From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 346: : Training Xiao Xun'er

Chapter 347: Training Xiao Xun'er

Three-pattern Qingling Pill, this kind of pill is a bit special.

Its medicinal effect and rank depend entirely on its dan lines, and the ordinary three-pattern azure elixirs can help the Dou Master break through the bottleneck of the Great Dou Master without any backlash.

If the Great Fighter takes it, there is a chance to improve one-star cultivation.

And the highest-grade three-pattern Qingling Pill, this kind of pill, should be used with caution! Taking this pill, the Great Fighter has a chance to increase the strength of 3 stars in a short period of time, and at the same time, there is also a certain chance to cause the backlash of the medicinal effect. The strength of the backlasher may be reduced by about one to two stars, but there is no life. danger.

The most important thing is that the three-pattern Qingling Pill, the fighting spirit powerhouse can also take one.

However, in order to refine the highest-level three-pattern azure elixir, three different flames must be used. During the refining process, the conversion of the three flames must reach the level of perfection, otherwise, the failure rate will be extremely high.

Last night, Xiao Yan told Fa Yan that he was only 50% sure, but in fact, he had 70% or even 80%.

After a failure, he summed up his experience, and this time his grasp directly reached 95%, and that half was God's will.

The Erwen Qingling Pill took shape, but the Zixin Barrier Breaking Pill that wanted to defeat Yanli was still a little short.

Without much hesitation, Xiao Yan raised his palm, and a crimson fire lotus slowly appeared in his palm.

At this moment of pilgrimage, all the alchemists looked horrified, feeling that the flames in their bodies were out of control, and faintly showed surrender to that flame.

"Flame, Red Lotus Karmic Fire."

Ye Han murmured, his eyes twinkling.

He recognized the origin of the flame in Xiao Yan's hand at a glance.

At the same time, he thought of what the flames said before falling asleep. She consumed a lot of origin in the process of devouring the strange fire.

Now it seems that those origins not only helped Xiao Yan to temper his body and improve his Dou Qi cultivation, but also gave him a ray of red lotus seed fire.

"Brother Xiao Yan!"

Xiao Xun'er's eyes were full of brilliance, and she felt her body. Only by resisting with all her strength could she barely maintain it. Only then did she have the power of flame to surrender. Not only was she not angry at all, but she was full of joy.

Originally, I thought that Brother Xiao Yan would be extremely depressed without the strange fire.

Unexpectedly, he still has such a trump card.

This is a kind of flame that Xiao Xun'er has never heard of, but it is in no way inferior to any strange fire.

"Hey! You, you bastard, get your dirty hands off."

Xiao Xun'er suddenly murmured, her face flushed with blush, one palm pushed Ye Han's chest, the other palm stretched behind her to grab the big hand on her buttocks.

While trying to push him away, trying to stop his nonsense.

"Little Nizi, you are leaning on my arms now, but you are thinking about other men. Is it really okay to be so busy?" Ye Han ignored Xiao Xun'er's resistance and said with a mocking expression.

"I, I am in the middle of the night, I, I sprayed you to death with a sip of salt soda."

Xiao Xun'er was in a hurry and said, "If it wasn't for you, how could I be lying in your arms, and what relationship do I have with you, why would I be rambunctious."

"Oh! That's it, since it doesn't matter, then wait a while, let's have a good chat with Brother Xiao Yan, let him see if we are related, what is the relationship?" Ye Han said.

Xiao Xun'er's expression changed when she heard the words.

His face, which was flushed with embarrassment, turned pale and bloodless in an instant.

"I, you, how can you do this?"

Xiao Xun'er's arrogant temperament disappeared in an instant, and in an instant she became a wronged little daughter-in-law, her voice became weak and weak, she looked pitiful, and I felt pity.

Ye Han sneered and said, "Secretly tell you something, when you kissed me just now, your brother Xiao Yan happened to see it."

Xiao Xun'er's eyes were just a little flustered at first, but this moment was completely sluggish.

"You, you, you're lying to me? Right? It must be, you must be lying to me."

After a long time, Xiao Xun'er looked at Ye Han with a look of apprehension and anticipation.

She wanted to hear Ye Han admit that the words just now were all nonsense by Ye Han.

Unfortunately, Ye Han shook his head and said, "I lied to you, you will know when you see your brother Xiao Yan later."

"No, you can't do this, no, I, I beg you, don't let Brother Xiao Yan know that it's me, okay?" Xiao Xun'er's clear eyes could not help falling a big tear, after all, it was her arrogance underneath. 's brain.

"Haha, have you ever seen any despicable and shameless **** who would soften his heart because of other people's prayers?" Ye Han smiled.

Indifferent tone, but very gentle movements, the palm behind the girl slowly lifted, gently helping her wipe the tears from her face.

"I, I, as long as you don't let me meet Brother Xiao Yan now, I, I won't scold you in the future." Xiao Xun'er grabbed Ye Han's palm with both hands to help her wipe away her tears, her eyes shining with anticipation ,road.

She was terrified at this time.

If brother Xiao Yan really saw the intimacy between him and Ye Han just now, would he believe that everything was not of his own accord?

Xiao Xun'er didn't dare to gamble. Now, she can only give up her dignity and pray for this man to open up, and not allow herself to meet brother Xiao Yan for the time being.

For today's plan, Xiao Xun'er can only take one step at a time, and then go through this hurdle first.

However, Ye Han is such a talkative person, and after being scolded for so long, how could he lose his temper, and let Xiao Xun'er out now, in order to train her well, how could he easily let her go.

"You are a prisoner, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

Ye Han's voice was soft and sweet as always, but the meaning in his words was unprecedentedly cold.

Xiao Xun'er's delicate body trembled slightly, looking at the young and handsome face in front of her, a hint of despair flashed in her eyes.

"You, you devil, what do you want?" Xiao Xun'er said angrily.

"Are you scolding me again?" Ye Han laughed.

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er's breathing stagnated again, barely suppressing the anger in her heart, her voice was cold and crying, and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I will never scold you again, you say, as long as you tell me , no matter what, I promise you, as long as you don't let me meet Brother Xiao Yan now."

"Like This!"

There was a hint of interest in Ye Han's eyes, and he said, "I heard your name is Brother Xiao Yan, and it's very affectionate. Come on, call Brother Ye Han first and I'll listen."

Xiao Xun'er's face was stunned for a moment, and then she held back the nausea in her in a sweet voice, and said, "Brother Ye Han."

Hearing this, Ye Han shivered involuntarily, feeling goosebumps all over his body.

"Speak well, call me whatever you call Xiao Yan, don't try to please me, I can't stand it." Ye Han said.

"Ye, brother Ye Han." Xiao Xun'er took a deep breath.

She could finally see it now, Ye Han didn't really want to meet Brother Xiao Yan now, but to make himself obedient.

After realizing this, Xiao Xun'er immediately felt relieved and decided to follow his heart for the time being.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Although he is not a gentleman, Brother Xiao Yan once said that in 30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi, don't bully young poor, this sentence Xiao Xun'er has always remembered and never forgotten.

Now, she is using this sentence to motivate herself.

"Sooner or later, I, Xiao Xun'er, will slaughter you with my own hands to wash away today's shame." Xiao Xun'er felt ruthless in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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