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Because of his own indiscretions, the current Yunzhi, and the future Yunyun, are no longer able to compete with Xiao Yan.

"It's time to change your medicine. Also, if you want to quickly restore your mobility, I have a way. But, forget it, let me change your medicine for you." Ye Han said.

He was not Xiao Yan, and he never thought of himself as a virtuous man.

See what should be seen, touch what should be touched, and take advantage of it, and he will never take less.


Yunzhi's face changed, looking at Ye Han's outstretched palm, and hurriedly said, "You can really make me recover faster."

"Yes, but you need to take off your clothes, and then use my hands to inject my poor fighting spirit into your body to help you clear the meridians, and your mobility will naturally recover." Ye Han stopped.

He had just become a fighter, so he couldn't get rid of the fighting qi at all, and because of the scarcity of fighting qi, Ye Han couldn't bear the extra fighting qi that he had to consume through his clothes.

Yunzhi gritted her teeth in thought and fell into a tangle.

Is it like being a child, and being served by him for another ten days and a half months without any dignity?

this is a problem.

Yunzhi was hesitant, Ye Han did not urge her, and even changed her medicine. If she refused, Ye Han would not force it.

The news that I want to know has been obtained, and this tool is useless.

"I, you, help me!"

Yunzhi looked at Ye Han, gritted her teeth, and made a final decision.

Changing the dressing, her upper body must have no secrets at all. After all, she still bandages the wounds on her body. As for the lower body...

Are there any secrets?

Yunzhi is not sure.

Don't even dare to think about it.

But she knew that instead of experiencing an unspeakable shame every day, it would be better to have a one-time pleasure.

The most important thing is the way Ye Han looked at her.

That kind of gaze didn't look like she was looking at a stunning beauty at all, because she didn't have the slightest desire or charm, which made Yunzhi secretly relieved.

But then she dismissed the idea.

Because the moment Ye Han saw her body, his breathing became obviously heavy.

"You, you, you hurry up." Yunzhi urged with a cry.

At this time, she was like a white fish whose scales had been shaved off. She really had no secrets at all, exposing everything to Ye Han's eyes.

She was lying on a soft blanket and wanted to hug her chest to block Ye Han's scorching gaze, but unfortunately...

Under Ye Han's gaze, she was embarrassed and angry, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't change anything, and big tears fell in her eyes.


Ye Han took a deep breath and looked at Yunzhi, who was tormented by her powerlessness, crying in pain, and finally didn't say a word.

He put his index and middle fingers together and gently placed them on Yunzhi's chest.

To Ye Han, such a little contact was nothing at all, but to Yunzhi, it was like being struck by lightning, her body felt like an electric shock, and she instantly felt a tingling sensation, which made her blush and her heart beat, and she couldn't help but hold her breath.

dong dong dong!~

The heart is beating, the speed is increasing, the force is increasing.

Ye Han glanced at Yunzhi, but did not expect that intimate contact could have such an effect.

"Very good, as long as your heart is strong enough, I will help you recover a lot easier." Ye Han said.

Then, his fingers glowed, and a little bit of starlight gathered at the fingertips, pierced into Yunzhi's skin, and started to help her clear the meridians as the fingers wandered.

Ye Han's fighting spirit, Yunzhi's hard work, the two worked together, one vein was opened up in an instant, then the second, the third...

The eight extraordinary meridians were opened up one after another, and the shyness in Yunzhi's heart had been occupied by excitement. She had never thought that being able to move her hands and feet at will would make her feel so excited.

The experiences in the past few days made her really feel how important it is to be able to move freely and have a healthy body.

Feeling the awakening power in her body, Yunzhi's excited eyes turned red.

But Ye Han was in the exact opposite state of hers. The woman's face was ruddy and full of healthy color, while his face was as pale as golden paper.

Ye Han gritted his teeth, and it was not his personality to give up halfway. Since he had already achieved this, if he did not restore the woman, he would not be able to pass the test in his heart in the first place.

Hold on, hold on, come on, come on...

Like a big cycle, it starts at the heart and ends at the heart.

The last section of the meridian recovered, Ye Han felt relieved, a sense of dizziness came, and he couldn't hold on any longer. He closed his eyes and fell directly...

Yunzhi's movement of getting up came to an abrupt end, and the weight from her chest was directly pressed back into the soft carpet.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and even Ye Han's head floated up and down, which looked extremely spectacular.

"You, you, get up for me." Yunzhi said in a trembling voice.

At this moment, the icy and clean Sect Master Yun was shuddered by Ye Han's scorching breath. He had just recovered a little bit of physical strength, but all disappeared in an instant. His limbs were soft, and even if he scolded him, he seemed to be weak.

However, Ye Han didn't react at all at this time.

After a full cup of tea, Yunzhi regained some physical strength and pushed Ye Han away with difficulty...

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Han felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he had been beaten, and his whole body was in pain.

When he saw everything around him, he realized that his hands and feet were tied.

"Yunzhi, what do you mean?" Ye Han's expression changed, looking at the woman who turned his back on him, "Are you just treating your life-saving benefactor like this?"

Ye Han was filled with indignation, but he completely forgot that the reason why Yunzhi landed in this field was entirely his masterpiece.

Yunzhi finished her practice and turned around, with a cold pretty face, she glanced at him lightly, then she got up and walked out of the cave.

This cave is very deep. These days, the two of them have been living under the vent, and they don't feel anything. Now, Yunzhi left alone and stepped into the dark place. She lost her strength and had an indescribable fear in her heart. breed.

Biting her red lips lightly, she forcibly suppressed the discomfort in her heart and pursued the little light in her eyes. After some time, she finally came to the entrance of the cave~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At this time, it was night, and she stepped out, Open your arms, want to breathe a breath of free air.

But it was only for a moment, her body froze, her complexion froze, all movements stopped, and even her breathing and heartbeat suddenly stopped at this moment.

call! ~

Yunzhi's hands and feet were cold, but she wasn't a fool either, knowing that this was not the time to be in a daze.

Jing Ruo virgin moves like a rabbit, although she can't use Dou Qi and her physique has been greatly weakened, but her movements are still vigorous.

Go out quickly, return in an instant, incredibly fast.

As soon as she disappeared, on several hilltops in the dark, many eyes swept over one after another. It was Di Tian and others who did not leave.

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