"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The full moon is like a disk, and the stars are bright.

The night on Yunlan Mountain is really beautiful.

A thin mist wafts, and the delicate pavilions and pavilions are looming. Under the starry sky, the fluorescent light is dotted, beautiful, and it looks extremely quiet.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is only a foil at this moment.

White clothes like snow, black hair like waterfalls.

Her slender body stood beside a viewing platform, and the cool evening breeze gently lifted her long black hair and blew her elegant long dress.

The simple long dress is as pure as snow. A white belt gently binds the slender waist. The whole suit does not have too many decorations, but it makes the woman appear more ethereal and elegant, full of inaction, as if she is indifferent to the world. Fairy, ethereal and clear.

The cool evening breeze gently blew the Buddha, making the perfectly fitting white dress tightly wrap around the woman's mature body, revealing the plump and alluring curves.

In this Yunlan Sect, who has such a charming aura, besides Yun Yun, who else can it be?

"Little bastard, I miss you, have you... missed me?" Yun Yun looked up at the sky, her eyes blurred, her stunning face was a little sad.

In a trance, it seemed that someone came to him.

However, the other party is not hostile, just standing not far from him.

Yun Yun didn't think too much, didn't watch too much, she was still intoxicated in her own world, recalling the figure she had been with for half a year that made her feel ashamed, angry, love and hate, she couldn't extricate herself.

Back then, he lost his dignity in front of him, and his heart was ashes.

As a result, he still thought about killing him after he recovered.

In the end, after going back and forth, I was used to being taken care of by him...

Maybe it was when he was combing his muscles, maybe it was when he walked out of the dark cave with his weakest self, maybe it was when he showed his talent, or maybe it was when he detoxified himself by the pool...

Love doesn't know where to start, it goes deep.

The former killing intent has long since dissipated with the wind.

A kiss in the cave became the farewell between the two, and outside the Warcraft Mountains, the two parted ways.

Another half a year has passed, and Yunyun found that instead of letting her forget the existence of that person, time allowed him to take root in her heart and become deeply ingrained.

Yun Yun is now very clear that she can't forget the man who looks younger than her age, and she doesn't want to forget it.

At this moment, she just wanted to see him, even if it was just a glance.


He let out a long sigh.

Yun Yun is a little melancholy. She is the suzerain of the Yunlan Sect. She has experienced the disappearance of the Demonic Beast Mountains. The elders of the Yunlanzong will not let her leave at all.

Want to see that man again, easier said than done?

The moon is in the sky, and the night is dark.

Yun Yun sighed for a long time, came back to her senses, turned around in despair, and walked towards her bedroom.

Step by step...  

Walking slower and slower, suddenly, she turned around abruptly, and at a glance, she saw the figure in white who was looking at her with a smile.

Yunyun's big eyes blinked, her face was like a ghost, her red lips were slightly open, she was very cute.

That handsome face is still so sunny and refined, that smile is still so genial and warm, and that figure is still so tall and tall, just as it was in the past, as seen in a dream, and as thoughtful as day and night.

Yun Yun stretched out her hands, softened her eyes, and looked at the tall man with blue hair fluttering in front of him, dancing lightly in white clothes, and his style was better than before. The shock and disbelief in his eyes were slowly replaced by surprise. .

Ye Han didn't speak, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and opened his arms.

Yunyun's footsteps were light and brisk, like a dancing butterfly, she came to Ye Han's side, two red clouds suddenly appeared on her white cheeks, and she stopped.

She found that she seemed to be a little too active and behaved a little too... While she was hesitating, her body suddenly fell into a broad embrace.

Warm, cozy, familiar...

At the moment of being hugged by Ye Han, Yun Yun seemed to have returned to the cave where there were only two people.

The man is enthroned as jade, handsome and refined, with a white robe, tall and straight, and graceful, like a sword fairy, outstanding from the dust.

The woman's face is beautiful, her temperament is noble and quiet, she is also dressed in white, and her stature is slender and graceful, like an exiled immortal in the world, with a sense of being out of the dust.

The two embraced each other, like a pair of immortals.

Breathing in the breath emanating from Ye Han, feeling the body temperature of the other party, listening to his strong heartbeat...

After a long time, Yun Yun raised her head, looked at Ye Han with red eyes, and said with anxiety in her voice, "Am I dreaming?"


Ye Han smiled softly, with a little doting in his eyes.

Originally, he came with malice, but only used the other party as a tool to vent.

But she didn't expect her to be so affectionate to herself.

Ye Han had come a long time ago.

As a senior silver bug who had sneaked into the Pope's Palace, Ye Han naturally had rich experience in finding someone.

The beauty of Yun Yun is well known, there is no doubt that someone will be drunk just by looking at the woman's profile in the moonlight, with that tenderness like water.

Then, he heard Yun Yun's affectionate thoughts.

Originally, he thought that Yun Yun was just a little bit fond of him, but who would have thought that Yun Yun also has a deep love for a girl.

To be honest, Ye Han was moved.

The heart that had been silent for many years was once again turbulent.

With a chuckle, he lowered his head slightly and kissed the red lips in front of him.

This kiss is not only lustful, but also affectionate.

Facing Ye Han's sudden attack, Yun Yun's eyes suddenly widened and she was slightly startled, but it was only for a moment. She was moved by Ye Han's gentleness, and she forgot everything. She wrapped her arms around Ye Han's neck and began to be fierce. responded.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Ye Han looked in his arms, his body was soft and weak, his red lips were slightly open, and he was exhaling like a lily.

Hearing this, Yun Yun couldn't help but rolled her eyes while panting, thinking in her heart, "This **** is still as bad as ever."

After breathing calmed down, Yun Yun exerted a little force on her body, trying to break free from Ye Han's embrace.

However, Ye Han's nature was exposed, and she directly forcibly fixed her body in his arms.

While greedily enjoying the perfect touch from the warm nephrite jade in his arms, he smirked and said, "By the way, who were you thinking about just now?"

Yun Yun heard the words, her beautiful face couldn't help adding two more red clouds, and said, "No, I don't think about anyone!"

That shy appearance, Xiao Niao Yiren, watched a wolf move his index finger, and couldn't help swallowing.

"That's really sad. I haven't seen you for so many days, but I often think of you, but who knows... ah! It seems that I'm being sentimental." Ye Han tried his best to hold back the chicken's movement and sighed for a long time. road.

"You, are you really thinking about me?"

Yun Yun automatically ignored Ye Han's other words, and instantly grasped the topic she cared about most.

Ye Han looked at Yun Yun's bright eyes full of anticipation~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

He did think of Yun Yun often, but he never thought of anything serious.

However, this time, of course, you can't be too honest.

"Well! I'm not lying to her, but I often think of her during this time."

Ye Han calmed his heart and nodded sincerely.

Yun Yun didn't care about this. Seeing the person she was thinking about, she said that she also misses her from time to time, and her heart was instantly filled with joy.

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