From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 295: : Ice and Fire 2 Heavy Heaven

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Me too!

Just four words, loud and heroic, made the atmosphere of the scene collapse instantly.

Ye Han's smug look instantly subsided.

Snapped! ~

When Daming saw Ye Han's change in expression, he immediately turned around and slapped Erming's big head, causing his head to buzz.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Daming nodded, agreeing that bringing this product did spoil the atmosphere a bit.

"Da Ming, why did you hit me?"

Er Ming rubbed his dazed big head, his simple and honest face was full of puzzlement, his eyes were full of grievances, and he looked at this father-like brother.

"Speak quietly, do you have public morality! What should you do if you scare people? It's okay for adults and adults. What should you do if you scare children, even if you don't scare children, it's not good if you scare the flowers and plants on the roadside!" Ming Dao.

"Okay, okay, don't play tricks here, get out of here, I want to accompany the beauty to have breakfast, how far away you rough gentlemen go."

Ye Han smiled and waved his hand to chase people away, and told the two that he would stay here for some time and would not leave immediately.

When the two big men heard the words, their eyes lit up, and then one arm and one arm, raised the pale face of Xiantian, and strode away from here.


Ye Han smiled slightly at Yao Ye who stood up.

Yaoye nodded silently and sat down slowly, with her back straight, her face full of seriousness and anxiety.

"Her Royal Highness, don't be nervous."

Ye Han smiled dumbly and said, "Forgot to introduce, my name is Ye Han."

"Master Ye."

Yaoye nodded and greeted politely.

"His Royal Highness is seeing you, just call me Ye Han." Ye Han said.

"Ye, Ye Han." Yao Ye stammered.

At this time, only she and Ye Han were left, which made Princess Yaoye, who had always been generous and dignified, seem uneasy, and it was difficult to speak.

"Well, that's right!"

Ye Han nodded, sat opposite Yaoye, then took out a wine jug and jade bowl, and poured out a liquid that alternated between red and blue.

The bright red is like a ruby, the blue is transparent, and the color is coquettish. The two colors complement each other and are distinct from each other.

"Your Royal Highness, have a taste."

Ye Han pushed the jade bowl in front of Yaoye, stretched out his hand and pointed at the jade bowl, said.

"what is this?"

Yao Ye hesitated.

"You'll know after you taste it, don't worry, I won't hurt you, and I don't need to hurt you." Ye Han smiled and didn't explain, but sold it and pretended to be mysterious.

As soon as Ye Han said these words, although Yaoye still had some worries in his heart, there was no way he could refuse.

After thinking about the identity of the other party and the power they possess, Yao Ye felt a little relieved.

No matter what the other party's thoughts are, she doesn't seem to have the right to refuse.

The slender jade hand held up the jade bowl in front of him, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes, like a prisoner who was about to go to the execution ground.

Yaoye gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, taking a sip.


Ye Han couldn't hold back and laughed directly.

Yaoye's small appearance is really too funny, too funny.

But Yaoye ignored Ye Han at this time.

Just taking a sip of the mysterious liquid, she actually felt that her internal organs were burning, and her body was about to burn, as if there was a flame burning from the inside out, scorching people.

The intense high temperature burns everything, scorching every inch of skin, flesh, bones, skin, and even fighting qi.

The pain, the endless pain, made Yaoye's face pale, his teeth chattering, and he couldn't say a word.

Just when she was about to be unable to bear it, suddenly, a coolness broke out.

In the double sky of ice and fire, the scorching heat quickly faded away, and the coolness covered every inch of the skin, soothing the pain, leaving only comfort and pleasure.


Yao Ye's red lips parted slightly, and involuntarily, she let out a tender, blood-boiled groan.

Then, she woke up.

The four fields are silent and silent.

The customers who had just entered the door, the shop assistant, the shopkeeper, and their eyes all fell on Yaoye at this moment.

The graceful and heroic princess of the empire, the high-ranking general Yaoye, blushed and felt ashamed.

She never thought that she would make such a shameful voice.

"Cough, that kind of medicine is overbearing, you can't bear it, it's normal."

Ye Han spoke to ease Yaoye's embarrassment.

In fact, he didn't even think that Her Royal Highness's voice was so nice, so sweet, so attractive.

Hearing this, Yao Ye's lowered head suddenly lifted, looked at Ye Han, and said, "You said this is medicine?"

"Yeah! Haven't you noticed any changes in your cultivation and physique?" Ye Han asked in confusion.

Arguably it shouldn't!

He knows better than anyone the effect of the medicine he made himself. Of course, he doesn't know the details, but even so, it's just a small sip, and it should be effective for a big fighting master!

Hearing Ye Han's words, Yaoye was stunned for a moment, and then instantly felt her own change.

"My cultivation has dropped one star."

The discovery shocked her.

"You lost a star after just taking a sip. It seems that your cultivation is very hydrated! You should have eaten the medicinal pills that the royal family brought you over the years, right?" Ye Han said.

Then he motioned Yaoye to continue sensing to see what else changed.

Yao Ye took a deep look at Ye Han with alertness and suspicion in his eyes, and took a deep look at Ye Han.

"My grudge seems to be more pure than before." Yao Ye said.

As a cultivator, she is most concerned about her own fighting qi cultivation, so she immediately discovered that her fighting qi is different from the previous one.

Then there is the physique. From the inside out, her physique seems to be stronger than before.

"No, besides that, my senses seem to be much stronger than before."

Yaoye's expression changed unpredictably, sometimes feeling incredible, sometimes full of doubts, and finally, all turned into shock.

In this world, cultivation is important, but keen perception is often more important than cultivation, which is also the most difficult to improve, but now, just taking a sip, that mysterious liquid, her soul seems to be As if he had been baptized, his perception had improved a bit.

Opening her eyes, her eyes were hot, and she picked up the jade bowl in front of her...

"Don't worry."

Ye Han was A big hand stretched out and covered the jade bowl, preventing Yaoye's urge to sigh.

Yaoye looked at Ye Han, the heat in her eyes slowly faded, her face became embarrassed, and she put down the jade bowl embarrassedly.

This medicinal liquid is too precious. It is already her luck to be able to taste it. She feels that she thinks a little too much. How could he let himself taste such a precious thing.

"follow me."

Ye Han put the jade bowl into the storage space, got up and left first.

"By the way, boss, after the meal is ready, bring it to my room."

Before leaving, Ye Han just remembered that the food he ordered had not been eaten yet, so it shouldn't be wasted.

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