From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 269: : Embracing the Queen to sleep

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Is there anything in the world that is more desperate than giving people hope and then pushing them into the abyss?

"This devil!" Queen Medusa's heart was full of sadness and helplessness for a while.

A warm current has just been born in my heart, but at this moment, it is a kind of heartfelt mispayment, and a river of spring water flows eastward to despair and sadness.

"Don't cry, you are the queen, remember, you will also be my woman in the future, don't lower your head, or the crown will fall." Ye Han said.

The red curtain fell, blocking the two figures.

Ye Han hugged the fragrant Her Majesty the Queen and fell asleep under the dazed gaze of Queen Medusa.

Queen Medusa's eyes rolled around, her eyes showing shame and anger, and she suddenly felt that the clown was actually me.

People just want to hold her to sleep, everything is just her thinking too much.

"Wait, why am I thinking this way?"

Queen Medusa was horrified to discover why she was so indulgent to this man who had not known him for twenty-four hours?

It will actually give birth, it is nothing to be held by him to fall asleep, and the feeling is still within the range?

You know, strictly speaking, they are nothing but strangers who only have the status of husband and wife.

Why is this happening?

She recalled all kinds of things that happened after this man came...

Ye Han came from the moon, a handsome figure, and then he knelt down on one knee and proposed to him with a tulip, and then another ten headed lily yang snake inner core, and a hundred snakes in the realm of Douhuang Kind of Warcraft...

After wave after wave of fanatical manipulations, Queen Medusa, a strong fighting emperor, has been shocked.

Worrying that Ye Han's mouth was not right, she would settle accounts in the autumn, she compromised, and chose Xu and Snake.

When she broke through in the secret realm, she really understood the power of those three items, especially the drop of blood essence that Ye Han gave her.

We have only known each other for two days, and it seems that nothing has happened, but it seems that a lot of things have happened...

"What kind of person are you?"

Queen Medusa turned her head sideways in Ye Han's arms, looked at the handsome face close at hand, and couldn't help muttering to herself.

After several hours of wandering between life and death, Queen Medusa was already exhausted. While thinking about her thoughts, she fought with her eyelids, and then her mental will was out of control, and she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Bang! ~

After a day and a night, Ye Han flew off the bed.

"Sir, you..."

The figure of the demon spirit appeared beside Ye Han for the first time, but a pair of gray-white eyes stared at the enchanting figure lying on the bed.

"You, are you all right? I, I didn't mean to." Queen Medusa's unique voice sounded, with anxiety and unease.

She really didn't do it on purpose. After all, she just woke up and saw a man of the opposite **** lying beside her, who would not panic.

Not on purpose, but on purpose.

Ye Han opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Although Queen Medusa's blow was a hasty shot, it was not something that Ye Han could endure now.

He spat out a mouthful of blood stasis, and he waved to the demon spirit and Xiao Bai who came later, indicating that he was fine.

He approached Queen Medusa and wanted to capture her, which was originally a risky move. Now, he can hug Queen Medusa to sleep, only to be slapped. Although it is a bit depressed, it is still acceptable. within the range.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ~

In the violent coughing sound, Ye Han was supported by the demon spirit and Xiaobai to the bedside.

Queen Medusa came down long ago and stood aside like a little girl who had done something wrong.

"It's okay, cough, don't be nervous, just rest for a few days." Ye Han forced a smile to the three women.

"Better so, otherwise..."

The demon spirit glanced at Queen Medusa with a murderous look in her eyes.

After her transformation, not only did Gu Yuena not blame her, but she also recognized her as her younger sister and made her responsible for protecting Ye Han's safety. This was her only mission.

For Gu Yuena, she can fight with anyone.

"Okay, you don't have anything to do here, let's go!"

Ye Han said in a deep voice, and without saying a word, drove out the murderous demon spirit and Xiao Bai, who had an equally ugly face.

"Hmph, you lecher, you will be beaten to death by a woman sooner or later." Xiaobai snorted coldly and left here with the demon spirit.

