From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 396: : about 3 years

Chapter 397 The Three-Year Covenant

Gold Wuxi Falls!

The yin and yang meet, and the dark night comes quietly.

At this moment yin is rising and yang is declining.

But the actions of the two hugging each other and biting each other were unprecedentedly hot.

His breath gradually became heavier and heavier, his breathing gradually became rapid, and a blush appeared on his face, as if a blazing fire was burning.


The spark of fire turned into a painful whimper in an instant.

too suddenly.

It was too painful.

The sweetness just now vanished at this moment.

Ye Han stared at the stunning and charming face in front of him, his eyes full of pleading.

"let go!"

Queen Medusa threatened with her eyes.

Ye Han quickly took his hands away from Queen Medusa's buttocks, and his eyes were full of grievance and puzzlement.

"Hands up."

Queen Medusa ignored his plea, and continued to signal with her eyes, while her mouth increased slightly.

Ye Han was almost crying in pain.

Just do it at this time.

His hands were raised high, and at this moment he felt a little familiar.


When I took Yun Yun down, I seemed to have experienced this scene as well.

Ye Han thought to himself.

Suddenly, he raised his brows slightly, feeling that he might be able to recreate the beautiful dream from a few days ago today, take down the peerless beauty in front of him, and become a martial arts hero once again.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the reason why Queen Medusa suddenly bit him was because he remembered the loss Yun Yun told.

After Ye Han raised his hands, Queen Medusa pushed Ye Han away.

Ye Han put his hands down, thinking she wanted to run!

Just as he stood there, thinking about how to concoct this beautiful snake after catching it.

Suddenly, a beautiful leg enlarged in front of his eyes and kicked him on the waist with a bang.

The unsuspecting Ye Han instinctively hugged the beautiful leg with both hands, and then felt a huge force attack and fell directly to the ground.

And the owner of the beautiful leg was also pulled by him, and his soft body made a split and sat directly on his waist.


Queen Medusa couldn't help but let out a roar of a python, and her face that was originally flushed turned pale and bloodless in an instant.

Queen Medusa's mind went blank, she only felt like she was torn apart, as if she had been torn in half.

This kind of pain is more intense than the shattering of the body and bones when it evolved that day. After all, the shattering of the body and bones is only a momentary thing.

But now it's different, it's a constant pain, like a tide that wants to drown it in waves.

At the same time, Ye Han was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe.

At this time, the closed door next to it slowly opened, and two beauties, one big and one small, came out hand in hand.

The four pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the large-scale death scene came into view directly.

"Cough cough! Yan Ran, let's avoid it."

Yun Yun came back to her senses, as a woman who had experienced wind and rain, seeing Queen Medusa sitting on Ye Han's waist, she seemed, maybe, seemed to have guessed something.

But, it's not like that!

Queen Medusa wanted to stop the two of them and wanted to explain, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't make a sound at all.


The door that had just opened was mercilessly closed.

The two looked at each other, speechless.

"You, don't move."

After an unknown amount of time, Queen Medusa suddenly screamed.

"I, I just wanted to get up." Ye Han was startled and said quickly.

"You, don't let me get up by myself." Queen Medusa ordered.

Ye Han nodded obediently.

After a while, Queen Medusa suddenly stood up. Maybe she got up too quickly, or maybe it was really too painful. She stumbled under her feet and almost fell.

Ye Han hurriedly got up and pulled her directly.

"Are you all right! Let me see, I have a good medicine for wounds." Ye Han said.

Unfortunately, just as his palm was stretched halfway, Queen Medusa slapped it away with a slap.

"Hurry up and find your two little lovers!" Queen Medusa said with a cold pretty face and an indifferent tone.

Obviously this is really angry.

But Ye Han also felt wronged!

? It's not just you who get hurt!

I am a victim too!

In this state of Queen Medusa, Ye Han naturally would not let her leave.

"Your strength hasn't recovered yet, so don't be in a hurry to leave!" Ye Han forcibly grabbed Queen Medusa and hugged him into his arms.

"Tell me about the situation in the Warcraft Mountains! Is there anything wrong?"

Ye Han hugged Queen Medusa, came to the palace, sat on the eaves, and began to inquire about the current situation of the Warcraft Mountains.

At first, Queen Medusa still had a cold face, arrogant and arrogant, ignoring Ye Han's words.

