Chapter 260 Curious

At the beginning, he was very narrow, but he was able to understand people. After walking dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.

Peach Blossom Spring, oh, no, this is Mingyue Lake, a small forbidden place for the snake people.

There is a clear lake here, and a full moon is suspended above the water surface, which is peaceful and leisurely.

I don't know where it is, but it seems like another paradise. The huge full moon really seems to be within reach, suspended in front of the three of them.

"I want to take a bath, do you want to avoid or watch?"

Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han with her long and narrow phoenix eyes, and a calm voice sounded.

But looking closely, Ye Han could see the trace of shame and anxiety deep in his eyes.

"We are husband and wife..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, speaking very slowly, causing Queen Medusa's pupils to shrink rapidly.

Ye Han's words were too misleading, which made her have some guesses.

She originally thought that when Ye Han heard her words, he had to show a little demeanor.

But now, she is a little flustered.

"We are husband and wife, even if we are not now, we will be..."

Queen Medusa's heart gradually sank, and the apprehension in her eyes completely turned into panic. The trace of shame and anger was even more undisguised, and she kept wandering in shame and struggle.

She wanted to be desperate and wanted to slap the guy in front of her to death, but killing Ye Han was easy, but what about the clan?

Just when she was hesitating, Ye Han's voice came faintly.

"We are husband and wife in the end, but we should treat each other as guests and respect each other. If you invite me to bathe together, I will naturally be happy, but I wonder if there is such an honor?"

After forcing a lot, Ye Han handed over the right to choose to Medusa himself.

What greeted Ye Han was a word.


Queen Medusa suddenly felt tired, and was almost driven mad by this guy in front of her.

The battle between heaven and man at that moment just now resulted in such a result.

At this moment, Queen Medusa's face was flushed with blush, her towering chest heaved violently, and she was gnashing her teeth. She was really angry.

She looked at the tall figure who was shaking her head away, bit her red lips with her teeth, the anger in her eyes almost turned into reality, and thought fiercely, "When I break through, I will kill you."

Ye Han could probably guess Queen Medusa's mood at this time, but he just shook his head and smiled.

"When you break through, you will find that you are still powerless." Ye Han chuckled.

At this time, he was laughing very cheaply, and he couldn't wait to see that after Queen Medusa broke through, he wanted to kill himself, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Think about the small appearance after Queen Medusa's breakthrough and discovering the cultivation base of the Evil Emperor and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, it must be very exciting.

"Ye Han."

Suddenly, a voice rang in my ear.

Ye Han turned his head to the side, and a pretty face with a very exotic style came into view.

It was Xiaobai.

This girl who looks eighteen or nineteen is too tall, making Ye Han speechless and his eyes down...

"You, where are you looking?"

Xiao Bai instantly frowned, folded his arms around his chest, moved his long legs, and jumped away, looking at Ye Han with the appearance of guarding against a pervert.

The corners of Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in an angry voice, "Don't be sentimental, why did you call me?"

Although he hadn't eaten meat for more than half a year, he wouldn't be too hungry to choose what to eat, so he went to soak a fish!

He admits that he is promiscuous and that there are a lot of women around him, but he is definitely not the kind of man who has an idea when he sees a pretty woman.

He looked away, just didn't want to look up at people. Who knows, this girl has so many thoughts.

"I, you, I just feel that your smile just now is a bit cheap, I want to remind you." Xiaobai murmured.

She also found that her reaction just now was a little bigger.

But this can't be blamed on her, because Ye Han has too many criminal records.

I just sealed all my wives, and I started messing around with another woman in the cave for half a year. Then, the woman left, and I took aim at a woman who made her beautiful and beautiful, and she was also a snake man. This really makes one have to think about it.

Ye Han's face froze, and he glanced at Xiao Bai angrily.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat her now, Ye Han really wanted to kill her.

A good person like me, with a bright smile, bright and handsome smile, full of self-confidence and vitality, makes people feel like a spring breeze, can make pessimistic people become optimistic, can make despair people regain their confidence, and can make distressed people feel happy...

How could such a bright smile be cheap?

Ye Han felt resentful in his heart and gritted his teeth angrily.

Queen Medusa's mood was unknowingly experienced by Ye Han, and the feeling of powerlessness was really refreshing, making people want to die, and quite aggrieved.

The sound of rushing water sounded, Ye Han's ears moved slightly.

This is a strange space. It is said to be the holy pond of the snake race. Normally, only the queen of the snake race is eligible to enter.

But this time is different from the past. Now the snake people are weak, Her Majesty has no choice but to bring Ye Han and Xiaobai in.

I have to say that although the place is small, the scenery is beautiful.

There are mountains and waters, and the picturesque moonlight.

But at this moment, Ye Han was not in the mood to pay attention to this. Hearing the sound of the rushing water, he could not help but have some wild thoughts, imagining Queen Medusa's enchanting and charming, and then, some images that were not suitable for children appeared in his mind.

He was used to a corrupt life, and suddenly it was a kind of torture to ask him to have few desires.

In the past, when Yun Yun was there, he could enjoy hand addiction from time to time, but now, he really can only enjoy hand addiction.

Suppressing the charming in his heart, resisting the urge to turn his head, taking a deep breath, Ye Han sat cross-legged, he believed that he would not have to bear it any more soon.

The power of Taiyin and the sun circulates endlessly along the eight meridians, and the ice and fire are two layers of heaven.

Ye Han gradually indulged in his cultivation and was not disturbed by the outside world.

Then, with a bang, he broke through from a two-star fighter to a three-star fighter.

It only took half a year to grow from an ordinary person to a three-star fighter. This is definitely a miracle, at least it has never been seen in the western frontier of the Dou Qi Continent.

Queen Medusa had already finished bathing, and she was in the state of adjusting her breath at the moment. After seeing Ye Han's commotion, she couldn't help but look this way.

At this moment, Ye Han also opened his eyes and looked back.

Two o'clock golden light flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes instantly returned to blue and clear.

However, Queen Medusa was shocked.

She seemed to see a golden-armored **** of war standing upright in the sky, holding a fighting the sky and fighting the earth, stepping on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and slaughtering the terrifying scene of gods and Buddhas all over the sky...

This scene made Queen Medusa unable to return to her senses for a long time. She didn't know whether it was a vision displayed by the exercises or a reappearance of the old scene.

But no matter what kind it is, it is unimaginable for Queen Medusa.

"This boy doesn't seem to be that simple." A thought came to mind. For the first time, Queen Medusa became curious about Ye Han's identity and wanted to explore.

"Scales, scales, color scales."

Ye Han awakened Queen Medusa with a dull eye and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Lin'er, I know that I am handsome, not only with handsome skin, but also with a connotation and cultivation talent far beyond ordinary people, but You don't need to be shocked every time you see me, you can't help yourself, you will make me feel that you are inferior and feel that you are not worthy of me."

Xiao Bai covered his face beside him, feeling that he was out of sight.

This guy is too narcissistic.

Queen Medusa was also speechless for a while, then rolled her eyes.

Ye Han staggered and said, "Her Majesty's powerful pupil attack, my body is paralyzed, and I can hardly stand up. What kind of stunt is this?"

Facing Ye Han's tricks, Queen Medusa rolled her eyes again and said, "I'm going to start absorbing the inner elixir of Qiluo Tulip and Ten-headed Sun Serpent, don't bother."

"No problem, you can rest assured that I'm with you, I'm sure nothing goes wrong." Ye Han patted his chest to assure.

(End of this chapter)

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