From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 372: : Yun Yun's Nightmare

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The bright moon hangs high!

Under the moonlight!

Ye Han held the beautiful woman in his arms and looked at her completely relieved expression, and his heart was slightly relieved.


Scared the old man.

The anxiety in Ye Han's heart finally disappeared.

Or a barbaric world where the weak eat the strong!

If you put it in modern times, let alone marry a wife and still mess around outside.

Even if it is a little ambiguous with other women, I am afraid I have to kneel on the washboard until dawn.

How can it be like this?

"Do you think I forgave you? I feel very proud. I feel that the world is so beautiful, and it is possible to enjoy the blessings of Qi people in the future, right?" Yun Yun looked at Ye Han, and gently touched the man's slender palm with her long palm. handsome face, fair as jade

With a shallow smile on his face, his tone was soft and gentle.


Ye Han's soul was given and accepted, and for a while, his soul was captured by the woman's gentle movements and calm smile.

Hearing this, he nodded instinctively.

Then, he was shocked and reacted violently.

"How could I have such thoughts? If you can forgive me, I will be satisfied." Ye Han had a strong will to survive and quickly denied it.

Yun Yun nodded noncommittally, quite satisfied with his performance.

However, Ye Han's immortal character suddenly broke out.

"Of course, if you want, it's okay to let me enjoy the blessings of the people of Qi." Ye Han said meanly.


The expression on Yun Yun's face froze, and she pushed Ye Han away directly, then jumped off the roof and walked towards her bedroom.

Ye Han "..."

In an instant, Ye Han returned to his senses, raised his hand in annoyance and patted his face.

Snapped! ~

In the dead of night, this crisp voice was very loud.

"Hey, Mad! Missed it."

Ye Han covered his face involuntarily in pain and muttered.

At the same time, an uncontrollable chuckle came from below.

Hearing this, Ye Han couldn't help covering his face with one hand, and also smirked.

To be able to win a beautiful smile, this slap is worth it.

Yun Yun shook her head and returned to the room. She was calm and didn't want to argue with others. The incident had already happened, and she was already Ye Han's person, and he also had himself in his heart. For her, that was enough.

Everything in the future is entirely up to God's will. As for Ye Han's affairs in another world, she can probably guess something.

However, she was very sensible and did not ask.

Because Ye Han had clearly told her that those things were not happy things.

Since you know this, why do you still find yourself uncomfortable? Isn't it good to be happy for a while?

Back in the room, he glanced at the disciple lying on the bed.

Yun Yun's eyes flickered slightly. Although she was new to emotional matters, she still had some insights after living for so many years.

Through the exchange just now, she clearly felt that Nalan Yanran also seemed to have a vague affection for that **** man, which made Yun Yun feel a bit of a headache.

At this time, she really regretted it, why did she just lose her temper and shake her head to deny that she knew that man?

If she hadn't been so panicked just now and admitted her relationship with that man, the little girl's budding goodwill would most likely vanish.

However, now, the words that have been said are like passing time, and she can't take them back.

Lying on the bed, looking at Nalan Yanran who was sleeping soundly, Yun Yun couldn't help but think of those charming people in the bath just now, and what the little **** had done to their master and apprentice.

For a moment, Yun Yun blushed and felt shy and angry.


Gritting her teeth, Yun Yun lay flat on the bed.

Speaking of which, Nalan Yanran "suffered this calamity", there is no doubt that as a teacher, she is definitely the culprit and has an inescapable responsibility.

If it wasn't for her "cover", how could Ye Han act so recklessly.

While thinking about her thoughts, Yun Yun gradually fell asleep.

In the dream, Nalan Yanran held a long sword, facing Yun Yun's neck, with a desolate expression on her face and misty eyes.

"Teacher, why? Why are you trying to rob Ye Han from me?" Nalan Yanran asked Yun Yun loudly.

"I, I don't." Yun Yun quickly explained.

"Teacher, it was you who helped him and stained my innocence. Why, why are you preventing me from being with him now?" Nalan Yanran looked sad.

Facing the questioning voice, Yun Yun's face turned pale and she was speechless.

"You are my teacher, my sister, a parent-like existence, how could I possibly take action against you, teacher, I wish you happiness."

Nalan Yanran murmured, and then slashed the sword between her neck...

"No, no, Yanran, no, I, I was wrong, woohoo, I'll never rob you again, Yanran..."

Yun Yun was lying on the bed, her eyes were closed, her expression panicked, and she was talking nonsense.

"Teacher, teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Nalan Yanran grabbed Yun Yun's shoulders with both hands, shaking and shouting with worry.

The Douhuang powerhouse actually had a nightmare, this change really startled Nalan Yanran.

Under Nalan Yanran's shaking, Yun Yun's closed eyes slowly opened, her eyes were full of panic, and she had not yet escaped from the nightmare.

"Yan, Yanran, the teacher is wrong, the teacher will never rob you again."

Yun Yun hugged Nalan Yanran for the first time and muttered to herself.

At this time, Nalan Yanran had a question mark on her forehead and her face was stunned. The second monk couldn't figure it out, so he could only hug Yunyun back, patted her back, and asked, "Teacher, are you having a nightmare? It's okay, now the dream has woken up..."

