From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 254: : The first style of flirting

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The army moved on.

Ye Han is not someone who knows how to feel sensational, he prefers to be practical.

Anyone can say that the real thing is the real thing, so he likes soul beasts very much.

Because they won't do some stupid things, as long as you get their real approval, then they will live and die.

Scorching sun.

The lightning falcon of the snow-capped mountains galloped with the wind and the lightning, leading its neck to chirp, its loud voice pierced through gold and cracked rocks, giving orders instead of Ye Han.

Whoosh! ~

A sharp arrow broke through the air and shot directly at the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon with a restrained breath.

The snow-capped lightning falcon is extraordinary, and its white feathers exude a lustrous luster in the sun, giving it a thrilling beauty.

For example, some people are born with horns and horns, and they are not ordinary people at first glance. Even if they are low-key, they will attract attention.

Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon is such an existence, its appearance is too handsome.

In order to avoid attracting attention, the aura it exudes is only the realm of a great fighting master.

Just because the performance is too weak, these days, there are not a few people or groups who are greedy for the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon, but those who dare to take action, without exception, have all turned into coke.

The person who shot now is no exception, crackling, a sharp thunder arc fell from the sky, and after smashing the arrow that attacked him, the castration was unabated and accurate, and it directly hit the young man's forehead.

Bang! ~

The young man's long hair stood on end, his face was charred, as if he had experienced smoke and fire, the bow and arrow in his hand was broken, and his body fell on the sand dune with a twitch.

"Second Head, Second Head..."

Disregarding the danger, some loyal mercenaries rushed out from behind the dunes and quickly came to the young man twitching on the ground to directly check his injuries.

Unexpectedly, just as their palms touched the youth's body, a crackling arc flashed and spread out. Let these people tremble and foam at the mouth, like epilepsy, they fell to the ground and twitched.

The Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon is extremely arrogant and disdains to shoot at the weak. Of course, it will not be soft-hearted if it dares to shoot at it.

A lightning bolt shot out, and the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon was extremely confident. He didn't believe that an ant could take one hit and not die. A real man and a real bird never looked back.

It didn't even look at the crowd on the ground, it directly took Ye Han to flutter away.

But it didn't realize that after the mercenaries touched his body and guided the current out of his body, his body trembled and his eyes kept rolling.

Xiao Li, who has the thunder attribute Dou Qi, has a very high resistance to thunder and lightning. In addition, the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon only shoots at will. By fate, he escaped the catastrophe.

As night fell, the young man returned to the station with the help of the surviving mercenaries.

"Xiao Li, how could you do this?"

A young man was walking back and forth in the yard where he was standing. When he saw the young man being helped in, his eyes lit up, then his face sank and he said angrily.

"I encountered a flat-haired animal, and I was injured by it. Next time I encounter it, I will definitely kill it." Xiao Li said weakly.

He didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, he thought it was his own carelessness, and he was injured.

When Xiao Ding heard the words, seeing that his brother was fine, he nodded and asked him to be sent back to the house to recuperate, and then asked what happened to the others...

Three days later, the bright moon hangs high.

Ye Han finally found the snake tribe and Medusa's residence.

Slightly relieved, Ye Han felt that it was too difficult for him.

For the sake of the soul beast line, not only have to sacrifice his own body, but also work hard, it is really too noble, too great, he feels that he is a great man, and he will be famous in the future.

Hundreds of sixth-order monsters came in a mighty way, and the turbulent aura, the powerful aura that belonged to snakes alone, had not approached, and the snake people were immediately stunned.

Queen Medusa, who was preparing to evolve with a different fire, had an unprecedentedly solemn expression on her face. She appeared from her retreat for the first time, and then she saw an incomparably mysterious eagle-like monster suspended in the sky, and her sharp eyes fell directly on it. Her body made her hair stand on end.

Queen Medusa, who has always been known for her fierceness and beauty, her charming and peerless face could not help but turn pale, and she felt cold all over her body.

This is an instinctive fear. Eagles are the natural enemies of snakes. This is an instinct that has been flowing in the blood since ancient times. It cannot be restrained by will alone.

"Xiaoguang, what are you doing?" Ye Han snorted softly, causing the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon to look away and let out a grieved cry.

Ye Han didn't pay attention to it, but carefully looked at the peerless beauty in front of him.

After living for so long, Ye Han has seen too many beauties, and his eyes are not picky, but after seeing Queen Medusa, his eyes can't help but light up.

