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One mountain does not allow two tigers, and so does the emperor.

There can only be one Ice King.

When the raging cold came to Ye Han's feet, he couldn't move an inch, but began to slowly dissipate.

"Boy, good ice control ability."

Hai Bodong looked at Ye Han with a glimmer of admiration in his eyes, and said, "I'll give you a chance now, let go of Boy Yan, I can consider accepting you as a disciple."

"Who gave you confidence? Dare to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of me."

Ye Han was speechless, one palm stretched out, five fingers spread out, and the strong cold raged instantly.

The streamer Qianji appeared again.

Although limited by the rules, Ye Han did not have a spirit ring on his body, but Liu Guang Qianji and various attack methods were not lost.

Although the space confinement has been weakened, although the ignoring physical defense has been weakened, although the flying speed of Liuguang Qianji has been weakened, although Ye Han has also been weakened.

However, the ultimate ice does not.

What is the ultimate ice?

In Ye Han's understanding, there is no extreme cold that is worthy of extreme ice.

Therefore, Ye Han's ultimate ice has always had no limits. The stronger he is, the stronger the cold, and the stronger the ultimate ice.

"Shield of Mysterious Ice."

Hai Bodong snorted coldly. He was also playing ice, and he immediately discovered the difficulty of Ye Han's move. .

But he is Dou Huang, he is a powerful man who has been famous for a long time, he is dignified...

And Ye Hanjin is just a big fighting master, and because he is also playing ice, he can't hide.

Then, he was frozen.

Although Liuguang Qianji couldn't penetrate his defense, he hit him again and again, and the cold air he carried instantly covered him into an ice sculpture.

Hai Bodong's face was ashen, he felt that he was careless and was overcast by this bastard.

If he had left the place earlier, it would definitely not have happened, but he chose to carry it hard...

"That's it, I dare to be called the Ice Emperor, bah."

Ye Han stepped forward and spat fiercely at the ice sculpture.

Then use absolute zero to reinforce this ice sculpture, and he will not think about it for a moment or three.

Hai Bodong's old face was ashen, embarrassed and angry, and at the same time a little confused.

He felt that he had been deceived and was sullen. The guy in front of him was definitely not as young as he appeared, and his strength was definitely more than that.

Otherwise, with his cultivation, how could it be possible that he would be frozen before he really took action.

The cold air penetrated into the bone marrow, causing his vindictive energy to run so slowly that he couldn't move for a while.

"Boy, let go of the old man, the old man can not embarrass you, otherwise..."

Haibodong's spiritual voice transmission, the threat is self-evident.

"Otherwise what?" Ye Han looked disdainful.

A mere two-star Douhuang, with the same attributes, just relying on himself, Ye Han has full confidence to press him to the ground and hammer.

Hai Bodong was in a hurry, but Ye Han no longer looked at him.

There is nothing good in a bad old man, but it is still pleasing to the eyes of beautiful women.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The little beauty was startled by Ye Han's gaze, and the long sword that had been put down because of Hai Bodong's appearance couldn't help but raise it again.

Only this time, there was no coercion, but full of apprehension and unease.

She already knew what Hai Bodong's cultivation was, but such a strong man was defeated in the blink of an eye, in the field he was best at, which was unbelievable.

Thinking that she had just threatened a person who could easily defeat Dou Huang with the Nalan family, she felt a little frightened.

"Am I so scary?"

Ye Han was speechless, and an ice mirror condensed in his palm.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Han murmured, "He's still handsome as always! Could it be that the anger in his heart is too heavy? Well, this is possible. After all, after being tortured by those two women for so long, it seems that Find an opportunity to vent the anger in your heart."

Suddenly, Ye Han looked at the girl again.

The glamorous face, tall figure, wrapped in a long white dress, youthful vitality and concave and convex, very tempting.

"The father's debt is paid by the son, the master is like a father, do you want to vent with her disciples?" Ye Han pondered.

At this moment, a scream sounded, interrupting Ye Han's tempting thoughts.


Xiao Yan vomited blood and screamed, and fell directly to the ground, his body bowed into shrimp like a goat epilepsy, shaking violently.

"Yihuo got it, but it's cheap for this kid. When I devoured Yihuo, I wasted a lot of energy and was absorbed by this kid." Lie Yan jumped to Ye Han's shoulder, and said old-fashioned.

Once again, she successfully devoured a strange fire, which greatly improved her intelligence and made her smarter.

But she still had a scarlet appearance, still only the size of a baby's fist, and still called Ye Han the master.

"It's cheap to sell well, right?"

Ye Han laughed dumbly, stretched out his hand and flicked the red flame.

The flames screamed in pain immediately, pitifully begging for mercy, and the voice was wronged.

Ye Han is even more speechless, I really don't know if she is pretending, or pretending, or pretending...

"Master, I want to continue to sleep and get used to the power I just got." After a while, Rie Yan suddenly spoke, with a drowsy feeling in his voice.

Of course, Ye Han had no reason to refute this.

After the flames disappeared, Ye Han looked back at the girl in white and said, "Where's your teacher?"

"Old, the teacher is in the Yunlan Sect." The girl replied instinctively.

As soon as she said it, she regretted it a little, but unfortunately, Ye Han had already listened to the words, so how could she take it back.

Ye Han nodded, the answer did not exceed his expectations.

He looked at the disciple Yun Yun again. The original book recorded how arrogant, domineering, and her eyes were higher than the top. Now it seems that she does have the capital of pride.

Not to mention her, just this appearance is enough to make her look down on fifty or sixty percent of the men in the world, plus her talent, naturally, there are fewer people in this world who can fall into her eyes.

No matter men or women, they all want better, including a partner. If there is a choice, they will naturally choose a better one, which is understandable.

Although the method is a bit rough, but living in such a fantasy world similar to feudal society, the girl in front of her can muster the courage and resist fate, she is also a strange woman.

But the **** thing is that such a strange woman finally lost to the protagonist Halo.

On the way to resisting fate, she still fell, and she actually fell in love with the person she broke off the marriage.

Dog blood, it's really too bloody!

Ye Han felt outrageous.

In view of this, here, Ye Han just wants to say that the author is awesome.


The ice cracked and Poseidon escaped.

"Ice Blade Storm."

Hai Bodong roared, and endless ice blades emerged out of thin air, like a sharp blade slashing through the void, making a chi chi sound, and directly killing Ye Han.


Ye Han let out a soft drink, holding down Hu Niu who wanted to step forward with one hand, grabbed the girl in white by the shoulders with the other, and threw her out to avoid accidental injury.

Bang bang bang! ~

The ice blades exploded three feet in front of Ye Han~www.wuxiamtl.com~ could not get close at all.

This is Ye Han's strength.

You can't control the ice more than me. How can you fight me? The attributes are suppressed in all directions. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, Ye Han could even control the ice attribute vindictiveness in Hai Bodong's body, causing him to explode and die in an instant.

There can only be one king in a realm, unless there is a male and a female, which is why, unless a king is defeated or dies, there will never be a second king of the same realm.


Hai Bo Dong's pupils shrank slightly, and a icy halberd condensed in one palm, his upper body leaned forward slightly, and then suddenly accelerated, rushing towards Ye Han.

At the same time, several ice dragons appeared around his body...

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