From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 339: : Xiao Xun'er who was crying

Chapter 340 Xiao Xun'er was crying

Xiao Xun'er wept in her heart.

Ling Ying, you are so tricking me.

It was that scumbag who told her that the person in front of her was only a peak fighter.

But after a fight, where is the big Dou Shi, he is even more fierce than Dou Wang.

Originally, after being captured, she also expected Ling Ying to make a difference and help her clear the siege. Who would have thought that in such a short period of time, she, the bodyguard of the peak of Dou Huang, was hammered to death.

What made her feel sadder in her heart was that this guy actually cheated on her...

Just like that, he revealed his last trump card!

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Xiao Xun'er burst into tears, she was really made to cry by her own people.

Ye Han's expression was cold, and he didn't have the slightest bit of soft-heartedness towards this poisonous-tongued girl.

For Xiao Yan's sake, she would not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to kill herself. If she is still merciful, then she is a fool.

Ye Han didn't hesitate to change her clothes.

However, as soon as the belt was unfastened, two streams of light rushed in from a distance, one after the other, interrupting Ye Han's movements.

Jiaxingtian and Mittelten Mountain have arrived.

In addition to them, the Guards of the Holy City of the Overweight Empire, as well as some Douwang powerhouses, are also on their way to rush here.

Xiao Xun'er breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, her eyes rolled around, and she looked around, thinking about how to escape...

"Do you think that, with your current state and leaving me, can you successfully leave the city under your feet?" Ye Han suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiao Xun'er with a playful look on his face.

Xiao Xun'er's delicate little face froze slightly, her eyes dodged, and there was a guilty conscience that was seen through her mind.

As Ye Han's words were completely finished, her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

In her current state, let alone escape, even if Ye Han released her, she would not be able to leave the city.

Her physical condition was extremely bad. If Ye Han hadn't been using fighting qi to help her control her injuries, she wouldn't be able to stand here and use those crooked minds.

Leaving in this state, I'm afraid it won't be long before her injury will break out.

In that case, it would be fine if she died. If someone else picked it up, it was really hard to predict what would happen to her based on her appearance.

"Jia Xingtian, I'll leave the matter here to you." Ye Han looked at Jia Xingtian and said unceremoniously.

Since this tool man is here, don't worry about it, I'm sorry for his identity.

Throwing the mess he made to Xingtian, Ye Han waved the unconscious Ling Ying directly into his storage space.

Then, Ye Han hugged Xiao Xun'er and left the ruins under his feet, and jumped into a private house not far away.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at Ye Han with a wary expression.

"Lend your house to use it." Ye Han looked at the family of three who were trembling in a corner of the room because of his uninvited arrival, smiled brightly, and threw out a few gold coins.

After he finished speaking, he then looked at Xiao Xun'er.

Then there was a look of disdain on his face, and he said, "You are so forgetful at a young age, of course, to change your clothes. Did you forget it so quickly?"

Xiao Xun'er's expression changed, and just as she was about to speak, Ye Han took her into the room and threw it on the bed.

"You take it off yourself, or I'll help you." Ye Han's indifferent voice sounded.

"You, bastard, you have to die, I will definitely kill you." Xiao Xun'er angrily reprimanded, her eyes were wide open, as if she wanted to breathe fire.

"It looks like you don't want to, so I can only help you." Ye Han said.

If cursing can work, what is the need for cultivation?

Everyone has to practice their mouth.

When that time comes, you will be more eloquent than anyone, curse a group of strong people to death with your mouth open, and cultivate a bird.

"You, no, don't, bastard, **** bitch, you, you don't come here."

Xiao Xun'er was terrified, and while scolding, she moved her body in an attempt to distance herself from Ye Han.

But at this time, she was not as good as ordinary women, so how could she really open the distance between the two.

Ye Han stepped forward, grabbed Xiao Xun'er's ankle, and pulled her over.


The two slaps, neither light nor heavy, directly made Xiao Xun'er quiet.

"The needless struggle and abuse, the only one who suffers will be yourself."

Ye Han pinched Xiao Xun'er's chin, looked at the flushed cheeks in front of him, stared into those frightened eyes, and said coldly, "I'm asking you for the last time, whether you change it yourself or I'll help you."

"I, I, I, I will come by myself." Xiao Xun'er said weakly.

Ye Han's two slaps completely woke her up and made her realize the reality.

This is not the Xiao family, nor the college, nor the family. Ye Han is not those licking dogs who are flattering to her, nor is it the younger peers that she doesn't look down on at ordinary times, nor is it her friend, but the master of her. The enemy of life and death.

Now she has no ability or qualification to resist.

"Today's humiliation will be repaid a hundredfold in the future." Xiao Xun'er clenched her teeth tightly, and a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes.

Snapped! ~

"The little girl is pretty, and she should be more open-minded, sunny, cheerful, and don't give birth to some dark thoughts at every turn."

Ye Han did not hesitate to slap Xiao Xun'er's little ass.

Xiao Xun'er's body trembled, but she dared not speak out.

"Come on, what is Chu doing here? If you don't do it, then I'll change it for you!" Ye Han said.

"I am me, I will come by myself."

Xiao Xun'er was startled, looked at Ye Han's outstretched palm, and hurriedly shouted.

"If you want to come on your own, hurry up, don't linger, the fighting qi I keep in your body won't last long, and you will faint." Ye Han warned, then stood aside.

"you you you......"

Xiao Xun'er grabbed the clothes on her chest with her palm and looked at Ye Han hesitantly.

"What? You want me to leave."

Ye Han had a half-smile on his face, looked at Xiao Xun'er, and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

Xiao Xun'er raised her eyes slightly, with a cold look, she glanced at Ye Han, and knew that it was impossible for him to leave.

In order to maintain her final dignity, she could only grit her teeth and gently undress herself.

The long green dress slipped off, and the girl instinctively covered her chest.

Ye Han glanced at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "The lotus on the belly is good, I like it very much."

brush! ~

Xiao Xun'er's face instantly turned She glared at Ye Han in embarrassment.

"Why did you stop? Continue." Ye Han's smile instantly subsided, and he urged in a cold voice.

"What, what? Still, do you want to continue?" Xiao Xun'er exclaimed, her eyes were cold, she looked at Ye Han with anger, and warned him not to go too far.

"It seems that you still didn't listen to what I said!" Ye Han smiled, and then pulled Xiao Xun'er over.


In just three or two strokes, Ye Han ripped off all the clothes that were left on her body.

With a glance, a half-new Ru skirt came into view, Ye Han threw it directly to Xiao Xun'er, and said, "Put it on."


When dealing with enemies, Ye Han has always been ruthless and ruthless, and there is absolutely no mercy!

Xiao Xun'er's arrogance and self-confidence were destroyed in front of him.

A beautiful and intelligent girl with peerless talent, she instantly turned into a rustic village girl under Ye Han's coercion.

But don't mention it, Xiao Xun'er, who has changed her outfit, looks quite different.

"Take it, I'll take you to see your brother Xiao Yan."

With a stab, she tore off a piece of the skirt that Xiao Xun'er had replaced, and threw it to Xiao Xun'er, making her use it as a veil and put it on her face...

?? A new month is coming, ask for a monthly pass!



(End of this chapter)

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