From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 407: : palm and back

To be honest, Ye Han was a little confused at the moment.

He was talking about Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran's master and apprentice. He really didn't understand why Yaoye was so excited?

Nalan Yanran was equally puzzled. She was both shy and sweet when she heard Ye Han's answer.

However, after seeing Yaoye hugging Ye Han's arm as intimately, she immediately became unhappy.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Yaoye, their eyes full of hostility.

Ye Han patted his forehead, and it took a while to realize that Yaoye didn't know about Yunyun and Nalan Yanran, she was asking herself.

Can she and Cher marry the same person?

"Cultivation hard! Try to reach a higher level of cultivation as soon as possible."

Ye Han broke free from the shackles of the two women, opened his bows from left to right with both hands, and hugged the two of them into his arms.

Then, he swung left and right, impartially, and kissed each of the two's blemishable faces.

Ye Han couldn't help laughing as he watched the two who were fighting with each other just a moment ago, as if they were trying to defeat each other with their eyes.

"Master, you are good or bad!~"

Yao Ye suddenly raised her blushing face, and shyly opened her mouth, making a whistling sound, and punching Ye Han's chest with a pair of small fists.

Ye Han's body trembled fiercely, and he almost turned over without standing still.

"This, you, who did you learn this from?" Ye Han opened his mouth wide and looked at the shy Yaoye with a look he had just met today, and was truly dumbfounded.

This whistling voice, this delicate and pretentious gesture, is really not a good night, isn't it?

"Emperor, the concubine in the palace." Yaoye said shyly.

"Cough cough!"

Ye Han choked on his mouth.

In the end, she asked curiously, "Have you learned anything other than this?"

"No, no, I didn't study, I just saw it by accident. Also, I saw a forbidden book in the Royal Library once..."

Yao Ye opened her mouth, her voice getting lower and lower, but her face became more and more red, like fire, like clouds in the sky, dazzling and beautiful.

She didn't know what happened to her just now, but she actually used the tricks of those concubines acting like a spoiled child in front of the father and emperor on Ye Han.

At this time, she was really ashamed and wanted to die.

However, Ye Han was still unwilling to give up, with a posture of asking questions.

"Forbidden book, what kind of forbidden book?" Ye Han asked.

While speaking, he smiled wickedly, pulled the girl into his arms and made her face him.

"That's right, it's the kind of forbidden book that describes the affairs of men and women." Yaoye said honestly, and even forgot to lie in the face of Ye Han.

"Oh! Describe the matter of men and women? What's the matter?" Ye Han pretended to be puzzled and asked blankly.

"I, I can't tell." Yaoye said.

The whole face was flushed, spreading to the neck and earlobes, it looked so cute, like a ripe tomato, it made people want to hug and nibble.

"Unable to speak."

Ye Han pretended to be silent, and then said with a stern expression, "Since words can't express it, why don't you use actions to tell me what you see."

Hearing this, Yaoye exclaimed directly, wishing to find a crack in the ground to burrow in.

When she thought of the pictures in the forbidden book, she felt embarrassed and panicked, how could she tell Ye Han with her actions.

Do you want to help him...

"Brother Ye!"

At this moment, Nalan Yanran's voice suddenly sounded, full of dissatisfaction and resentment.

"Hey! Just kidding, are you jealous?" Ye Han rubbed Nalan Yanran's head with a smile and said.


Nalan Yanran let out a coquettish hum, broke free from the clutches, and walked to the side, sulking with the gravel under her feet, and kicked it away.

Ye Han reluctantly retracted his gaze and looked at Yao Ye, who had a shy face in his arms, and finally stopped being an ostrich.

Yaoye saw Ye Han's gaze, a hint of shyness flashed in her eyes, and then she secretly glanced at Nalan Yanran, who ran to the side and was sulking.

She couldn't help but flickered slightly, remembering what the favored concubines in the palace said.

"To deal with a man, you need to use your head, just smack and anger. That's the stupidest behavior. Appropriately giving the other party a little sweetness and showing a certain degree of meekness is the most correct way to grasp a man."

The crystal clear teeth bit her red lips, Yao Ye raised her head to look at Ye Han, her eyes were shy, her tone trembled slightly, and said, "Then, come with me, and I'll tell you what I saw."

"you are serious?"

Ye Han was stunned, he couldn't understand what these girls were thinking.

Yaoye didn't answer, she showed her heart with her actions.

She took Ye Han's palm, and while Nalan Yanran was not paying attention, the two quickly ducked into a chaotic stone forest.

"You, sit there." Yao Ye pointed at a stone and instructed shyly.

There was a hint of playfulness on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, and he sat on the boulder obediently according to her instructions.

When things came to an end, Yaoye was a little undecided.

But seeing Ye Han's expectant eyes, she still gritted her teeth, stepped forward slowly, unbuttoned her clothes, Xizi held her heart, and squatted down...

Nalan Yanran searched for Xixi Suosuo's voice, but she saw Ye Han, who was sitting there with the golden sword, and Yao Ye, who was squatting with her back to her...

The moon is in the middle of the sky.

The three figures walked out of the stone forest.

Ye Han only felt refreshed.

Nalan Yanran was indecently spitting on the ground while walking.

"Enter the space ring and continue to practice!" Ye Han said.

After obtaining the consent of the two daughters, Ye Han directly put the two of them into the space ring, and at the same time, the three-fold time acceleration was quietly activated.

Then Ye Han looked at the caravan that was camping in the distance, and raised his brows slightly.


With a sigh, he quietly walked towards the caravan in the darkness.

A solitary tent, relatively remote, with five or six figures approaching sneakily.

"Hey! Come on, let's guess what age the little girl looks like, whoever guesses the closest, who comes out on top." A Dou Ling strong man said with a strange smile.

"Fairly, I'll come first. I think it should be no more than twenty years old. Judging from her skin color, I think she is also a great beauty."

"Your guess is too general. I guess she is at most 18 or 19 years old. In terms of appearance, she should belong to the middle and upper class. As for the great beauty, how can there be so many beauties in this world?"

"I think she must be over twenty years old..."

"I think……"

"I guess……"

Ye Han was speechless when he heard that, co-authoring this is not a caravan at all, this is a wolf's den!

I just don't know if Xiao Xun'er noticed it, or if she was vigilant enough.

The answer will soon be revealed.

Several people filed in and entered the tent one after Ye Han also followed.

The group of people didn't realize that there was another person beside them silently.

A small fire was lit, and the leader took out a bottle of makeup remover and splashed it directly on Xiao Xun'er's face.

The rough yellow skin fell off in an instant, revealing that beautiful and refined face that was unique in all worlds.

The sleeping girl was quiet and elegant, unaware of the abnormality around her at all. It was obviously not a normal situation for such a situation to appear in a big fighting master.

As expected, Xiao Xun'er had already been prescribed some kind of drug by them.

At this moment, all five or six people were sluggish.

I don't know how long it took, a sound of swallowing saliva sounded, breaking the silence in the tent.

"I, **** it, I've grown up so big, and it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman in my life. No, I'm going to go first this time."

"You're thinking about shit. Lao Tzu discovered her first, so it's not your turn anyway."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was a little out of control, and a group of people almost fought.

Suddenly someone suggested the game of the palm of the hand and the back of the hand.

Then, the seven palms stretched out in an instant.

Three on the back and four on the front, but a group of ghostly people didn't notice anything unusual.

The same is true for the second time, the third time, the fourth time...

Finally someone saw that something was wrong.

"Made, take a **** with two hands?"

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