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When he first appeared, Ye Han was personable, unrestrained and unrestrained, and there was no doubt that Mr. Zhuo Shijia's intention to go out of the dust was obvious.

There is no doubt that at that moment, Yaoye felt that even if he was truly committed to him, it would not be so difficult to accept.

But in the blink of an eye, she saw something.

Rubbing her eyes, she saw that the handsome, exiled young man kicked the cute little loli away with one foot, but he didn't feel relieved and chased after him... .

Bang bang bang! ~

That punch and kick was powerful and heavy, and the sound it made was like a knock on everyone's heart.

It made everyone tremble with fear, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of their eyes, shocked by his cruelty, and feared by his perversion.

Such a beautiful little loli can handle such a ruthless hand, such a person, no, such a beast is not something they can evaluate, in other words, they can't afford to provoke them at all.

There were only a few diners, and they checked out quickly and left in a hurry.

They have to take care of their children, but they dare not let them run around casually, in case...  

The shop assistant stepped forward with trembling hands and feet, and glanced resentfully at the unscrupulous boss who was hiding behind the platform to cheer him on. Due to the pressure of life, he could only forcibly suppress the fear in his heart, his legs softened, and a plop was heard. He knelt down and hugged Ye Han's legs.

"Objectively, we can't fight anymore. If we fight again, people will die."

The shop assistant had snot and tears, and his voice was sad, as if it was his daughter who was beaten, his expression was painful, and his tone was trembling.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and glanced at the younger brother, who was crying and snot, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"Let go of me, your snot is running down my body." Ye Han resisted the urge to kick Xiao Er away, and said in a cold voice.

too disgusting.

However, with the small body of the shop boy, he couldn't bear his foot at all.

The shop boy's body was smart, he quickly released his hands, and glanced at Ye Han's legs with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

"Liar, obviously you didn't, and you lied that your nose is running on you."

Ye Han "..."

A chill in my heart.

Withdrawing his gaze towards the second shop assistant, Ye Han bent down, grabbed Little Lolita's ear, and lifted her up.

Others only saw the appearance, but Jia Xingtian was shocked inside.

Because, although the little girl who was beaten seemed to be embarrassed and miserable, which was pitiful, the young man was really beaten, and every punch and every kick was unreserved.

However, the little girl did not suffer multiple injuries, and even bruises were few.

She is too powerful, making Jia Xingtian feel terrified.

And what shocked him even more was...that boy.

"What exactly is his identity? Such a powerful little monster, he actually endured humiliation and did not dare to resist at all. When he was pressed to the ground and beaten up, he only wanted to beg for mercy, and he didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​resisting... ..”

Jia Xingtian was terrified in his heart, all kinds of thoughts rushed in, and he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

First, there were two Douzong-level seventh-order beasts calling him an adult, and now there is another Douhuang peak-level, a little girl who could kill him with a single blow was exposed and did not dare to fight back.

The development of the matter has far exceeded his expectations, leaving him in chaos without the slightest clue.

In this world where strength is respected, without strength, you are the emperor of the empire, and you have to climb for me. This is why so many people, regardless of difficulties and obstacles, pursue stronger strength.

"How many times have I warned you that you can't use that devouring power at will when you come out this time. Did you ignore my words?"

At the same time, Ye Han's angry voice sounded.

The ability of the Dark Demon Tiger is taboo, no matter what world it is in, once it is exposed, it will be a situation where everyone is shouting and fighting.

It doesn't matter if she was beaten to death, if it hurts herself, it will be a big deal.

Moreover, once exposed, it is likely to affect the ethnic group, so Ye Han has not allowed her to use the power of devouring for so many days. Who knows, this guy actually played tricks under his own eyes.

If it wasn't for the Blue Sky Bull Python, Xingtian would now be a mummified corpse.

At that time, that Zhuang Zhuang will definitely cause a large number of people to panic, and then it will not be difficult to find out about himself.

That's why Ye Han was so angry.

"I, I, I don't dare any more." Ye Han grabbed the ear of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and couldn't help but lift his toes. Tears flickered in his black and white eyes, and he said aggrieved.

She didn't want to disobey Ye Han's orders either!

However, the speed of self-cultivation is too slow.

If it wasn't for her taking the risk and swallowing several human cities, how could she have the current cultivation base.

After enduring for so many days, she finally couldn't bear it anymore when Xiantian started to do it. She played some tricks in front of Ye Han, who knew that things would come to light.

"This is the last time, if there is another time, I heard that the tiger is full of treasures, except for the tiger bones, what else is there, oh, I forgot you didn't." Ye Han said.

The threat in the tone of voice, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was clear, and suddenly he seemed to lose his soul, and for a while, he only felt that there was no love for life...

"Why, don't you want to live?" Ye Han said.

If she really thinks this way, Ye Han is more than happy to fulfill her.

He has been greedy for the flesh and blood of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger for a long time.

It's a pity that there are too few of this race, and Ye Han is not easy to start with.

"No, no, I don't have it, sir, don't think about it." The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger saw that Ye Han was a little eager to try, so he quickly waved his hand.

If she wants to die, she really just wants to die. If she really wants to die, she doesn't want to!

Ye Han released his palm and temporarily let go of her this time.

"Breaking through now requires insight, not energy. Practice your insight well, and think about other things after your breakthrough." Ye Han advised.


The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed a ray of light, and he nodded again and again.

She heard the meaning of Ye Han's words, in the future...everything is possible~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ye Han stared, looking at the dark demon tiger, the little girl lowered her head instantly, as if frightened The rabbit looks like that, and people who are not familiar with it will find it cute.

But Ye Han knew what the Dark Demon Tiger was?

This guy is insidious and cunning. It's not just her appearance that is cold. Her heart is even more indifferent, full of ruthlessness and cruelty. Now, if it wasn't for Ye Han's suppression, she would definitely not hesitate to swallow the holy city under her feet. .

She has this ability and this strength, but she lacks the determination to challenge Ye Han.

"Take back your energy." Ye Han ordered.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger obeyed his promise, stepped forward, his palms turned into claws, and he sucked in the air, and a force flew out of Xingtian Tian's body instantly, fell into her palm and disappeared.

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