From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 335: : Xiao Yan and I are brothers

Chapter 336 Xiao Yan and I are brothers

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's pretty face changed, red lips slightly parted.

But in the end, he held back his petty words.

She has always been able to judge the situation and the situation. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and he properly follows his heart. It is only for the long-term plan, and he is definitely not afraid of Ye Hanqiu's reckoning.

Of course, it wasn't because of the cold light in Ye Han's eyes.

She is not afraid of the dark devil, the tiger is not afraid of the sky, she is sturdy, she is not free or die, how could she give in because of mere eyes?


Absolutely impossible.

Then, the power of space surged, and the ultimate power of darkness surged, forming an absolute field.

The bodies of Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and Ling Ying disappeared from the street, as if they were separated from this world, and they couldn't even sense their breath.

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in his heart.

Xiao Xun'er's eyebrows stood upright, her eyes were full of indifference, and her delicate little face was tense.

"No matter what cards you have, your biggest mistake is not being able to control your own hands and feet, let alone bullying Brother Xiao Yan."

After he finished speaking, golden flames raged all over his body, burning Cang Yu, causing everything around him to become distorted.

Ye Han narrowed his eyes slightly and did not make another move.

He wanted to see what the world's fighting skills and secret techniques really had.

"It has already been said that Xiao Yan and I are brothers, and I do this for his own good."

Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er as if he had been wronged by Tianda, and said with a sad face, "Although Brother Xiao Yan has grown by leaps and bounds under the pressure of Nalan Yanran over the years, recently I found that he is floating."

Xiao Xun'er frowned, and immediately the golden light exploded in the palm of his hand, followed by the continuous bombardment of the eight palms.

Eight palm prints emerged, followed by afterimages and tail flames, blasting towards Ye Han like a meteor chasing the moon.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

Ye Han was puzzled, and with a wave of his palm, a Tai Chi figure emerged. He was good at facing the wind and slowly rotated, swallowing all energy attacks.

Xiao Xun'er's guardian Guazhang was just approaching, and it was swallowed and annihilated, without causing the slightest disturbance.

Xiao Xun'er's face changed slightly, and then she heard Ye Han's voice faintly.

"You're not good at attacking!"

As soon as the words fell, a pitch-black sword tip slowly appeared in the slowly rotating Tai Chi picture.

With the continuous rotation of the Taiji map, the tip of the sword is also slowly growing.

Sword tip, blade, jaw, hilt, tail...

A quaint and unpretentious long sword appeared out of nothing and gradually appeared between heaven and earth.

Then a slender, fair-skinned palm appeared like a suet and white jade, holding the pitch-black long sword in his hand.

She twisted her wrist and pulled out a sword flower.


An ice flower slipped from the tip of the sword and fell to the ground, turning into countless pieces.

"It's the first time I've used weapons against people who are weaker than me. Look, how am I treating you? Do I respect you very much? I don't mean to look down on you, right?" Ye Han held a long sword and looked at you. Xiang Xiao Xun'er raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Xun'er's breathing was slightly stagnant.

"Did I let you be nice to me?"

"Did I make you respect me?"

"Did I make you look up to me?"

"Please don't be nice to me?"

"Please don't respect me, okay?"

"Don't look down on me, okay?"

Xiao Xun'er "..."

At this moment, she actually felt that her divine bloodline was trembling faintly, as if being suppressed by that black long sword, and there was an urge to surrender.

"Alas! I seem to have made the atmosphere too solemn."

Ye Han whispered to himself, and then the long sword transformed by the power of the yin dissipated directly.

"Although my friend's wife is welcome, Xiao Yan and I are good brothers. We still need to talk about morality. Come on! I'll give you a chance to take action and let me see how strong the ancient eight clans are." Ye Han said.


A long golden whip made of flames appeared in Xiao Xun'er's hand, she didn't say a word, and drew it directly towards Ye Han.

The Taiji map shattered in response, as if torn apart, but Ye Han took the initiative to disperse it.

Xiao Xun'er is too weak, even if he uses the secret technique, he has no real capital.

The golden flame whip descended from the sky, like a phantom, slashing directly at Ye Han.

A black light shone on Ye Han's palm, his head was slightly tilted back, his palm stretched out, and he directly grabbed Xiao Xun'er's whip.

The golden flame whip was like a substance, instantly wrapping around Ye Han's palm.

"Pain Pain Pain!~"

Ye Han shouted and felt a scorching heat penetrate the protection on his palm.

Xiao Xun'er's indifferent eyes flashed with a hint of joy, and she couldn't help feeling a little happy.

"Let you be rude!"

"Make you look down on me!"

"Let you bully Brother Xiao Yan!"


"what happened?"

Before the joy in her heart appeared on her face, Xiao Xun'er felt like she was flying.

"It shouldn't be! Even if I am happy, it is impossible for me to fly happily with my character." Xiao Xun'er looked bewildered.

Then I felt my body fall into a broad embrace.

"Little girl, Xiao Yan and I are brothers, it's very difficult for me to give you such a hug!" Ye Han held the delicate body in his arms with a look of embarrassment.

However, the hands were not at all difficult to do, and they walked directly on the back of Xiao Xun'er's back.

"You, bastard, let me go."

Xiao Xun'er exclaimed, she finally knew why, she was able to fly.

Everything was because Ye Han, this despicable and shameless bastard, deliberately put on a miserable appearance to make her negligent, and then with the palm of his hand, he grabbed the long whip and directly dragged Xiao Xun'er over.

"Crack! Don't move, I have to take care of the women around Brother Xiao Yan, and you are the top priority. I can't let him be distracted by you!" Ye Han raised his hand~www Slapped lightly and said.

Xiao Xun'er's delicate and flawless face flushed red, and her struggling body froze slightly.

Not just because of the slap in the **** again.

The most important thing is that a weapon with a high temperature twisted along with her body and suddenly appeared, like a sharp sword, it could seal her throat with a sword at any time and perform a lore blow.

Xiao Xun'er was startled and did not dare to continue struggling. She took a deep breath, and stripes of colored stripes appeared on her body.

The colorful golden pattern, the exclusive skill of the ancient bloodline, can only be used in the most critical times. It needs to burn the bloodline to unleash the most powerful power, but it will definitely damage the foundation in the future, and even cause serious damage to oneself. irreparable damage.

Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er in surprise, and then took a quick peck on that charming little mouth, then let go of the girl, and his body quickly took two steps back.

"One star, two stars, three stars, nine stars of Dou Ling! ~ It seems that I really angered her." Ye Han was stunned and whispered softly.


The powerful momentum surged, and Xiao Xun'er's aura showed an explosive growth, breaking through the level directly, reaching the level of a fighting king.

But everything has not stopped, her cultivation is still growing, as if it will never end.

??Thanks to my fellow Lu Renjia, the starting point event, the monthly tickets of the two big brothers, thank you big brother!



(End of this chapter)

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