From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 331: : The strong woman weeps

Chapter 332 The Strong Woman Weeps

Born in a big family, he was born with endless light and glory, and was envied and envied by the world.

But under the glory and light, what they have to bear is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

The Mittel family, the top giants of the Garma Empire.

Ya Fei was born into such a family, both lucky and unfortunate.

It's not just talking about it!

She has been able to live in peace and stability until now, thanks to the protection of her family.

But the pressure the family brings to her is also huge. When she enjoys the rights and interests of the family, she must pay for the family.

For a beautiful woman, the easiest way to repay the family is to marry.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's appearance, the talent he showed had given Ya Fei a huge help, and the family would probably have married her to the Mu family's wooden war.

Because of Xiao Yan's appearance, Mittel Tengshan took a fancy to his potential, and because of the relationship between Ya Fei and Xiao Yan, he began to vigorously support him, making Ya Fei the top manager of Mittel's auction house.

Since then, Ya Fei has been ambitious and ambitious, wanting to display the ambition in her heart and completely control her own life.

However, in this situation, she truly understood the importance of strength.

Without Xiao Yan, she felt a serious lack of confidence!

Her pretty face was ashen, and she threw the document in her hand on the table angrily. She handed over the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid, and it was the first time she had implemented such a major business plan since she took over the auction house.

Otherwise, not only will her reputation be damaged, but also other forces in the family may be rebounded. At that time, she will be dead without her deterrent power.

Without the invisible help of anti-inflammatory, Ye Han had become her only support before she knew it.

"Okay, let's go! Tell the planning department that the sales of Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid will follow their method, I have no opinion." Ya Fei's face returned to calm, she said.

Facing the enemy's conspiracy, she knew it was a trap, but she had to accept it.

This is a gamble, you can only win, not lose.

After thinking about everything, Ya Fei's pretty face as beautiful as flowers and jade, the anger just now disappeared, and she was calm, as if everything was under control.

The woman who sent the planning report looked at Ya Fei, then quickly bowed her head, answered and left quickly.

"Ye Han, Ye Han, you must not disappoint me!"

After the outsiders left, Ya Fei slumped on her office chair as if she had been drained of all her strength at this moment.

After removing all the disguise, the woman's enchanting and charming face suddenly showed a distressing weakness.

At this moment, Ya Fei realized that all she could do was pray.

Pray that the mysterious young man can successfully refine the spiritual liquid that she needs, other than that, she can't do anything.


Ye Han was unaware of the predicament that Ya Fei was facing.

He fell asleep, and slept soundly.

When I opened my eyes, it was already the second day.

"Everything is good here, but there is no bed, which is a bit unbeautiful."

Ye Han got up and stretched while muttering.


The door of the secret room slowly opened, and a red Miaoman figure appeared in front of him instantly.

Ye Han was stunned for a while, then smiled brightly, and said, "Miss Yafei is waiting for me here in person, it's really my honor!"

"You, is the spiritual liquid ready?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ya Fei's eyes, and then she quickly controlled her emotions, not letting herself be too excited, and straight to the point.

Hearing this, Ye Han's eyes flashed with disappointment, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

He smiled like a flower in vain, who knows that people are not waiting for him at all.

However, seeing Ye Han shaking his head, Ya Fei's complexion changed, instantly turning pale, her body swaying, and her standing was unsteady.

She thought that Ye Han shook his head to mean that the production failed.

Thinking of her vowed speech at the high-level meeting of the Mittel family last night, she felt a thunderbolt falling from the blue, which directly made her nervous on the outside and tender on the inside.

The appearance of Xiao Yan helped Ya Fei to a high position that should not belong to her.

The heights are very cold, and if she wants to gain a firm foothold, she must show convincing achievements.

Xiao Yan's invisible help suddenly disappeared, which caught Ya Fei by surprise, making her impatient and eager to find another life-saving straw, but...

"What's up?"

Ye Han's eyes were quick, and he quickly supported Ya Fei, who was swaying, with a puzzled expression on his face.

As soon as the words came out, he saw Ya Fei lift up her pretty face that looked like a flower and jade, and her almond eyes were involuntarily shedding big tears.

"I'm going! Why are you still crying?"

Ye Han panicked.

Ye Han, who has always been fearless, was most afraid of seeing the girl cry.

He stretched out his hand to hold Ya Fei's pretty face, and hurriedly helped her wipe...

Then, Ya Fei grabbed one of his palms, put it in his mouth, and bit down hard.

"..." Ye Han.

Who am I provoking?

Ye Han wanted to cry without tears, endured the pain and looked at Ya Fei quietly.

Ya Fei bit hard, and looking at the posture, it seemed like she was about to bite off Ye Han's palm.

However, soon she felt the muscles in her cheeks sore, and she had to let go of her mouth.

"Is this still a human? It's stronger than a cow's hoof!" Ya Fei was full of shock.

Ye Han glanced at the bloodshot teeth marks on his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He gently lifted Ya Fei's pretty face with the other hand, and used his thumb to help Ya Fei wipe the bloodshot from her lips.

The soft touch, smooth and attractive, but Ye Han did not miss it.

Retracting his palm, Ye Han glanced at the blushing blood on the thumb with a hint of golden light, and couldn't help but put the thumb in his mouth, allowing the blood on it to be removed.

Ya Fei was being touched by the gentleness of the man, and a warm current rose in her heart.

As a result, she saw the scene in front of her, and it was only for a moment. She blushed and couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

It was his own blood that was sucked, so Ye Han naturally wouldn't think too much about it.

But after seeing Ya Fei's sudden change in expression, he instantly realized that something was wrong, and he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

However, Ye Han's face has never been thin, and in an instant, it has become a casual look.

Smacking his lips, Ye Han looked at the red-faced Ya Fei, smiled ambiguously, and said, "It's quite sweet."



Ya Fei cursed inwardly, the blush on her face was even better than three points.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Ye Han restrained his condescending appearance, looked at Ya Fei, and asked curiously.

Strong women are all made of iron. It's not good for Ya Fei to be like this. It's too weak. Ye Han feels that it is necessary to help her.

"Let's talk! In the Gamma Empire, there is nothing that Ye Han can't deal with."

Ye Han patted his chest with a confident look on his face.

"Such a big tone, it seems that this adult should be the person who provided the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid to Yafei's supervisor!"

A figure, who arrives before the sound is heard, except for the first sentence, which is somewhat unclear, the rest of the words are still polite.

Then, a man in his 40s appeared, bowed his hands slightly, and said, "I'm the deputy director of the Lower Mittel Auction House. I've seen your lord, but I don't know your name."

"You don't deserve to know my name, a deputy director, how can you speak here, get out!"

Ye Leng drank without giving face at all, the last word fell, and the breath of Dou Ling was released, which directly caused the man in front of him to change color, stand unsteadily, and retreat in a panic, and finally sat on the ground, sweating like rain, His face was ashen, his eyes looking at Ye Han were full of Dou Ling, he had never seen it before, but the Dou Ling in front of him put more pressure on him than Dou Wang.

The man came with malice, obviously with bad intentions, but because he didn't know his own details, he had no choice but to put on a kind gesture. Ye Han naturally wouldn't talk nonsense with this kind of person.

"Did he bully you?"

Ye Han looked at Ya Fei and said.

It can make strong women feel wronged and cry, if it is not a family problem, it is a work problem.

Since Ya Fei didn't have a family, it was naturally a work problem.

?? Thanks to Bianqing and Bai Yu, the monthly tickets of the two big brothers, thank you big brother!



(End of this chapter)

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