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The woman looked to be in her twenties, wearing a blue robe that wrapped her plump body, and three thousand blue silk like ink scattered behind her.

That stunning beauty is quiet and beautiful, with a nobility and elegance, her eyes are black and white, originally ethereal and thorough.

But now, with an angry look, he glared at the young man in front of him fiercely.

"Haha! This is my first time feeding people, don't mind, come come, I must be careful this time." Ye Han said embarrassedly.

He was telling the truth, this was indeed the first time he had fed people!

While speaking, he tore the roast meat in his hand, and was about to feed it into Yunzhi's mouth.

"You, don't, this one is dirty, won't you replace it?" Yunzhi was annoyed.

She no longer refused to eat, and even tacitly let this strange teenager feed her.

However, you should also have a limit to cherish food!

You still want me to eat what you spit out of your mouth, such a disgusting behavior, let alone Yunzhi, how can a normal person accept it.

Ye Han was stunned, thinking about it too.

Then he turned around, tore off a leg again, came to Yunzhi's side, blew it, then tore off a small piece of meat and brought it close to Yunzhi's mouth.

Yunzhi looked at the palm in front of her, hesitated for a while, and then opened her small mouth.

"Oh, oh, ah, ah, hot, hot~"

At the entrance of the barbecue, Yunzhi screamed.

Because, what Ye Han blew cold was only the outer skin, the inside of the barbecue was still hot, and poor Yunzhi was directly scalded and cried.

"I'll slap it, you don't spit it out if it's hot."

Ye Han rolled his eyes, then approached, cupped Yunzhi's cheeks with both hands, and hurriedly blew into her mouth...

Yunzhi looked at the young man in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, her mind was blank, she didn't know what Ye Han was thinking, if she knew, she would definitely be mad at him.

"If you have the strength and the ability to move, the old lady still needs you to feed."

Her heart was damaged, her strength was sealed, and now she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers. She was able to speak and shake her head.

"It seems that you can't eat the barbecue. Wait, I'll find something to eat for you." Ye Han shook his head and said.

Three or four large blisters were directly scalded in Yunzhi's mouth, and the barbecued meat would definitely not be able to be eaten, so he could only eat liquid food.

There are no other things in the Warcraft Mountains, but there are a lot of lactating animals.

It just so happened that a nine-colored elk with 100,000 years of cultivation was breastfeeding and had not left yet. Knowing that Ye Han needed animal milk, she did not hesitate to get Ye Han a big bucket in front of everyone.

Ye Han supported his forehead, he felt that it was necessary to teach these female soul beasts some human etiquette...

Let them also be a person who knows shame, understands humility, and respects etiquette...

Whether it is a human being or a beast, one must have a public morality, otherwise it would be no fun to be beaten to death by someone.

But these are things to come later, he carried a bucket of fragrant breast milk and walked into the cave again.

Yunzhi looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, her expression was very unnatural, full of fear and daze, and a hint of shyness and anxiety.

She lost all her strength and was in an unknown place, which made her fearful, insecure in her heart, and full of confusion about the future. Seeing the bandages wrapped around her body, and the intimate act of Ye Han blowing air into her mouth just now were all Make Yunzhi feel shy.

At the same time, Yunzhi was also full of worries.

Will he be beastly, will he get excited, will he...


With a deep sigh, Yunzhi held her breath and calmed her chaotic thoughts.

Now, her top priority is not to think wildly, but to hurry up and restore her cultivation.

However, not long after she closed her eyes, she slowly opened them, the disappointment and frustration in her eyes could not be washed away even if she poured all the water from all over the world.

Her own state is worse than she expected. Now, she can't feel the existence of fighting qi at all. At the same time, her heart is damaged, causing her blood qi to become rigid, and she loses the ability to move. Of course, the most important thing is that her own strength sealed.

Yunzhi couldn't do anything, and there were a few folds on her smooth Ruyu forehead.

At this moment, Ye Han walked in with a wooden barrel that was just made and a few unknown plants.

The white liquid swayed, exuding bursts of fragrance.

Yunzhi's frowning expression couldn't help but stagnate, and her beautiful eyes stared at the wooden barrel in Ye Han's hand without blinking.

Just smelling the fragrance from the wooden barrel, she actually felt that her body had a little more strength, her spirit was relaxed, and her damaged heart was showing signs of recovery.


The barrel fell heavily, and Ye Han couldn't help moving his arm.

The short distance of more than 100 meters actually made his arms sore, a little tired, and there was a faint sweat oozing out of his forehead.

"Be careful."

Yunzhi's brows twitched fiercely, and she couldn't help but remind her.

Of course, he didn't care about Ye Han, but felt sorry for the fragrant liquid.

Based on Yunzhi's knowledge, she felt that the energy carried by each drop of the liquid in front of her was probably no weaker than that of a third-grade medicinal pill.

However, the moment Ye Han put the bucket in, he threw out a big bowl. Such a prodigal behavior caused Yunzhi to sigh and sigh, and his heart ached.

Fortunately, she can't act now, otherwise she might have rushed forward to educate Ye Han well and let him know what the price of extravagance and waste is.

"Don't worry, isn't it just a bucket of animal milk? I can still afford it." Ye Han said.

He didn't realize that it was someone who was self-indulgent. He picked out a straight and straight one from the four or five plants in his hand, pinched the head and removed the tail, leaving a section more than a foot long and put it in his mouth. After blowing, but after settling for ventilation, he directly put this natural straw into Yunzhi's mouth.

Yunzhi gritted his teeth angrily, this **** actually let himself taste his saliva once again.

"Don't bite with your teeth. This thing is very fragile. If you bite it, it will be useless." Ye Han quickly reminded.

Then, he placed the barrel beside Yunzhi, and quickly put the other end of the straw into the barrel.

"Suck it, **** it hard!"

Ye Han said.

With a squeak, a milky white animal milk entered the mouth of Yunzhi along the straw, then flowed through the throat and esophagus, entered the stomach, and quickly turned into a warm current and spread to the limbs.

Yunzhi's eyes lit up, this kind of animal milk is really useful, and the effect is better than she imagined.

She felt that as long as she had enough animal milk, her physical mobility would probably return to normal in about ten days.

So, she sucked harder.

Zi Liu, Zi Liu, every time she sucked, Yunzhi's jade-white cheeks couldn't help but sag slightly, showing how hard she was exerting herself.

Gum! ~

Ye Han couldn't help swallowing, and was greedy for Yunzhi's food.

Not to mention, it smells pretty good.

A straw appeared in Ye Han's hand, and then stretched it into the wooden barrel, sucking it up.

Yunzhi raised her eyebrows, glanced at the sudden predator, and involuntarily increased her sucking strength and swallowing speed.

Ye Han glanced at the woman and instantly understood her thoughts. He couldn't help but smile. Can you eat such a big bucket by yourself? Be careful.

The next moment, Yunzhi's cheeks flushed, and the milky white liquid spurted out, and the whole person coughed violently.

Ye Han's eyes are quick and his hands are quick~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to protect a bucket of beast milk, but he was sprayed right.

He wiped the stains on his face fiercely, and wanted to find a woman to settle the account, but seeing her half-dead appearance, he had no choice but to give up.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Ye Han stepped forward and patted Yunzhi's back to soothe her breath. After she recovered, she said angrily, put the straw into her mouth again, and got up and left the cave.

He's going to take a shower.

Although the clothes made of millions of years of ice silk are invulnerable to water and fire, swords and guns, filth cannot fall, and they are always spotless, but Ye Han was knocked out of the world, but his body does not have such effects.

Now, many places on his hair, neck, and many places are sprayed by Yunzhi,

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