However, Ye Han couldn't hold back Ye Han's soft and hard bubbles, and in the end he had no choice but to tell the current situation of the Warcraft Mountains.

In this acre of land in the Jiama Empire, the Demonic Beast Mountains are like the existence of the Supreme Emperor, and the most critical problem is the unruly Beasts themselves.

These guys have been baptized by the rules of this world, their aptitude and bloodline have been greatly improved, they have become more arrogant, lawless, and they have caused trouble everywhere, and they are not idle at all.

The grazing plan proposed by Ye Han has been implemented, but many soul beasts have never returned and entered the ocean or other places.

Queen Medusa didn't care much about the lives of these guys.

However, she had to consider the risk of exposure, which was necessary.

In this regard, Ye Han can only sigh helplessly.

"It's my fault that I didn't consider the problem comprehensively, which is why it left so many troubles."

"Forget it! The car must have a way to the front of the mountain. For now, we can only take one step at a time, but don't be too frustrated. After all, we are not weak. If you count me, we have three Dou Zun. If ordinary people want to make an idea of ​​us, they must first carefully measure whether their teeth are good enough." Queen Medusa instead comforted.

"Well! My wife is so nice."

Hearing Her Majesty's domineering words, Ye Han directly lowered his head and slapped the pretty lady in his arms fiercely.

A hint of helplessness flashed across Queen Medusa's face, expressing her inability to do anything about this guy's behavior that could destroy the atmosphere.

"Okay, I'm going back." Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han and said, "What are your plans next?"

Queen Medusa originally came in a rage, wanting to capture Ye Han and repair it ruthlessly.

Who knows, after seeing this guy, she can't get angry at all.

The original anger, after seeing him, was quickly diluted by the joy of meeting, and then quickly lost himself under his sweet words.

Now that she wants to go back, she naturally hopes Ye Han can go back with her, but she doesn't want to force him.

And with her arrogant personality, she can't do anything to force others, of course, if it's an enemy, that's another story.

"Or else! Let's make a three-year appointment too!" Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa's face, pondered a little, and said with a smile, "Look at the two of us, if I defeat you, I will be stronger than you. You will only consider accepting me when I have time. My current strength is definitely not your opponent. Now go back and face a charming and charming daughter-in-law, but you can only watch it, and it can't help you, and sometimes it will make you angry. "

"It's not as good as this, three years, give me three years, and after three years we will have a fair match..."

"Haha! What if you can't beat me in three years?" Queen Medusa's red lips were slightly raised, and she could see this guy's flowery intestines at a glance. After all, she didn't want to go back!

Thankfully he could come up with so many reasons.

But having said so much, Queen Medusa is not so lost.

"How could I lose?" Ye Han blushed and said roughly.

"So confident, what if you fail?" Queen Medusa's mouth twitched slightly as she joked.

"There is no emergency in my life dictionary." Ye Han waved his hand and said boldly.

Queen Medusa smiled. Although she knew that this guy was bragging, she liked his confidence.

But she was very concerned about the answer.

"I mean what if, what if you fail?" Queen Medusa smiled, but her eyes were filled with unswerving searching.

"In case I really lose, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, I'll be your person!" Ye Han said pitifully.


Queen Medusa couldn't help but laugh out loud.

She was clearly satisfied with the answer.

But the queen is arrogant, how could it be so easy for Ye Han to succeed.

The smile on her face quickly faded, she looked at Ye Han, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she let out a cold snort, "Who is rare."

It's just that the curved eyebrows directly exposed her careful showed her happiness.

Ye Han's eyes flashed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were also slightly raised, and he said, "Then I will see the situation. If my strength is not good, I will travel around the world with Yun Yun..."

"you dare?"

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Queen Medusa's angrily reprimand.

That coquettish face was instantly cold as ice, and she was about to stand up from Ye Han's arms when she scolded her.

Ye Han used his hands to wrap his arms around Queen Medusa's waist, bowed his head gently, and kissed the delicate red lips directly.

"Such a beautiful wife, how could I let go, I will never let go in my life, don't worry! Next time we meet, I will make you willing to be my bride." Ye Han said.

A smoky red appeared on Queen Medusa's face. How could she not know that Ye Han was deliberately teasing herself.

For a while, she was shy and infinite, making it difficult to hold on to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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