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Nuoda's inn, quiet.

It turned out that Yaoye had brought in the patrol and calmly cleared the scene.

Even the person in charge of the inn was replaced by someone from the palace.

"You, you shouldn't be angry, right?" Yaoye stood aside and looked at Ye Han with a worried expression.

"How could I not be angry."

Ye Han was speechless, glanced at the two people lying on the bed, and said fiercely, "I'm not angry with you for clearing the scene, but because you are messing around. There is a saying that you can't eat medicine indiscriminately, don't you know?"

"I, we didn't eat either!"

Nalan Yanran looked at Ye Han with watery eyes and said pitifully.

She originally thought that taking it internally is the same as applying it externally. As long as she has endured the pain at the beginning, she will be able to enjoy happiness that cannot be described in words.

Who knows, this is simply never-ending pain.

If Yaoye hadn't found out that something was wrong and fished her out, at this moment, she probably wouldn't even be able to find any bones.

"I didn't eat it, then do you want to eat it?" Ye Han smiled and said with a bright smile.

Although he smiled brightly, Nalan Yanran shook violently, felt a chill down her spine, and felt a deep malice.

"No, I don't want to, I don't want to eat."

She shook her head hastily.

Ye Han was speechless, and gently lifted the quilt, causing Nalan Yanran to grin in pain, her face red and her ears red.

Looking at the blood-stained quilt and the **** body, Ye Han felt pain.

Then, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Yaoye, as expected of a princess, even taking care of the wounded, he was so "considerate".

It's like a burn. You wrap him in a quilt. If you lift the quilt, what will be the consequences?

That is the second trauma, more painful and more cruel.

Ye Han ignored Nalan Yanran, but took out the space ring that the penalty day gave him.

Fortunately, he grabbed Yaochen's collection at the beginning, otherwise, even if the real treasure was in front of him, he would not recognize it.

But now, Ye Han recognized them one by one.

It has to be said that Jia Xingtian really made a lot of money this time and sent a lot of good things.

Ye Han didn't like the exercises, but the medicinal materials were different.

A fifth-grade medicinal herb Shengji grass can be used to refine fifth-grade medicinal herb Shengji Dan.

The Shengji Pill, taken by Douwang, can not only treat all kinds of trauma without leaving any hidden dangers, but also can promote muscle and blood circulation, and return to youth. If Douwang takes it below, the effect is no less than that of Pantao elixir. Down.

Ye Han made a decisive decision and decided to open the furnace for alchemy.

Only then did I realize, Nima, I don't have a pill furnace.

However, the mere fifth-grade medicinal pill was not difficult for him.

A hand stretched out, yin and yang flowed, and a Tai Chi Bagua furnace was constructed.

Yaoye and Nalan Yanran were dumbfounded. Yaoyue, who had fainted from her own state, also opened her eyes and looked at Ye Han curiously, wondering what he was going to do.

Ye Han recalled the refining method of Shengji Dan in his mind.

He does not have some auxiliary medicinal materials, but it is not the first time that he has done such a thing as finding a substitute.

The needed herbs were quickly found.

"It's time to show the real technique, darlings, open your eyes and take a look." Ye Han chuckled lightly.

The exaggerated voice and ambiguous words made the three girls' pretty faces blushed involuntarily.

Ye Han didn't care about this, and directly started the first serious alchemy in the Dou Qi Continent.

Alchemy in this world is not inferior to Dou Qi, different from the wild and primitive Douluo Continent.

The alchemy technique here has also reached its peak, and it has become a rule, a technique that is close to Tao.

The method of refining medicine in other worlds that Ye Han has mastered can no longer be used here. Once it is used forcibly, it will lead to thunder tribulation. And the existence of thunder tribulation.

However, he who owns the medicine dust notes has taken a different approach, combining the medicine refining techniques of the two worlds, and integrating them. Based on the medicine refining techniques of this world, he has created his own medicine refining method.

The yin sun, which combines hardness and softness, uses heaven and earth as the furnace, yin and yang as the fire, and supplemented by the rules of heaven and earth, refining the yin and yang spirit liquid.

The most important first step in the method of refining medicine in this world is to refine the essence of herbs, control them with the power of the soul, and refine their essence.

Ye Han's refining speed is too fast, and the efficiency is a bit scary.

Dozens of medicinal materials were thrown into the illusory yin-yang gossip furnace in his palm, two extreme forces, opposing each other, colliding with each other, fighting each other, just in an instant, dozens of medicinal herbs or turned into crystal powder, Or turn into droplets of crystal clear liquid, appearing in that illusory pill furnace.

With a wave of Ye Han's palm, a mysterious aura suddenly appeared in the yin and yang gossip furnace.

Then, under the control of an invisible force, those herbal essences were decomposed one by one, and then methodically merged with each other in a certain order.

Not long after, under the inconceivable gazes of Nalan Yanran, Yaoye and Yaoyue, more than ten round and full white pills appeared in the yin and yang gossip furnace in Ye Han's palm.

The three girls' eyes widened, and they looked like they were alive.

In Dou Qi Continent, the alchemy technique is extremely rigorous. To become an alchemist, the conditions are even harsher, one in a thousand.

Rare things are precious, and there are few pharmacists. Naturally, it is a profession that everyone yearns for. Therefore, even if they are not pharmacists, all people probably know something about pharmacists.

When was a pharmacist able to refine more than a dozen medicinal pills in one furnace?


Is this outrageous?

Back then, Yaochen had a pot of two pills, shocking Zhongzhou, and it could be described as an infinite scenery. However, compared with Ye Han, it was really not worthy of carrying shoes.

Ye Han nodded. He had deduced all this in his mind, but after all, it was the first time to actually practice it. He was also a little worried about losing face. He didn't expect the process to be smoother than expected.


The yin and yang gossip furnace exploded, and thirteen medicinal pills flew out in all directions.

Ye Han waved his hand, released a force of traction, and took the medicinal pill into his hand.

"Try it."

Ye Han handed a pill to Yaoye.

Yao Ye's beautiful face darkened slightly, how could she not see that Ye Han was treating her as a guinea pig.

Most importantly, this is not the first time.

But what can she do?


In the face of a fearful, even fearful existence, would she dare?

She dare not!

Stiff face~www.wuxiamtl.com~ took the medicine pill...

"elder sister."

Yaoyue opened her mouth with worry in her eyes, and shook her head slightly, signaling her not to take it.

Hearing her sister's voice, Yaoye's originally hesitant heart suddenly became firmer.


He smiled at his sister, signaling her not to worry.

"It's not life and death, what are you doing?" Ye Han was speechless.

I feel that these two girls have a lot of inner drama. With him around, could it still prevent Yaoye from having an accident?

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