From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 257: : despicable and shameless

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

The so-called love at first sight, most of the time, is just an excuse to be jealous.

Like... some shameless guy.

In order to get a real good helper, someone can do anything.

Coaxing is not enough, treasures are not easy to use, and even threats are used.

If the threat is not enough, then create an accident. Anyway, no matter what means are used, the woman he is eyeing can't escape at all.

Fortunately, Queen Medusa is a good leader and does not dare to gamble with her own ethnic group.

"Wait a minute."

The delicate voice sounded, and the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon's movement was ready for a slight pause.

Ye Han resisted the excitement in his heart, turned his head slowly, looked at Queen Medusa, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, please tell me if you have something to do. If you can do it, you will die."

"I can promise your marriage, but..."

Queen Medusa spoke, but just halfway through her words, she felt a phantom appeared in front of her eyes, and then she was hugged by a tall figure.

"You, you promised, did you really promise?"

Ye Han couldn't believe it, he hugged Queen Medusa's slender waist with both hands, his eyes were full of excitement.

In his heart, he felt dull. In order to achieve his goal, he thought of many moves, and many moves were useless.

But now it looks like those brain cells are dead in vain.

Brain cells "I'm wrong!"

Queen Medusa's body was stiff and her mind went blank.

It was the first time she had such intimate contact with the opposite sex, but what shocked her the most was the speed at which Ye Han burst out.

That's not at all the speed improvement that any body fighting skills can bring, as if... teleportation, it's too fast, making Queen Medusa at the pinnacle of the Dou Emperor realm not react, she was hugged .

When she reacted from the shock and wanted to slap the daring madman to death, Ye Han let go first.

"Your Majesty's forgiveness, I'm too excited. Is Her Majesty the Queen really willing to agree to my request?" Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa with a look of embarrassment and embarrassment.

Queen Medusa took a deep breath, the terrifying human chest expands at an extremely rapid rate, making people feel dry mouth.

Forcibly slapped Ye Han's heart with a slap, Queen Medusa's eyes were bright, with a shyness and coldness invisible to ordinary people, she looked at Ye Han who was full of affection, and said, "I can promise you, But getting married will take a while."

"Of course there's no problem, by the way, you want to absorb Qiluo Tulip and Ten-headed Fierce Sun Serpent's inner alchemy! It just so happens that I can help you protect the law." Ye Han said nicely.

Hearing this, Queen Medusa frowned slightly. Her original intention was to delay the time and let Ye Han's group leave first. If she can advance successfully and possess the strength of her feet, the promised marriage will naturally be up to her. Have the final say.

But now, Ye Han has no plans to leave.

After thinking about it carefully, apart from feeling a little threatened, there seems to be no harm in having them there. At least you can ensure that you will not be disturbed when you advance. As for the future, it depends on her strength after the success of the advance. .

"As long as you are happy." Queen Medusa said.

"Why, don't you want me to stay?" Ye Han's expression changed, a little unhappy.

"How come, it's too late for me to be happy to have you protect me!" Queen Medusa said with her conscience.

After all, he had just agreed to someone's marriage proposal and took their treasure, and now he refuses his kindness to help.

Of course, the most important thing is lack of strength. If she has the strength of Dou Zong, or even stronger strength, why is this?

After living for so long, Queen Medusa was the first time she was so depressed.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the Evil Emperor, Xiong Jun, and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King with a pair of icy eyes.

These guys are powerful and have long been immune to cold and heat, but at this moment, under the gaze of Queen Medusa, they couldn't help shivering, and involuntarily withdrew their cold eyes.

"Something's wrong, we are acting according to the plan, but I don't know why, I feel like I've been tricked?" The Deep Sea Demon Whale King touched his bald head, and transmitted his spiritual voice to Evil Emperor and Xiong Jun.

"Well, I also have a feeling of being calculated." The Evil Emperor nodded, deeply understanding.

But Xiong Jun said, "I want to kill that woman, her eyes make me very uncomfortable."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King and the Evil Emperor heard the words and couldn't help but look at each other. They were able to achieve nearly a million years of cultivation in a ghostly place like Douluo Continent. Naturally, they were not fools. Immediately understand where the anxiety of being calculated comes from.

There is no doubt that they were trapped by Ye Han.

In order to get Queen Medusa, this guy has no lower limit, is despicable and shameless, and his heart is dirty. He uses them as spearmen and makes them threaten. Now his goal has been achieved, and he is about to hold the beauty back, but the three of them are Being hated by Queen Medusa.

The three guys were a little annoyed, but when they thought about what happened a few days ago, they all had a shuddering feeling. That kind of pain is simply unbearable for a human being, even if it is not a human being.

At the beginning, they were almost crushed by torture, and now they have no courage to fight against Ye Han.

"Your Majesty, what is your name?" Ye Han asked.

This time, he was very proactive and daring, he directly took Queen Medusa's jade hand and asked the question knowingly.


Queen Medusa was suddenly attacked again, her enchanting and charming face sank slightly, but she remembered that she had just agreed to the other party's proposal, so she could only swallow this breath silently, and said, "My name is Cailin."

"Cai Lin, Cai Lin, Cai Lin, as expected of Her Majesty the Queen, the name is so nice, I will call you Lin'er from now on, how is it, Lin'er?" Ye Han said.

Queen Medusa couldn't stand him a bit, if she could, she really wanted to slap him to death.

However, I glanced at those odd-shaped things.

Suddenly, she couldn't help but notice a strange phenomenon, as if, seemingly, maybe, the badness of those few people towards herself disappeared.

"what happened?"

Her Lady Queen was puzzled.

"If you didn't refuse, then I'll take it as your acquiescence, Lin'er, go, take me back to visit your tribe." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he said that the Queen would take him, but he was very familiar with Queen Medusa's soft little hand and walked forward.

Queen Medusa was so angry that she was taken advantage of in such an open and honest way.

But she had to endure it.

Although the three odd-shaped things didn't show hostility to her anymore, who knew what they thought. Besides, besides these three things, there was also a woman and the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon who were eyeing her.

There is no doubt that today is definitely the most embarrassing day since Queen Medusa was born, no one.

"The environment here is good, the scenery is good, but the place is too small, um, the house is too dilapidated, a bit shabby, is that person wearing clothes? Why is it so dirty? It's like picking up from a garbage heap It's the same, oh, what did that kid eat?"

After entering the snake tribe Ye Han's mouth never stopped, every word and every sentence was like a ruthless sharp knife, stabbed at Queen Medusa's heart.

Queen Medusa's teeth clenched and her heart was full of fire. If it wasn't for the woman named Xiaobai, she would have slapped Ye Han to death without any hesitation.

This bastard, the mouth is too poisonous, and it is dedicated to pouring salt on Queen Medusa's wound.

"Hey, why did you run away? Don't run, kid, I'll give you something delicious." Ye Han held an unknown fruit in his hand and waved and shouted.

But the kid ran faster and disappeared quickly.

"Oh! It's pitiful. This is the sadness of lack of strength. In this world, strength is the self-confidence and backbone of a group. Without strength, there is no dignity, no room for survival, and no everything. People will be bullied at will..." Ye Han muttered to himself.

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