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Once Ye Han was mistaken for life, these words were not just words.

Whether it was Bibi Dong or Bo Saixi, which one was not extremely talented, but who was spared.

Which one is not entangled with him, and wants to die.

Yun Yun had already unknowingly sunk deep into the mud, but she still didn't know it, and was still taking pleasure in bullying Ye Han every day.

Two months later, Ye Han left the customs and could no longer practice.

The soul beasts he brought have already adapted to the rules of this world. During this period of time, their strength has greatly increased, and they have begun to become arrogant.

In the past few months, several human cities have been destroyed and become blood food in their mouths.

Among them, the dark devil tiger in front of him was the most brutal. It actually swallowed three human cities in one day. If it wasn't for Di Tian himself, he might have allowed it to continue to do evil.

Ye Han stepped forward and banged his feet against the head of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. As a result, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had nothing to do with it, but his legs and feet were numb from the shock.

"Bastard, I can't escape even if I want to hide. You're better, but instead you caused me such a big trouble. You said whether I want to kill you." Ye Han said angrily.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger lives by devouring it, which is an out-and-out scourge. If it weren't for its rarity and outstanding combat effectiveness, Ye Han would definitely give it a cramp right away.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is arrogant and arrogant, but now he has no temper.

Because it is very clear that its own life and death are within this person's thoughts.

"Lord, I don't dare any more." The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger begged for mercy, lowered his eyebrows and showed an unprecedented obedience.

If another soul beast called him master, Ye Han might have other ideas, guessing whether it really surrendered.

However, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is a different kind. This guy is too smart, not like a soul beast at all, but more like a cunning and cunning human being.

It doesn't matter if you are smart, but if you are smart but your stomach is full of bad water, then it will not work. Ye Han glanced at it and handed it over to Ditian to take care of it.

He will not be deceived by the performance of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. This guy is different from other soul beasts. He is an outlier among the soul beasts.

The most important thing is that he is too weak now, and he does not have the strength to subdue the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

"Find it more dark elements, tiger and leopard soul beasts."

Ye Han looked at Ditian, explained something, then looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and said, "If you are energetic, you must contribute more to your own ethnic group, don't think about what you have every day, I have already given it to you in the harem. Drive well, be sure to cheer up in the future!"

After he finished speaking, Ye Han looked at Ditian again, and sneered, "If it has any more crooked thoughts, just kill it, and the same goes for those thorns."

"Do you need to breed those soul beasts as well?" Di Tian said.

"You can do it as you see fit, but..." Ye Han was stunned for a while, and after saying a word, he looked at Di Tian with a strange look, and said, "Your bloodline is not bad, or I will give you... ..."

"My lord, I have to leave beforehand."

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, Di Tian grabbed the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and disappeared instantly.

Di Tian was in such a hurry and fled, making Ye Han unable to help but laugh.

Then, he filled some water in his storage space and walked towards the cave where he lived.

"You're back, why did you go out for so long this time?" Qing Ya's voice sounded faintly.

Yun Yun's tall figure walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of Ye Han.

The woman is wearing a white dress, and her jet-black long hair is scattered behind her back like a waterfall, falling to her waist. Miaoman's delicate body is plump and moving, with a noble temperament, which makes people feel awe at the same time, but can't help but feel charming. .

However, listening to her slightly affectionate and caring words, Ye Han felt a toothache and felt uncomfortable all over.

Especially seeing the clothes she was wearing, Ye Han felt even more upset.

That is something Ye Han used the remaining materials to make specially to coax his own woman. There were not many left, but now there is nothing left.

"I'm leaving the Warcraft Mountains, do you want to come together?" Ye Han asked.

Ye Han is not a masochist. After being beaten by Yun Yun for three months, he found that there was no hope of revenge for the time being, so Ye Han wanted to send this woman away.

There is a saying in Douba World called Hedong in 30 years, Hexi in 30 years, don't bully the poor.

This sentence is much stronger than the Douluo World saying that there is no useless spirit, only a useless spirit master, and it makes sense.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and Ye Han wanted to temporarily send this **** of plague away.

However, when Yun Yun saw that three months had passed, I am afraid that the entire Yun Lan Sect thought she was dead, so she just broke the jar and smashed it.

"You, you want to leave, why? Isn't it bad here? There are mountains and rivers, there are..."

I didn't say the words you and I in the end.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth showed a playful look, and said, "Why, are you reluctant to bear me?"

"Are you looking for a fight again?"

Yun Yun's pretty face blushed, then returned to normal in an instant, waved her small fist, and threatened viciously.

The eight or nine months of the Demonic Beast Mountains, the first period of time, was like purgatory to Yun Yun.

But over time, everything became so easy and carefree.

No one is forcing her to practice, there are no endless trivial matters waiting for her to deal with, and there is no large group of annoying flies circling around her...

Although there is a **** who will tease her mood from time to time, stimulate her nerves, make her upset, blushing and heartbeat, but she can beat him, teach him, bully him...

Before she knew it, she had become accustomed to such a life, used to have someone gnashing her teeth from time to time, teasing her from time to time, and wanting to trouble herself from time to time...

Habit is a very scary thing. Now, when she heard that she was about to leave, her heart suddenly became confused, and she didn't speak without thinking.

Ye Han looked at the woman's appearance and couldn't help but smile slightly, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

"Maybe today is an opportunity."

When he thought of it, he did it, and Ye Han suddenly stepped forward.

Stepping forward to Yun Yun's body, she moved gently, and wrapped her slender waist with one hand.

Yun Yun's body froze and she wanted to resist, but after meeting Ye Han's affectionate gaze, for some reason, her strength disappeared instantly.

Ye Han's eyes were soft and focused. Looking at Yun Yun's eyes, he pulled her slender waist into his arms with light force.

Yun Yun blushed and whispered, "What, what are you doing?"

Looking at the handsome face close at hand, she was flustered and lost her strength, so she could only barely raise her hand to support Ye Han's chest, trying to maintain the distance between the two.

The affection in Ye Han's eyes remained unchanged, but his heart blossomed with joy.

Made! ~

It seems that the old man is still very attractive.

"I said that I have to take off this dress myself. It seems that this goal can be achieved today."

Ye Han secretly smiled in his heart, but the expression on his face did not change.

He slowly raised his other hand and gently held Yun Yun's stunning and charming face, ignoring her flustered questioning, and his head slowly approached.

Yun Yun's eyes couldn't help trembling, she looked at the slowly approaching face, and closed her eyes instinctively.

Then the lips met, and the soft and wonderful touch came, making people feel overwhelmed, as if the soul was out of the body, forgetting the time, forgetting the space, forgetting everything.

All that's left is the heavy breathing and the rising body temperature...

Bang! ~

Ye Han flew up. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Yun Yun's face was blushing, she tidied up her clothes in a panic, glared at Ye Han viciously, her body moved, and she disappeared into the darkness.

"Ye Han, Ye Han, I look down on you, and it's not like I haven't seen a woman, so why can't I control myself?" Ye Han whispered softly while rubbing his stuffy chest.

There is no doubt that he has just moved his mind in an unexpected way.

As an adult, he wants everything, not only to get his clothes back, but also the person who wears them.

Unfortunately, the bamboo basket was empty.

He was directly bombarded.

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