From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 417: : One more call

Chapter 418

Everything was a complete misunderstanding, Ye Han thought too much.

At the same time, Liu Erlong was not pure enough.

After all, they were all adults, so there was some embarrassment.

However, Liu Erlong was really embarrassed, but Ye Han was pure and muddy, doing things.

Liu Erlong's stable state of mind was instantly turned into a mess by him.

"Okay, a kiss is enough. I really can't give you too much now, otherwise you won't be able to bear it. Just like last time, you fainted as soon as I entered, and almost scared me to death." Ye Han Looking up at the confused Liu Erlong, he spoke earnestly and earnestly.

Liu Erlong "..."

My special code thank you!

Thank you for being so kind to me!

Thank you all.

Thank you for the eighteenth generation of your ancestors.

Mad, she just wanted more of Ye Han's fighting spirit.

She could feel that Ye Han's special fighting qi had an extremely powerful life force. If you gave her more, she would be able to walk down the ground in an instant.

But, where did all this stuff go!

No, this guy is not pure at all.

The simplicity he showed was probably a disguise.

Liu Erlong narrowed his eyes and discovered the truth of some things.

But what if you found out?

She is still unable to move, she still needs to swallow her anger, and she still has to rely on him to survive.

In the end, Liu Erlong could only grit his teeth, put down his dignity, and said humiliatingly, "I want some of your fighting spirit, if you give me more, I may be able to recover."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing Liu Erlong's words, Ye Han's eyes lit up and excitedly said, "That's really great!"

As he became excited, Liu Erlong was also a little excited.

She finally felt that the guy in front of her was a bit pleasing to the eye, and he wasn't so abhorrent.

"Yes, if you give me more, I can at least regain my mobility. I don't have to lie here like a waste like I am now, and you will do everything." Liu Erlong hurriedly said.


Ye Han nodded, stretched out his palm, slowly placed it on Liu Erlong's flat abdomen, and gently stroked it for a while.

Liu Erlong's eyes flickered, as if he had seen the scene where he killed the Quartet after his recovery. He was excited and overjoyed.

It's a pity that she soon found out that it was too early for her to be happy.

I saw Ye Han's palm covering her lower abdomen, and at the same time when she touched her lightly, the two sword eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled inadvertently, but there was no fighting spirit.

"Hey!" Liu Erlong said in a bad tone.

Ye Han came back to his senses, looked at her suspiciously, and said, "You are calling me."

"Is there anyone here besides you and me?"

Liu Erlong was annoyed, he almost blurted out these words, but he finally held back.

"You, what are you doing?" Liu Erlong changed his tone.

"I'm thinking about something, by the way, I'm your husband, not hello, remember." Ye Han reminded solemnly.

Liu Erlong's breathing became stagnant, and he almost couldn't hold back his violent temper.

Indignant, she didn't want to deal with Ye Han, but after a moment she couldn't bear it any longer.

She still wanted to know the reason.

Why did this guy suddenly change his mind?

"Don't you want me to recover?" Liu Erlong asked.

Ye Han turned back and looked at her quietly.

The silent pressure spread throughout the tent, causing Liu Erlong to pant and feel uneasy.

After a while, Ye Han reached out and touched Liu Erlong's head, "Are you not admitting that I am your husband?"

Liu Erlong's pupils shrank slightly. She didn't know why, but she, who had always been fearless, suddenly felt a little fear.

It seemed to come from the top of the food chain, looking down at a little white rabbit, the silent pressure made her a little suffocated.

Driven by fear, instinct from the body takes over the mind.

She looked at Ye Han, shook her head involuntarily, and said, "No, no."

"Since there isn't, why don't you call me xianggong or husband?" Ye Han opened his mouth and said with a slightly relaxed tone.

"I, I..." Liu Erlong opened his mouth, blushing, anxious to explain, but he couldn't find a decent excuse for a while.

"I know."

Ye Han's eyes lit up as he looked at Liu Erlong and said, "You should be shy, right?"

"I, um!"

Facing Ye Han who seemed to have guessed the truth of the matter, Liu Erlong lowered his head as if shyly, and hummed softly!

I'm ashamed of you, you bastard!

Is the old lady the kind of person who can be shy?

If it wasn't for being controlled by others now, the old lady could beat you into a pig's head right now.

Liu Erlong thought fiercely in his heart!

"Don't be shy, you are mine now, come, raise your head, and look at me." Ye Han lifted Liu Erlong's chin, made her look at him, and said, "Come and call Xianggong!"


Liu Erlong's eyes dodged, and he couldn't say anything when he faced Ye Han.

"Then call me husband, I will tell you why I don't give you my grudge." Ye Han sounded like a big bad wolf tempting a little white rabbit.

Liu Erlong shook his head, it is impossible for him to choose to betray himself for a little truth!

"Okay! If you don't want to call it, then forget it." Ye Han said.

When Liu Erlong heard this, a surprise flashed in his eyes instantly.

"I originally planned to give you treatment after a while, but it seems that you don't need it now." Ye Han said slowly.

The surprise in Liu Erlong's eyes disappeared instantly.

"You, you are shameless." Liu Erlong cursed fiercely.

Originally, I thought this guy was very talkative, but who knew that he was thinking too much.

"My teeth are very good! Didn't I give you some food to chew just now?" Ye Han asked with a puzzled face.

After that, he no longer bothered about these, but looked at Liu Erlong seriously, and said, "You sure don't want me to treat you, you must know that you are just an ordinary person now, besides eating, you also drink, and pull and salam. , if you don't call me husband and don't admit your relationship with me, then there is nothing between us, and I don't need to treat you, just think about it! I'll go out and clean up, and then it's time to hit the road~www.wuxiamtl .com~ After speaking, Ye Han turned around and left.

As a result, just as he walked to the door, he heard a weak voice.

"Husband, husband!~"

Liu Erlong's voice made Ye Han stop, and a smile could not be drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you calling me?"

Ye Han turned his head, with three-point doubts on his face, seven-point anticipation looking at Liu Erlong lying on the bed.

Liu Erlong bit her red lips lightly, a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but the next moment, the strangeness from her body made her nod her head.

She ate too much, digested too quickly, and the sequelae came, and she needed to solve it urgently.

She is just an ordinary person now, an ordinary person who is bedridden and unable to move. Eating, drinking and luring are the basic daily routines of human beings.

And now, the only person who can help her is this seemingly innocent, but black-bellied little **** in front of her.

"Then, then you shout again, I didn't hear it clearly just now." Ye Han said.

When Liu Erlong heard Ye Han's words, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

You didn't hear it, didn't you hear that you were expecting a hammer?

To be honest, if it wasn't for the things he did to him, Liu Erlong would have liked this young man's character very much, especially how much he cared about him. The expectation he showed just by hearing his husband's voice made Liu Erlong even more so. Dragon's heart is very satisfied.

Unfortunately, there is no if...

(End of this chapter)

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