From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 348: : 3 grain blue elixir

Chapter 349

Xiao Xun'er was full of humiliation and felt an unprecedented anger.

But he couldn't resist in the slightest, he could only raise his head, look at Ye Han, his eyes were pleading, and he shook his head slightly.

She didn't dare to speak, she could only let him let go of herself through this simple body movement.

"I still have something to do, so I'll say goodbye first."

For some reason, seeing the "intimacy" between Ye Han and the woman dressed as the village girl, Xiao Yan felt a little irritable and didn't want to stay here, even for a single second.

Angrily dropping a sentence, he walked away.

"Brother Xiao Yan walk slowly, I won't send you off, Xiao Xun'er, I will take care of you."

Ye Han opened his mouth, his speech rate was a bit slow, and by the time the last sentence was over, Xiao Yan had already run away without a trace.

"Look! I said it all, Brother Xiao Yan asked me to take care of you, I didn't lie to you!"

Ye Han lowered his head, looked at Xiao Xun'er with a dull expression in his arms, and said, "He's gone, you don't have to pretend to be an ostrich."

Xiao Xun'er turned his head with a dull expression, and looked at the place where Xiao Yan stood just now, only to see that it was empty, and the thin figure had long since disappeared.

"Did he hear it?"

"Is he full of disappointment and hatred for me?"


The hatred in Xiao Xun'er's eyes slowly gathered, and then collapsed at the most critical moment, and was well hidden by her.

"You, what are you doing?"

Xiao Xun'er rolled her eyes, and inadvertently looked at Ye Han's right hand, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she did not dare to believe.

In Ye Han's right hand, a gossip furnace composed of yin and yang taiji diagrams slowly rotated, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura.

One after another medicinal herbs rose and fell, and in the fusion and collision of the power of the yin and the sun, they instantly turned into strands of energy essence, then quickly split into three equal strands, and finally reorganized and merged in an instant. , turned into three round cyan elixir.

"The efficacy of Hei Tianma is too poor, and the years of other adjuvants are somewhat inappropriate. Otherwise, there should be more than ten pills in this pot of medicine." Ye Han muttered.

The three Qingling Pills took shape, but there were still many medicinal essences left in Ye Han's palm.

But Ye Han was too lazy to collect it and let it slowly dissipate.

Around, the people watching him concocting pills were all shocked, even the few people who had seen Ye Han concoct pills were also shocked.

And after hearing his muttering, Fa Qian almost fainted.

Ye Han's medicine practice has had too much impact on this old man who has been studying medicinal pills for a lifetime.

Seeing is believing, but hearing is false. At this time, he finally believed that the longevity pills yesterday were refined by Ye Han.

Because Ye Han's next move is enough to prove how extraordinary his alchemy skills are.

Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Wind Fury Dragon Flame, and the last kind of red, never-before-seen strange fire, all three kinds of special fire appeared in his hands one by one, perfectly connected, and quenched the three cyan elixir. Refinement to form Danwen.

"It's a bit bad!"

Ye Han shook his head and sighed, and then his mind moved, the Yin-Yang Taiji Furnace in his hand slowly turned, releasing one black and one white, two kinds of flames.

This is the fire of the avenue, and it is the manifestation of the ability released by Ye Han's previous insights.

The two flames merged into one, and the three-pattern Qingling Pill was calcined again. In the end, the blue-colored pill was actually covered with a faint golden glow, and three silver lines spread all over it, making it radiant.

However, Ye Han still shook his head, not satisfied with this.

He could feel that there was still huge room for improvement in the three-pattern azure elixir, but it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

If you continue to temper, the result will be obvious, the three pills will definitely collapse.

The yin and yang gossip furnace slowly dissipated, Ye Han put away the three medicinal pills, looked at Yaoye and Nalan Yanran, and said, "Which one of you will try?"

Hearing the words, the two women looked at each other subconsciously, and then turned their heads tacitly. Instead of looking at each other, they glanced around, with some hesitation.

The things that Ye Han refined, the effect is really nothing to say, but the risk is also great.

Really answering that sentence, taking medicine is risky, and you need to be cautious when drinking medicine.

The two of them suffered a big loss because they were not cautious enough, but neither of them refused, but they were a little hesitant.

After all, in the public, if...

The two girls are embarrassing. If something like that happened in the inn in the public, whether it was burning their clothes or making that shameful sound, how would they live in the future?

However, they couldn't resist the temptation to improve after taking the medicine pill.

Ye Han smiled slightly, and through the eyes of the two, he knew the concerns in their hearts, so he didn't force it.

He took out a three-pattern Qingling Pill that had changed drastically and threw it directly into his mouth. It was soft and glutinous, a little fragrant, a little sweet, a little hot, and a little cold. It was strange and seemed a little wrong.

Ye Han suppressed the power of Taiyin and the sun, preventing these two forces from absorbing the special effects in the medicinal pill, and carefully realized this change.

Then, involuntarily, a voice that excites men and makes women shy...

After the medicinal effect was over, Ye Han's cultivation had reached the level of Dou Ling five-star.

Ye Han's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating. He turned a blind eye to the strange eyes around him, and directly threw the remaining two pills to Yaoye and Nalan Yanran, saying, "My pill has no possibility of failure. Human cultivation, this pill is enough for you to be promoted to Dou Spirit, but after all, the cultivation that you have improved by relying on pills is not from your own cultivation, you must polish your Dou Qi well in the future, so as not to affect your future cultivation."

The cheeks of the two women were flushed, and their heads were drooping. After catching Ye Han's medicinal pill, they nodded again and again, daring not to be slighted.

Ye Han, who is serious, is indeed very powerful, and makes people have a majesty that wants to obey.

"Okay, I'll go first. After you guys have dealt with the things in your hands, come to the Mittel auction house to find me."

Ye Han looked at Mittelten Mountain, Jia Xingtian, and Fa Yan.

After speaking, Ye Han knocked Xiao Xun'er unconscious again and put it into his storage space. Then, a princess hugged her and picked her up in Ya Fei's exclamation instantly He rushed into the sky and disappeared in the sight of a group of people in the blink of an eye.

"You, what do you want to do? You said you wouldn't force me."

In the endless void, Ya Fei hugged Ye Han's neck with one hand, listening to the wind whistling in her ear, she trembled in fear.

"What are you thinking! Am I the kind of person who doesn't say anything?" Ye Han asked.

Ya Fei raised her head and looked at Ye Han, her eyes filled with confusion.

She really doesn't know what kind of person Ye Han is, and she doesn't even know whether Ye Han is a person or not.

"Little girl, do you think that if you are just a spokesperson, you can really shock Jia Xingtian and Mittel Tengshan, those old guys?"

Ye Han smiled and said, "I'm giving you a prestige. The more intimacy and ambiguity between us means that the higher your status in my heart, the less they dare to look down on you, understand?"

When Ya Fei heard the words, she couldn't help but click, but she always felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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