Xiao Xun'er's safety have to do with me?" Ye Han said with a smile.

"Haha! It really doesn't matter, you will save her along the way?" The Dark Demon Evil God Hu said without replying.

Ye Han smiled and said, "Then tell me what our relationship is, or you can guess why I want to save her along the way."

"Who makes the power behind the family you can't afford to offend now, and coveting other people's daughters-in-law, isn't this your usual style?" The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger opened his mouth and gave Ye Han a few critical strikes.

"My Nima!"

Ye Han almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Heaven and earth conscience.

He felt that he was more wronged than Dou E. When did he covet someone else's daughter-in-law?

But thinking about it, it seems that there really is.

Wasn't Ning Rongrong forcibly robbed him on the wedding day?

And Posey, well, that doesn't count.

The relationship between her and Tang Chen was just a little spark in their hearts, nothing at all?

And the others, those married women in the original book, were strangled by him before they even started, so naturally they have nothing.

Now only Liu Erlong is left.

After all the calculations, there are only these two. How could he become a habitual offender when he came to the mouth of the dark devil tiger?

Could it be said that this guy is also a transmigrator who has read the original book.

What about bullshit!

"The last answer is not valid, don't go out and talk nonsense in the future and tarnish my innocence. As for the first answer, there is a point. After all, if Xiao Xun'er has an accident, once the ancients trace it, it will be easy to find us. Although I'm not afraid, but it's really troublesome." Ye Han said.

With the continuous improvement of strength, the suppression of the rules of this side of the world has become more and more important to him.

However, the only thing that can be suppressed is his physical body, and his immortal soul can already be used unscrupulously.

However, if he really did that, I'm afraid he wouldn't even want this physical body, and he would definitely be targeted by this side of the world and wiped out.

"No need to explain, I understand! After all, everyone has special hobbies."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger nodded and said solemnly.

Ye Han "..."

I spit you to death with a sip of salt soda.

What the **** is a special hobby?

I really don't have it!

Everyone envies Boss Cao, but he is Boss Ye, don't you envy him at all?

"Aren't you going to take action yet?" The Dark Demon Evil God Hu said.

"The protagonist is the last to appear, wait, until the last moment, how can you show the importance of me, Ye," Ye Han said.

Then, taking advantage of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's inattentiveness, he waved his palm and directly put it into the space ring for her.

"Hahaha, I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I finally found a chance. How quiet is it now." Ye Han grinned.

Then he looked at the battlefield below.

The human side was besieged, and they had completely lost hope of escaping. At least those fighting spirits were already mortal and had no chance of surviving. After realizing this, they let go.

Killing one is enough, killing two to earn one. With this mentality, the resistance of these people was unprecedentedly fierce, and they managed to maintain this situation for the time being, and did not fall into a one-sided situation.

The three Douwang powerhouses desperately died and turned into a mummified corpse. The remaining two turned left and right, trying to kill a **** way, but there were too many enemies, and it was a deadly fight. There is no way to get out of it for a while.

Xiao Xun'er's pretty face turned But she already understood her situation, and no one would come to save her.

After she understood what was waiting for her, she also gave up, let go of her hands and feet, released all kinds of fighting skills to her heart's content, and kept pouring out her fighting spirit.

With such a lifeless style of play, she will soon run out of fuel.


With a sigh, at the last moment of her life, she thought of Xiao Yan, she still had a lot of things to ask him, a lot of grievances she wanted to tell him, and a lot of friendship she wanted to tell him, but there was no chance. now...

She thought of her parents and relatives, and her friends...

At the last moment, a handsome face appeared before me...

She "gazing" at the face in front of her, her clear eyes couldn't help but carry a deep hatred.

But in the end, everything turned into bitterness.

Love, hate, pain, bitterness, laugh...

People die like lights go out, and everything in the world has nothing to do with her anymore.

She raised her slender jade hand, she exhausted her last strength, wanting to end her life ahead of schedule and avoid being humiliated...

Yujian rides the wind to exorcise the world of demons!

If there is wine, I will be happy, and if I have wine, I will go crazy!


??PS: Thank you eldest brother Moran for the reward and monthly pass, eldest brother!



(End of this chapter)

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