From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 400: : Douzong Yunyun

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The past is in a hurry, and everything can only be a memory.

Going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, sometimes you can only look back but can't go back.

Ya Fei is very clear about her position, and now she has been on the pirate ship.

Xiao Yan and her can only be strangers, and seeing each other today is also the last time in this life.

It's the best choice for you and yourself.

"Miss Yafei, Mr. Yanxiao has been waiting in the box for a long time, are you going over now?" The hotel owner stepped forward and bowed.

Whether it is Yan Xiao or Ya Fei, in this capital of the Jama Empire, they are all real celebrities.

Ya Fei was recognized as soon as she entered the door, and countless eyes were cast at this moment.

Some people originally wanted to come up to chat, make friends, and even want to see if there is a possibility of a relative Fang Ze.

However, when they heard Yan Xiao's name, all their thoughts vanished in an instant.

Yan Xiao, who had just won the championship of the Alchemist Contest, was in the limelight, who would dare to provoke the people around him.

Ya Fei's eyes that seemed to be able to speak glanced at the few people around who were eager to try, but after hearing the name of Yanxiao, their footsteps quietly stopped, and there was a hint of contempt and disdain in their eyes that were not easily detectable.

"Lead the way!"

Ya Fei's elegant voice sounded.

"Okay, Miss Yafei, please!" The hotel owner bowed respectfully, made a gesture of invitation, and then led the way.

Through the long corridor, Ya Fei followed the hotel manager to the door of the box on the second floor.

dong dong dong!

The hotel owner slammed the door.

Soon, the door opened silently.

"Ya Fei, you're here, come in!" Xiao Yan's delicate face appeared at the door. After seeing Ya Fei, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he spoke lightly.

Ya Fei looked at Xiao Yan carefully, then nodded slightly, and walked into the room.

The owner of the hotel closed the door very wisely, and left quietly without saying a word.

"I'm really sorry for not being able to make an appointment last time, but you know my identity, my three-year appointment with Nalan Yanran is close at hand, and I really can't be separated, so I specially invited you out today to apologize, you shouldn't Are you mad at me?" After Xiao Yan took Ya Fei to his seat, he went straight to the point.

"I see!"

Ya Fei secretly said in her heart.

Even though she knew that the two of them would never return to the past, but knowing that Xiao Yan did not intend to let go of her pigeons, Ya Fei felt much less sadness in her heart.

After all, the two met in crisis. At that time, Xiao Yan was just a poor and down-to-earth teenager, and she was just a destitute woman who took refuge in a hurry to avoid Mu Zhan.

How could it be so easy to give up that precious affection and warmth?

Ya Fei nodded to show that she understood, and then slowly said, "About me and Ye Han, I..."

"Okay, those things are over, don't mention it again, I believe you."

Xiao Yan spoke, but before Yafei could finish speaking, he interrupted her.

Ya Fei frowned slightly, and then a bright smile appeared on her face. .

He still doesn't trust himself!

Otherwise, he will never interrupt his own explanation. .

That's fine, it also saves the final severing and chaos.

"Yes, it's all over." Ya Fei nodded. .

There was a bright smile on her pretty face.

She looked at Xiao Yan and said, "What is the matter with Xiao Yan's brother looking for me this time?"

Xiao Yan looked at the suddenly cheerful Ya Fei with a confused expression.

He just didn't want to hear Ye Han's name, worried that he couldn't control his emotions.

Who knew that Ya Fei was so happy.

Do you really believe my words?

But for some unknown reason, Xiao Yan always felt something strange, especially the smile on Ya Fei's face.

"Okay, let's not talk about those bad things, let the past go. I came to you today mainly to say sorry to you, and secondly, I'm leaving, so I want to treat you to a meal. "

Xiao Yan said, "I've been taken care of by Sister Yafei many times. I'm very grateful, and I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how long it will take me to see you again after I leave this time. This meal can be considered a practice."

One by one, the silver dishes were opened, and a variety of dishes were presented in front of them.

The aroma is tangy and mouth-watering.

Xiao Yan opened the red wine, brought Ya Fei up, and made a gesture of invitation.

Finally, he took a sip of his wine.

"Sister Ya Fei, your eagle is very beautiful, did the suitor give it to you?"

Putting down the wine glass, Xiao Yan looked at the white eagle who looked left and right as he flew to the window as soon as he entered the room, as if he was admiring the night.

do not know why.

Xiao Yan always felt a little familiar with this white falcon, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"That's it."

Ya Fei answered vaguely, then took a sip from the wine glass.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan's black-and-white eyes flashed with an extremely subtle scorching heat and longing.

Ya Fei was unaware of this, she raised her slender hand slightly, raised her glass slightly, and said to Xiao Yan, "I wish you all the best in your practice!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Yan said.


Garma Imperial Palace.

A remote building community with a quiet environment.

"Nalan Yanran, you, you are so shameless, don't look any further, if you are found out, you will be finished." Nalan Yanran, whose cheeks were flushed, didn't know how many times she said this to herself.

But the body is more honest than the will, and every time it follows the deepest desire in the heart and makes a decision that goes against the mind.

In a day, she didn't know how many times she was lying at the window.

clap clap clap! ~

Crisp applause and loud shouts, like a mountain and a tsunami, came into Nalan Yanran's ears.

The little girl was lying on the window, a small hand tightly covering her mouth, her clear eyes staring round.

Although I had seen it secretly many times, this time the battle situation in the house was extremely fierce, which made the little girl feel horrified, surprised, and a little hesitant.

Curiosity is human nature. After satisfying her curiosity, she wanted to leave the window again, but this time, she found that her legs couldn't exert any strength, and her whole body was soft, like a piece of noodles. Hold the window to keep yourself steady.

Those eyes were staring at the room tightly, unblinking, very honest, and didn't want to let go of any details...

In the method of Taiyin and Sun, one yin and one yang are the avenues of the human world.

While Ye Han used this to help Yun Yun dissolve the medicinal power, he was also cultivating.

After a day's hard work, Yun Yun has taken the lead in breaking through, reaching Douzong, and her strength is incomparable compared to before.

But Ye Han's cultivation was not over yet.

Since she had benefited, Yun Yun naturally wouldn't lift her pants and deny her identity.

Ye Han wanted to make a breakthrough, she naturally gave her all-out help and obeyed her orders.

It's a pity that Ye Han's cultivation was still stuck at the peak of Dou Ling after tossing for a long time, unable to take that crucial step.

"I, I can't do it anymore. I really don't have the strength to toss with you. Otherwise, go find Yanran!"

After rising into the cloud again, and fluttering to the ground, Yun Yun's pretty face was pale, and the original stubbornness was gone at this moment, only shyness and helplessness remained, and finally raised the white flag to surrender and admit defeat.

Ye Han was also a little helpless. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to break through Douwang, but he would have to ask for foreign aid in the end.

With a slight flash of his body, Ye Han quickly disappeared.

Then, Yun Yun heard a sudden exclamation from Nalan Yanran outside the window.

"This, this dead girl is still peeping?" Yun Yun's tired pretty face suddenly turned There was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Yun Yun knew that after Nalan Yanran left the roof, she peeked at the window, but she was a little girl after all, and after a few glances, she left shyly.

Yun Yun thought it was over here, so she didn't pay attention to it anymore, and of course she didn't have too much energy to pay attention to it.

She couldn't handle a single Ye Han, so she didn't have the heart to pay attention to others.

Who knew she was still lying outside the window...

However, Yun Yun felt even more ashamed that Ye Han actually carried Nalan Yanran into the room and placed it beside her...

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