She wears a crown on her head, her black hair is like a waterfall, and she is casually draped behind her. Her skin is snow-white and delicate, her red lips are bright, and she is dressed in a red dress, which wraps a terrifying human breast, and her fragrant shoulders and lotus-root-like arms are exposed.

There are very few clothes, but the places that should not be exposed are not exposed at all, which is almost the same as the image in the anime.

Her beauty is a pure charm, cold and charming, which can bring disaster to the country and the people, enough to arouse the eyes of any opposite sex.

When Ye Han looked at her, her long and narrow lavender eyes moved from the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon's body to its back.

As his eyes rolled around, he was full of coquettishness, swept past the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Xiong Jun, Evil Emperor, and Xiaobai, and then stopped on Ye Han.

Queen Medusa has lived for hundreds of years, and she has never seen any character, but when she first saw Ye Han's appearance and temperament, she couldn't help but feel dazed.

White clothes and blue hair, with a handsome face, as if the immortal descended from the world, with an air of freedom and ease.

But the elegant smile on his face made people unable to help but feel close, and he suddenly shortened the distance between people.

Queen Medusa's slightly cold phoenix eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at the person beside Ye Han again.

She had already noticed Ye Han's cultivation, but it was nothing more than a big fighting master.

However, when her eyes fell on Xiong Jun, Xiaobai and others again, her smooth forehead could not help but wrinkle slightly.

She found that she could not see through these people.


Queen Medusa's eyes fell on Ye Han again, because he was the one who stood at the throne.

Just as she was about to ask the purpose of these people, she saw a strange flower suddenly appear in the hands of the young man who looked at most eighteen or nineteen years old.

The petals are crystal clear, emitting a lustrous luster, and accompanied by a light fragrance, slowly drifting, refreshing, in the breath, Queen Medusa actually feels that her blood is boiling, and there is a faint meaning of evolution.

Her eyes instantly became hot, looking at the flower in Ye Han's hand, a strong desire rose in her heart, as long as she got it, she would definitely be able to evolve successfully without worrying about accidents.

With a smile like a spring breeze on Ye Han's face, he could clearly see the emotions in Medusa's eyes.

Give melatonin as a gift, bah, of course you have to give what others need.

In the world of Douluo, Qiluo Tulip can help people make up for the deficiency of martial arts. In this world, it should also be able to help people achieve bloodline evolution.

Originally it was just a guess. Now it seems that his guess is not wrong. At least, it should be of great help to Medusa's awakening, otherwise she would not be so excited.

Ye Han took a step and left the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

This sudden move forcibly restrained Queen Medusa's urge to **** the treasure.

Ye Han stepped on the void, one step at a time with a yin and yang gossip diagram, letting him volley and wander in the void.

A bright moon hangs high, and the young man in white flutters, with a unique style, pretending to be invisible, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, and coming to Queen Medusa.

The distance between the two was less than two meters. Queen Medusa glanced at Ye Han, then waved to the surrounding clansmen not to be nervous.

"In Xia Yehan, I heard that Queen Medusa has a strong heart, that women do not allow men, that holding a sword can bring peace to the world, and that writing is enough to set the world, and I have admired it for a long time. When I saw it today, it really lives up to its reputation. I don't know if Her Majesty is willing. Condescending, marrying the next wife?" Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and handed the Qiluo Tulip to Queen Medusa.

Although Queen Medusa has a charming face and looks like a disaster for the country and the people, her behavior is ruthless. Whoever sees her is not afraid, when someone dares to slap the horse in front of her.

Ye Han came strong, but he was not aggressive at all. Instead, he started to flatter. The strong contrast made Queen Medusa unacceptable for a while, and then she saw that strange flower and grass that made her heartbroken. right in front of you.

She reached out to take it subconsciously, and then heard Ye Han's last words.

Queen Medusa's hands trembled and she almost threw the flower but she was reluctant, for fear of breaking it.

"It seems that His Majesty has promised." Ye Han got up with a bright smile on his face.

Then, without waiting for Queen Medusa to speak, he took out a jade box and said, "I still have a gift for Your Majesty."

Saying that, he opened the jade box directly.

Immediately, a wild and ancient aura emanated from the things in the jade box.

When Queen Medusa came into contact with this breath, her body trembled involuntarily. The suppression from her bloodline made her body weak and almost fell.

The first style of flirting, hit it with a heavy treasure!

Now it seems that the effect is ok.

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