"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Yaoye looked at the soft color on Ye Han's face, and the love in his eyes seemed to overflow his eyes.

She involuntarily covered her chest, listening to Ye Han's words with deep affection and longing, she felt that she had been stabbed again and again in the chest.

At this moment, she regretted it.

I regret why I was so rude, and I went to ask him questions about that person.

Now, not only stabbed himself with a knife, but also killed himself with that bite of dog food.

Yaoye wanted to cry.

Fortunately, the penalty days went and returned at this time.

With the strength of a country, the accumulation of thousands of years, and the medicinal materials needed for a pair of sixth-grade medicinal herbs, they can still get it together.

Ye Han calmed down, read all the medicinal materials carefully, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today!"

Then, he put away the medicinal materials and let several maids retreat.

Sixth-grade medicinal pills, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for pharmacists in the fighting spirit realm to successfully refine them.

But in this world, there are geniuses like Xiao Yan and perverts like Ye Han...

So anything is possible.

With a big wave of your hand, clang clang! ~

One after another, black and white long swords flew out from Ye Han's palm, like a torch, inserted into the empty hall.


Ye Han let out a light drink, and all the long swords shone, forming a black and white Tai Chi picture in an instant.

Yaoye looked at all this, and her eyes were filled with brilliance.

Ye Han's strength and means, unconsciously, had already attracted her deeply.

Using the Qimen formation to form a furnace of heaven and earth, Ye Han waved his hand again, and all the medicinal materials were thrown into it by him.

The biggest reason why the alchemist's success rate is low is that the fire control technique and the lack of soul strength, the latter is the fundamental.

Only when the soul is strong enough can it truly grasp the changes of the medicinal materials without wasting a single bit of the essence.

Under Ye Han's precise control, more than 30 herbs were refined and washed with the power of the sun and yin, and turned into the purest essence.

If it is another alchemist, then the next step must be impatient, wanting to fuse the essence of these medicinal materials and turn it into a complete medicine pill.

But Ye Han was measuring and judging the proportion of the medicinal materials, and wanted to get as many as possible while retaining the medicinal effect.

Ye Han's fire control technique originated in the world of self-cultivation, and after his own transformation, after coming to this world, combined with the method of refining medicine in this world, it has become a self-contained body, multi-purpose, and meticulous control, without any flaws.

The current Yanshou Pill has been transformed by Ye Han himself. For him, the reasonable combination of medicinal materials has long been kept in mind. What proportion of the fusion can maximize the benefits without reducing the efficacy of the medicine is not for him. Not difficult.

In an instant, wisps of streamer light filled the transparent Tai Chi Pill Stove. They collided and merged on the S-shaped dividing line of the Tai Chi Pill Stove. Under the influence of an inexplicable force, the efficacy of all the medicinal herbs was unknown. Unconsciously raised a notch.

No more or less, a whole ten pills were formed.

With a wave of Ye Han's arm, the yin and yang pill furnace made of Dou Qi instantly dissipated.

Ten thumb-sized projectiles whirled, suspended in the air, and appeared in front of several people.

A refreshing medicinal fragrance spreads out instantly, which makes the pores dilate, the spirit trembles, and the spirit is refreshed.

Ye Han stretched out his palm and grabbed it from the air. An attractive force came out, and all ten medicinal pills fell into his hands and disappeared.

Immediately, Ye Han's body staggered and almost fell.

In a short period of time, his vindictive energy has been exhausted, far exceeding the soul of ordinary people, and he also feels weak.

Just as he was about to fall, a pair of arms gently supported him.

"Are you OK?"

Yao Ye's soft voice rang out, and looked at him with concern and concern in his eyes.


Ye Han glanced at the girl beside him, her face was pale, but her eyes were clear, and she shook her head slightly.

"for you."

Ye Han threw out an elixir and threw it to the stunned Jia Xingtian.

At this moment, the penalty day has long been dumbfounded.

Although his strength was not that great in Ye Han's view, he still had some insight.

The medicinal materials used by Ye Han are definitely the sixth-grade medicinal herbs.

But, Nima, when was someone able to refine ten pills in one furnace?


Jia Xingtian felt like he was in a dream, he was confused and at a loss, his eyes kept blinking and blinking, trying to get himself out of the illusion.

However, when Ye Han threw out a medicinal pill and flew towards him, he instinctively reached out to catch it.

Then the whole person was completely stupid.

Before taking it, the warm energy was like a spring breeze and drizzle, and it began to nourish his decaying body, making him feel a long-lost vitality.

"Big, lord, no, it's not good, robbery, robbery thunder."

Erming's tall figure ran from the gate, his voice trembling.

"Tribulation Thunder?"

Ye Han glanced at the frightened giant giant ape, frowned slightly, then resisted the dizziness of the lack of soul, and released his soul perception.

"That's Dan Lei, not some kind of tribulation thunder, just blow it away."

In an instant, Ye Han's brows stretched out.

The sixth-grade medicinal pills caused Dan Lei. This is not the case. It can only be said that the life-extending pills refined by him are extraordinary.

Several people stepped out of the hall, Ye Han looked up at the sky, and saw that a dark cloud had gathered, and the dazzling thunder was shining.

Since the medicinal pills had already been put away by Ye Han, after Ye Han appeared, the thunder that had gathered successfully poured down on Ye Han directly.

Whether it is the Titan Giant Ape or the Blue Sky Bull Python, as a soul beast, there is a deep-rooted fear of heavenly punishment.

What can you expect from an old guy who is half dead and buried in the loess to his neck.

As for Yaoye, she never expected this to happen. Until now, she still supports Ye Han and looks at the pale face in front of her with a worried expression.

The three-eyed golden scorpion has been put into the storage space. The last dark demon tiger, this guy has the ability to stop it, but she wants Ye Han to be directly hacked to death, so naturally she will not help.

Ye Han felt sad in his heart, but helplessly pushed Yao Ye away from him.


The thunder fell, and the violent impact made Ye Han stagger and almost fell.

Shaking, and just standing firm, another thunder fell...

Boom boom boom! ~

Six consecutive thunder tribulations directly wrapped Ye Han inside...

"Ye, Ye Han!~"

It was only at this moment that Yao Ye realized that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ opened her mouth to speak, her voice trembling and her lips trembling.

"You should call me Master."

Ye Han's voice sounded. Although he was weak, he was obviously not in serious trouble and could not die.

The slender figure, carrying the thunder in the sky, slowly appeared.

Then, the thunder gradually disappeared, and Ye Han showed his true body, unexpectedly... unscathed.

Just at this moment, one after another figure cut through the void and appeared around the palace in an instant, just saw this scene.

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