From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 277: : I set the stage for you

The sun is shining brightly, hanging high in the sky, bringing vitality to all things in the world.

The snow-capped mountain lightning falcon is galloping, bathed in the scorching sun, and its white wings are full of dense air, making it even more extraordinary.

On its back, two figures sat cross-legged.

The man is tall and handsome, handsome and elegant, with fluttering white clothes and flying blue hair.

On the side, the woman in the purple robe was the exact opposite of him.

The three thousand blue silk is like ink dyed, soft and smooth, like silk and satin. She wears a purple-gold crown, her body is enchanting, and her face is gorgeous.

Suddenly, a golden beam streaked across the sky, the man opened his eyes, stood up, and meditated for a long time, maintaining a motion, his body was somewhat stiff.

The bones of the whole body crackled, and the man couldn't help but let out a long, comfortable moan.

Not far away, the woman's ears moved slightly, and two red clouds appeared on her beautiful face as white as jade. She didn't know what to think. She quietly opened her eyes. The man took a deep sip in his heart.

"Bastard, it's just a stretch, and you can make such a shameless voice."

Queen Medusa couldn't help but think of the sound this **** made when he was embarrassing himself this morning...

Ye Han seemed to have a feeling, and when he looked back, he saw only a cold and pretty person with closed eyes. After thinking about it, he slowly approached...

"What are you going to do?"

Queen Medusa's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, looking at the man who was slowly approaching, her long and narrow phoenix eyes full of vigilance and alertness.

"It's almost here, are you ready?" Ye Han said.

After two hours of cultivation, he has basically recovered, and there is no trace of scars on the outside.

This recovery ability surprised Queen Medusa, and suddenly there was an urge to beat him again.

However, Queen Medusa is naturally not the kind of unreasonable person.

She has a cold, arrogant personality and is cruel and ruthless.

If she could, Ye Han had already been killed by her, so why bother with him.

She can't kill this man now. If this man gave her a reason to attack, she would beat him without hesitation until he couldn't take care of himself. However, Ye Han didn't provoke her, and she wasn't the kind of person who beat people for no reason.

"So angry!"

He rubbed his chest to ease the tightness in his chest.

She found the strange color in the man's eyes that slowly converged, and suddenly she had a brilliant idea, there was no reason, she could find a reason for him.

Ye Han suddenly felt a chill in his body. Seeing the fox-like light in Queen Medusa's eyes, he suddenly felt bad.

"Why are there always women who want to harm me, Madd, first the woman Yun Yun, who bullied Lao Tzu for half a year, why now there is another one who has bad intentions towards me?"

Ye Han's eyelashes are empty, his mind is transparent, and he can see the meaning in Queen Medusa's eyes at a glance.

There are always bad guys trying to harm me.

"Forbearance, endure the calm for a while, take a step back and open the sky, and when the handover of power is over, I immediately flash people, you are all bad people, I won't take you to play!"

Ye Han secretly made up his mind.

The Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon was extremely fast, and when he spoke, he came to the Demonic Beast Mountains.


A long beep resounded through thousands of miles of void.

The next moment, Ye Han saw that the void in front of him was slightly rippling, and greeted, a black-robed youth stepped out.

It is the golden-eyed black dragon king Ditian.

"You broke through?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Ye Han's eyes, looking at Di Tian who used the power of space to come to him.

Dou Zong, even a peak Dou Zong, can't have this kind of spatial control. The only explanation is that Ditian has broken through.

"Even if your cultivation base is not there, your eyesight and knowledge are far beyond ordinary people. I have to thank you and the Lord for your help in breaking through." Di Tian respectfully said.

This black dragon can talk very well, and his flattery is very level, which makes Ye Han extremely comfortable. He decides to recover his strength in the future and train him well.

After Ditian, the Ten Thousand Demon King, the Red King, the Black Widow, the Nine-colored Elk, etc., more than a dozen Douzong-level existences appeared in front of Ye Han and Queen Medusa one by one with the help of the space channel opened up by Ditian.

"Cai Lin, are you ready?" Ye Han swept his eyes from the person in front of him one by one, and then returned to Queen Medusa with a solemn expression that was unprecedentedly serious.

"What, what? Is what ready?"

Queen Medusa was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Lead our clan, regain our dignity, regain the land that belongs to our existence, restore the glory of our clan, and let us truly prosper and become strong, are you ready?" Ye Han said.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han, then at Di Tian and the others, and finally her eyes fell on Ye Han's face again, "Why am I leading them?"

"Because you are capable."

Ye Han said, "When I proposed to you, I said that you are a woman who can govern the country with culture, and conquer everything with martial arts. This sentence is not flattery, but comes from the heart. I think you just lack a person who can express yourself. It's just a platform, and now I'll set up the platform for you, it's up to you whether you dare to take it."

"Haha, you look at me too highly, and you look down on the world too."

Queen Medusa smiled and shook her head, and her demeanor at that moment amazed Ye Han's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I found that I didn't think highly of you, but looked down on you. You are not dazzled by the power in front of you. You are already looking at the entire continent. That's right, the power in our hands is looking at the entire Dou Qi continent. What, you know that well, so you don’t do things beyond your ability to handle, which is very important for those in power.”

"However, Your Majesty, to weigh the pros and cons, there is nothing wrong with only small things. It is an indispensable condition for every person who achieves great things. However, you need to know that you need to eat one bite at a time, and the development of any power is all about The accumulation of bits and pieces, no one can eat a big fat man in one bite, where we are now, on the land under our feet, we are the sky, the earth, and the uncrowned king."

"The other point is that no forces that can threaten us know of our existence, which is also the most important point."

Ye Han smiled and looked at Queen Medusa.

"You mean secret development?"

Queen Medusa's eyes flickered slightly as she looked at Ye Han.

Originally, the shameless **** in her eyes turned out to be a little tall at this moment, the sun shining on his face, more handsome and handsome, especially when he just spoke with confidence and calmness, and Queen Medusa has never been on anyone. seen.

PS: The third update is here, thank you Big Brother Hao for your reward and monthly pass!

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