From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 262: : medicine dust

Chapter 263 Yaochen (seeking monthly pass, seeking recommendation)

The Taiyin Sun is the foundation of all things, the root of everything.

The two types of exercises are definitely one of the top exercises in this world. The two types of exercises can not only create the most powerful cultivation physique, but also can derive various kinds of exercises as the cultivation level deepens. means of attack.

Although Ye Han's cultivation is still a scumbag, his vision and wisdom are still there, especially his previous cultivation experience.

Relying on previous experience, Ye Han also created a "footwork" in addition to practicing according to the method of the sun and the sun.

He called this stride "the yin and yang steps of life and death."

It's not just physical skills and fighting skills. With time, one step can control the life and death of others.

Naturally, he doesn't have this kind of terrifying power yet, but to deal with a person whose cultivation base is weaker than his own, this is simply a bull's knife to kill a chicken.

With a bang, Ye Han punched out like a dragon and came directly to Xiao Yan.

Yaochen is just a soul body, nothing to worry about, Ye Han has only one target, Xiao Yan.

The eyes of these two people were too obscene, and Ye Han felt that it was a blasphemy when they looked at them.

The people beside me, are you also free to neglect?

Ye Han's speed is as fast as lightning, his movements are simple and rude, not to mention Xiao Yan, even Yao Chen didn't expect Ye Han to suddenly take action, and the speed is so fast, far exceeding the speed that a big fighting master can burst out. .

Bang! ~

Xiao Yan tilted his head back, feeling dizzy, and there were countless small stars spinning around him in front of him.

Ye Han stepped on the yin and yang life and death steps, like a shape-shifting phantom, with a speed as fast as lightning, he came to Xiao Yan's back in an instant, and punched him again in the back of the head.

Just raised, Xiao Yan, who had the tendency to fall, was knocked back to his original position like a tumbler, and staggered forward, almost crawling to the ground.

At this moment, Ye Han appeared again, came to him, and hit Xiao Yan in the face with a left hook again.

The violent force made his body stand up again, shaky.

Ye Han's body is like a ghost, and his speed is too fast.

He was like a peerless boxer, suddenly left and right, left hooks and right hooks, straight punches and swing punches, and after three quick rounds, Yaochen reacted.


With a roar, he was about to enter Xiao Yan's body.

But at this moment, he felt that the space around him solidified, and his soul body could not move even a little bit.


Yaochen's expression changed in shock, but he didn't expect to meet a Dou Zong with at least six stars.

Douzong powerhouses are only a first glimpse of the doorway, and can initially grasp a certain amount of space power. Obviously, Xiaobai's mastery of the space force is not just a first glimpse of the doorway.

"Don't kill him." Ye Han said.

Timely stopped Xiao Bai's next move.

Then, he dragged Xiao Yan, whose cheeks were swollen into a pig's head like a dead dog, and who had already fallen into a coma, came to Yaochen's side, smiled and said, "Give me the things in your ring, and I will let you all survive, otherwise, die."


Yaochen's eyes widened in anger, and he was furious.

However, facing Ye Han who was smiling, he felt shivering.

In the end, when Ye Han's face showed a look of impatience, he was very aware of current affairs, and immediately obediently opened the prohibition of accepting the ring.

"Nice ring."

Ye Han was amazed, and found that this ring is similar to his ring, and it can control the flow of time inside.

But obviously, Yaochen's ring is still incomparable to his own, and it is impossible to completely freeze time.

Yao Chen didn't know what Ye Han was thinking. Hearing him praising his accepting ring, Yao Chen was shocked. You must know that this ring is now his lifeblood, and it is closely related to his survival, so he cannot afford to lose it.

"Don't worry, I don't like such a **** thing." Ye Han said.

After all, Yao Chen used to be a master of the Dou Zun realm. Who knows if he has any other means, plus Ye Han didn't plan to kill the two now, so naturally he wouldn't push him too hard, lest the opponent jump off the wall in a hurry.