There were only two people left in the room, and Queen Medusa opened her mouth, wanting to apologize, but couldn't say it.

Ye Han was calm, coughed twice, and said, "I'm sorry, these guys are too strong, I didn't discipline you well, and you were shocked."

Queen Medusa shook her head and said, "It's not enough to be shocked, but I'm a little curious, who are you and why do they listen to you?"

"Cough, cough, if I told you that I could crush all of them to death at will, do you believe it?" Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa and said.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ~

After speaking, he coughed again.

Queen Medusa hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and sat next to Ye Han.

Two palms stretched out, one after the other, while helping him smooth the air behind his back, while helping him to caress his chest, his movements were gentle, and there was concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine, it's just a minor injury, I'll just rest for a while." Ye Han smiled lightly, his pale face and the eyes that endured the pain went straight into Queen Medusa's heart.

Then, Queen Medusa's jade hand on Ye Han's chest was directly held by the man.

"As expected of a snake man, this soft and boneless feeling is indeed wonderful." Ye Han secretly cherished.

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han, how could she not notice that the man was taking advantage of him so openly.

But after thinking about the current relationship between the two and the fact that Ye Han was indeed injured by her, she acquiesced to Ye Han's light-hearted move.

"I believe you."

Queen Tussaud spoke suddenly, leaving Ye Han in a daze.

"What do you believe in me?" Ye Han couldn't help but wonder.

"I believe you used to be a peerless powerhouse." Queen Medusa said.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly, this topic was off the hook, there was no reflex arc at all, and he really couldn't come back.

"You really believe me, is this true?"

Ye Han's face showed an exaggerated disbelief, and he directly opened his arms and embraced Queen Medusa in his arms.

Then, Ye Han felt that his chest was constantly colliding with two huge groups of soft flesh. The touch was just too wonderful.

"Don't go too far."

Queen Medusa's voice was weak and she took a few deep breaths. Not only did she not suppress the anger in her heart, but because of the contact with a certain part of her body, her body became hot, and her voice became more coquettish.

She has already noticed that this guy in front of her is just trying to use bitter meat for her.

Ye Han's heart was hot, his blood was boiling with the voice of the beautiful woman in his arms, his body was hot, and his mouth was dry, but he also knew that he couldn't go too far.

Ye Han reluctantly let go of his hands after scolding a goblin in his heart.

Being able to reach this point in the relationship with Queen Medusa in such a short period of time is already a perfect start. Next, as long as you consolidate this relationship, everything will not be a problem.

He let go of his arms, and before Queen Medusa could react, Ye Han turned sullen, grabbed her palm again with a smile, and changed the subject, "Let your clan with me get out of here, let's go to a more prosperous place. Living in a vast place, from now on, my rights are your rights, and all my people are handed over to you to arrange, how about it?"

An intoxicating blush appeared on Queen Medusa's face. After listening to Ye Han's words, a hint of shock and disbelief gradually appeared in her eyes.

The leopard in the tube can be seen, but this trip to the Great Desert of Tagle, the power displayed in front of Queen Medusa makes her feel a little scared now. If it is all power, how strong it will be, Queen Medusa is a little bit can not imagine.

Moreover, Ye Han had to hand over these to her, which made Queen Medusa involuntarily open her mouth.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but lean up...

"You can't blame me for this. Who made my wife look so good-looking and make such an alluring expression. If I can still control it, then am I still a man?" Ye Han looked at the glaring beauty. Queen Tussaud licked her mouth involuntarily while shouting

Queen Medusa was really ashamed and angry, but more than that, she was helpless.

If she could, she would definitely not hesitate to slap the guy in front of her with a slap. You **** would kiss her, and she would stick out her tongue, disgusting.

But she can't. Killing a Ye Han is very simple. What happens after killing one?

Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa's shy, angry, charming and cute appearance with gnashing teeth, and couldn't help but feel a little bit eager to move.

The act of dying by dancing on the tip of a knife, I didn't feel anything before, but now I feel that it is quite exciting.

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