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The words of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger made Ye Han's mouth twitch involuntarily.

But on second thought, what this guy said, although a little rebellious, was not without reason.

Ye Han didn't know her in general anymore.

Glancing at the three-eyed golden scorpion who was nibbling on pastries on the table, with a heartless appearance, Ye Han knew that this was a koi carp. Don't expect anything other than good luck. Once injured, he will not be able to explain to Di Tian at that time.

Taking another look at the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon, she can count on it.

However, this is also the only force that he can command at will now, so it is better not to move until the last moment.

Ugh! ~

Ye Han let out a long sigh, stretched out his palm, and a power of ice filled the air, spreading out instantly, covering the entire room.

At the same time, Ye Han felt a sadness in his heart.

He worked hard for the development of the soul and beast lineage. He not only dedicated himself, but now he is running around for sustainable development and worrying about the evil money.

However, the things that follow him are actually more unreliable than the other.

A demon spirit, and now it is a group of high-cold people who ignore themselves.

This guy, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, doesn't learn well now, and starts to sing against himself. The emperor's auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden eagle, is a koi, and he can't count on it at all.

It can be used a lot, and now only Xiaoguang is left, and it cannot be exposed at will.

Bang bang bang! ~

There was a violent knock on the door.

However, the ultimate ice is indestructible, a few Dou Masters, a big Dou Master, plus a Dou Spirit, don't even think about blasting away in a lifetime.

At the same time, a young man with a mask walked into the Mittel auction house with a white-haired old man.

"Lord Yanxiao."

"Lord Yan Xiao is here."

"Hurry up, Lord Yanxiao, it's not good, something happened to Lord Yafei."

These days, the pharmacist conference is full of uproar, and the city is full of upheaval. Although the finals have not yet started, but the name of Yanxiao is unknown now?

Passers-by saluted respectfully and worshipped.

Yan Xiao nodded lightly, seemingly amiable, but in fact full of style.

Just then, a panicked voice came.

"Ya Fei has an accident."

Xiao Yan, who goes by the pseudonym Yan Xiao, was overjoyed, knowing that it was time to pretend again.

Every time he was reborn from a desperate situation, every time he turned a danger into a safe place, every time he turned the impossible into a possibility, once, twice or three times, Xiao Yan had already fallen in love with this feeling.

After every act of coercion, that kind of admiration and admiration from people, although his face is indifferent, his heart has already blossomed with joy.

If the practice is not for coercion, it will be meaningless.

Xiao Yan has been on this road for a long time, during which time he has gained fame, people's hearts, awe, admiration... many, many, but he will not be satisfied with this.

Ya Fei has long been his prey, how could he let her hurt.

brush! ~

Xiao Yan's figure disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Wow, Mr. Yan Xiao is so fast."

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Yan Xiao not only has the talent of refining pharmacists of his peers, but also his own strength is so tyrannical."

"Yeah! Just relying on this kind of elusive movement, you can see that Mr. Yan Xiao's actual combat ability must be extremely tyrannical."

The faint admiration in his ears made Xiao Yan's mouth curl up slightly, and the speed was three points faster.

Beside Xiao Yan, Hai Bodong, who had been acting as a guard, glanced at the people around him, and a trace of disdain and ridicule flashed in his eyes.

It's just a group of ants, at most they can only look up at the giant dragon, no matter how much you talk about it, no matter how loud the flattery is, the giant dragon won't even look at you, but it may crush you with one foot.

With a slight flash, Hai Bo Dong disappeared into the crowd.

As a Douhuang strong man, Hai Bodong's movement was naturally not weak, and his footsteps were not in a hurry. Hanging behind Xiao Yan, the two quickly came to the door of Ya Fei's office.

This is not the first time they have come here, they are naturally familiar with the road, and they do not need others to lead the way.

At this time, all kinds of roaring sounds were heard incessantly.

However, the walls of Ya Fei's office were as solid as a rock, not moving at all.

"Get out of the way, I'll come."

Xiao Yan stopped, and a faint voice came out of his mouth, with a touch of firmness and unquestionableness.

"Mr. Yan Xiao."

"It turned out to be Mr. Yan Xiao."

"Mr. Yanxiao, the people inside are powerful, you have to be careful."

Xiao Yan just nodded lightly.

The light in his eyes flickered.

"Level 8 collapse!"

With a bang in his heart, he slapped the wall with his palm.


A muffled sound, like a loud fart.

The wall is still the same wall, nothing has changed.

quack quack!

The scene was silent and silent, but everyone felt that a group of crows were calling overhead.

Because of the power of Xiao Yan's palm and its restraint, the movement caused by it is naturally very small.

Therefore, now, a group of people looked at Xiao Yan, and their eyes became strange.

"That's it, you dare to speak madly, let's get out of the way, let you come, where's your face?"

No one spoke, but the eyes seemed to reveal this meaning.

Even with Xiao Yan's disguised face, it was a little red at the moment.

However, his sanity was still there, and instead of taking out Xuan Chongqi on a whim and hacking it, he turned his eyes to Hai Bodong.

Hai Bodong nodded slightly, knowing that Xiao Yan was calling for him to take action, he did not hesitate and stepped forward.

Xuan Bing's Dou Qi is running, one palm is covered with a thin cold air, and one palm shoots out...

In the room, Ye Han's expression changed slightly.

Immediately after doing two things, he strengthened the defense of the mysterious ice that was almost shattered by a single blow, while turning the wall in front of him into transparent ice.

The next moment, a group of people appeared in front of them.

"Xiao Yan, Hai Bodong."

The corners of Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

Then, he let go of the isolated voice.

The shrill screams came out, and everyone outside was terrified and horrified.

Just as their minds were attracted by Ya Fei's screams, the cracked wall that had just been hit by Hai Bo Dong healed quickly and returned to its original state in an instant.

By the time everyone discovered all this, it was already too late.

"Old Hai, trouble you~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hurry up and take action." Xiao Yan was also anxious, afraid that something would really happen to Ya Fei.

Mainly, Ya Fei's cry was too miserable, full of helplessness and pain.

Hai Bo Dong nodded, Xuan Bing's Dou Qi revolved again, condensing a sky-blue halberd, and was about to blast it towards the wall in front of him.

Just at this moment, a bone-eating ecstasy, lingering around the fingers, making people feel embarrassed, replaced the shrill screams just now, and spread to everyone's ears.

Those who can arrive here at the first time are those with keen perception.

The sounds in the room were naturally hidden from their ears.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were a little weird, and they couldn't help looking at the top of Xiao Yan's head.

There seemed to be a green hat buttoned down there.

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