Hearing this, Yao Chen's inner tension eased a little, but he still didn't dare to be careless.

"I have opened the prohibition of accepting the ring, you can take whatever you need, but don't go too far." Yao Chen threatened in a stern and restrained manner.

Ye Han pouted, turning a deaf ear to his words.

The power of the soul entered Yaochen's collection ring and took out all the contents inside.

Then, he looked at Yaochen with bad eyes, and said coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid and can't feel that there is still a ban on that area?"

"There are only some of the old man's daily necessities, and there is nothing precious. I also forgot my little friend and don't push me too hard." Yao Chen's voice was cold, and he didn't give in.

"Evil Emperor, Demon Whale King, Xiong Jun, you three bastards, come in." Ye Han used the ban to instantly transmit his thoughts to the minds of the three outsiders.

The three Evil Emperors, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and Xiong Jun, who were enjoying the battle of Dou Huang not far away, changed their expressions, their minds seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer, and they had a huge shock and a splitting headache. The next moment, they heard Ye Ye cold voice.

Immediately, they did not dare to neglect, and shook their heads. Following Ye Han's instructions, the three quickly found the entrance to the secret realm and immediately appeared beside Ye Han.

All this, before and after, is just a few breaths.

It's not that the Evil Emperor and the others are loyal, it's not that they don't delay time to take chances, it's not that they are loyal to protect the master, it's that Ye Han is dead, and they can't live either.

Originally, Xiao Yan was let in, just to give Ye Han some eye drops, so that he wouldn't be so shy, thinking that if he was banned, he could do whatever he wanted. He never thought of putting Ye Han's life in danger.

Now, when they were suddenly summoned, they did not dare to neglect and immediately appeared around Ye Han.

"To open or not to open?"

Ye Han glanced at the three evil emperors, but ignored their careful thoughts, his eyes were like torches, he looked at Yaochen, and scolded coldly.

Compete with me, if you are in a state of complete victory, of course you can.

But what's the matter with you, now you're just an insubstantial soul, and you dare to pretend to me, I can't scare you to death.

Apart from Xiong Jun's cultivation base and Xiaobai's almost the same, whether it is the Deep Sea Demon Whale King or the Evil Emperor, they are all powerful men who have stepped into the level of Dou Zun with half a foot. Almost tore apart Yaochen's soul.

"I'll solve it, I'll solve it, don't do it, I'll release the ban." Yao Chen said.

At this moment, there is still the coldness and uprightness just now, and it is completely the face of a villain who is greedy for life and fear of death.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth showed a trace of disdain. Perhaps this is the real Yaochen, the tip of the iceberg in his character. UU Reading

After the ban was lifted, Ye Han decided to take it out again and directly took out everything inside.

Then, Ye Han was dumbfounded.

Seeing the various doudu belly dancing all over the sky, the bright colors, and the various patterns made Ye Han stunned, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"You, Yaochen, don't tell me, you usually wear these things?"

After a long time, Ye Han looked at Yaochen, his eyes became strange like never before.

Yaochen's face was flushed, but he nodded.

Ye Han laughed dumbly, but he didn't comment too much on other people's personal preferences.

He glanced carefully in the hundreds of thousands of pockets. He didn't fully believe this old guy. If this **** was suspicious and hid good things in these women's supplies, he missed it. Wouldn't it be a loss? die.

"Haha! Sure enough, there are good things."

Ye Han's face was delighted, and then his fighting qi moved, and the yin and yang fighting qi condensed in his palm, turning into a vortex, generating a suction force, and sucking the book that was more than one foot thick.

Seeing this, Yaochen flashed a trace of panic in his eyes, and immediately opened his mouth, pretending to be calm, and said, "This is just some miscellaneous notes in this old man's life. Could it be that my little friend is also interested in this?"

"Shut up, whether you are interested, what to do, I have the final say, whether I want it or not, I have my own decision."

Ye Han's eyes were cold, he glanced at Yaochen, told him to shut up, and then flipped through the book in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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