Yun Yun came back to her senses in a daze, gently released her arms, her big eyes were misty, and she carefully looked at the pretty face in front of her.

"You, you're fine, it's really great." Yun Yun said.

"Teacher, what did you dream about?" Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun curiously.

Hearing this, Yun Yun glanced at Nalan Yanran.

He immediately shook his head, without saying a word, glanced at the sky outside the window, Yun Yun calmed down and slowly got up from the bed.

The sun is rising and the sun is very warm.

However, Yun Yun felt a chill in her body.

Day thinking, night dreaming.

The nightmare of last night is not without reason, maybe in the near future, it may be a reality.

How can I prevent everything in my dreams from becoming reality?

Yun Yun was helpless.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Yun Yun looked at herself in the mirror, her brows furrowed.

While thinking of a solution, he absent-mindedly combed the messy hair.

Yesterday morning, it was the same man, standing behind him, gently and dotingly helping him take care of his long hair...

Involuntarily, the man came to mind again.

Immediately afterwards, Nalan Yanran's figure appeared in front of her, and Yun Yun's palm holding the comb couldn't help but tighten.

"Teacher, let me help you comb!"

Nalan Yanran came behind Yun Yun, and the youthful and energetic figure of Miaoman was reflected in the mirror in front of Yun Yun, with a naughty and lovely smile on her face. While talking, she hugged Yun Yun's shoulder and took it from her. Comb and start to help Yun Yun take care of her hair.

"Teacher, I just wanted to ask you yesterday, why are your clothes torn?"

While helping Yun Yun to comb her hair, Nalan Yanran spoke casually.

If Yun Yun's clothes were damaged, it would be understandable, but she was wearing the sect master's clothes!


Yun Yun was at a loss for words, not knowing what to do.

At the same time, she couldn't help thinking of a certain wolf. That **** was too vicious yesterday. If she hadn't stopped her and showed unprecedented obedience, this dress would have been dead long ago, but she didn't expect that she would have stopped it in time. Still broken.

What she didn't expect was that Nalan Yanran found out.

"Hey, teacher, I'm not telling you, how old are you, you are so careless, you don't know when your clothes are torn, but fortunately the damage is not serious, if there is a big hole, you can wear it out again. , tsk tsk tsk, I don't know how many people are going to feast their eyes." Nalan Yanran giggled.

Yun Yun was still a little moved by the words she said earlier, but the words that followed became less and less righteous.

"You girl, it's really getting smaller and smaller." Yun Yun said, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hee hee, teacher, I noticed that you seem prettier than ever today!"

Nalan Yanran laughed and said. In private, she and Yun Yun were like sisters, so she didn't have so many concerns. With a compliment, Nalan Yanran lowered her head, her red lips rose slightly, and she was cruel on Yun Yun's fair-skinned pretty face. kissed.

Yun Yun rolled her eyes helplessly, she was tender as water, while wiping her cheeks gracefully, she scolded with a smile, "When you've combed your hair, go out quickly, it's not good to be slick, and your drool all over my face."

"Okay, I will help you guard the door, and I won't let anyone have the opportunity to peep." Nalan Yanran said with a solemn expression on her face.

After she finished speaking, when she left, she did not forget to lean over and sip on Yun Yun's face again, leaving a pool of sparkling water stains on her fair face again.

Yun Yun shook her head and watched Nalan Yanran leave. The relaxed expression on her face gradually subsided and became full of melancholy.

He has been staring blankly outside the house, his beautiful eyes are full of hesitation.

I don't know how long it took, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

dong dong dong!

"Teacher, have you changed your clothes?"

"I'm in!"

The voice was full of joy and urgency, the voice fell, and she had already pushed in the door.

"Teacher, why are you still sitting there? Hurry up, someone is here, that **** came to our Yunlan Sect so early."

Seeing that Yun Yun was still sitting in front of the dressing table, Nalan Yanran couldn't help being a little impatient. As she spoke, she pulled Yun Yun up, and started to tug at her clothes without a second thought. That monkey's anxious look resembled a certain bastard.

"You, what are you doing?"

Yun Yun came back to her senses, grabbed the collar with both hands, and looked at Nalan Yanran with embarrassment.

"That **** is here, he said he wants to visit you, hurry up, hurry up and I'll change your clothes for you. After you're done, go and beat him up for me." Nalan Yanran didn't care about Yun Yun's expression at all. Changed and shaken, in three or two, he took off his beautiful teacher.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so beautiful, I don't know which guy will be cheaper in the Let me have a good time in advance, it shouldn't be too much." Nalan Yanran's eyes lit up, and while murmuring, she also Some are just around the corner.

Fortunately, Yun Yun stopped in time.

"Who is that **** you're talking about?" Yun Yun said.

While speaking, her plump and moving mature body was enveloped in a grudge, and when she reappeared, she had already re-appeared in a dress.

"Besides the **** who bullied me, who else could it be? Teacher, you must avenge me this time!~"

Nalan Yanran gritted her teeth, was pitiful, coquettish and cute, and her emotional transformation was accomplished in one go.

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