From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 234: : Goodbye Douluo

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Qian Renxue kicked Ye Han, vented and ran away!

Bibi Dong's expression changed, and she couldn't help being annoyed.

"This motherfucker's daughter."

Sure enough, just as this thought flashed through Bibi Dong's mind, she saw Ye Han slowly open his eyes.

The sky blue eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement. He rubbed his legs and muttered with a little dissatisfaction, "Who kicked me."

Life is all about acting.

Time to perform the real technique.

"Dong, Dong'er, you, why are you in my room?"

Surprise, surprise, happiness, all kinds of joyful emotions are vividly expressed at this moment.

However, Bibi Dong's expression was the exact opposite of his.

The expression that was still full of shame and anger a moment ago turned cold in an instant, the soft cheeks were as cold as ice, the gentle and graceful temperament became aggressive, sharp-edged, full of oppression.

"Look carefully at whose room this is." Bibi Dong said.

His voice was cold, without the slightest emotion.

With the same strength, who is worse than who?

This is definitely not comparable to those who only hold seven or eight million, but only stare and cut out.

That momentum is too strong, and ordinary people can't stand it at all.

Ye Han was dumbfounded, if he hadn't woken up early, he might have been fooled by this woman.

He looked around in a daze, then looked at Bibi Dong, a little unsure, and said apprehensively, "This, shouldn't this be your bedroom?"

Bibi Dongfeng stared at him coldly with her eyes full of anger, but without saying a word, there was an invisible pressure that made Ye Han feel uncomfortable.

Over the years, this woman has become more and more powerful.

"Then, how did I get here?" Ye Han swallowed his saliva and couldn't help saying.

"I don't care how you got here, now, immediately, immediately, get out of my way and disappear from my eyes." Bibi Dong said.


Ye Han responded and got up from the bed. Then, a small white triangular coat was scattered like leaves in the wind and fell from Ye Han's body.

This was definitely an accident, Ye Han dared to swear with his steel kidney, it was definitely not his intention.


Bibi Dong burst out with extreme speed, and instantly grabbed the small piece of cloth and hid it behind her back, her face flushed instantly.

Ye Han's eyes became weird, he glanced at Bibi Dong, and then stopped at...

"Look, look, look, and then I gouged out your eyes." Bibi Dong scolded coldly.

But at this moment, there is still half a bit of majesty. Instead, she looks like a shy and timid newlywed daughter-in-law, her face is flushed, and her words have no lethal power.

"You, shouldn't you be..." Ye Han said, and some images from last night could not help but emerge in his mind.

He took off the little clothes, but is there anything specific?

He doesn't remember.

At this time, he really regretted it, why did he make the wine so strong, it would be better if it was a little softer.

"You, bastard, I fought with you."

When Bibi Dong found out that he was actually there, she couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry. She used her physical skills and rushed directly to Ye Han's side.

Her strength was sealed, and now she only has powerful physical skills.

Hands are two doors, and they all hit people with their feet.

The physical skills are all about fists and feet. Bibi Dong has a strong physique, and her hands and feet are extremely sharp. Even if her strength is sealed and she bursts out with all her strength, ordinary people are not her opponents at all.

However, in the face of Ye Han, her proud boxing skills instantly turned into a pleasing dance.

After three or two fights, Bibi Dong was out of breath.

After her hands were bound, Bibi Dong kicked Ye Han's chin directly against Ye Han's chest at an incredible angle.

Ye Han's head was slightly sideways, and one of Bibi Dong's legs was directly on his shoulder.

"You are not my opponent." Ye Han grinned.

There was a hint of stubbornness in Bibi Dong's eyes, her other leg bounced up, and her legs were directly on either side of Ye Han's shoulders.

A pair of feet clamped Ye Han's neck, and Bibi Dong had no soul ring on her head and feet, but used Arou's eight-dan throw.

Ye Han was worried about really hurting her, and the moment she made the move, Ye Han let go of Bibi Dong's hands.

Then he saw the beautiful scenery at the end of the two jade pillars.

A bit dumbfounded for a while.


Ye Han only had these two words in his heart at the moment.

Then, his body staggered, and his body was driven by Bibi Dong's life-threatening scissor feet, and he fell directly to the ground. Immediately, he felt the breath of the sea blowing towards him.

At the same time, it has its own breath.

Even if Ye Han lost his mind, Bibi Dong could not handle it at will.

Bibi Dong's soul skill, which was obtained from Arou's soul skill, had already been comprehended by Bibi Dong.

This move was originally to throw the person into the air, and then perform a lore eight-dan throw, but Bibi Dong was obviously unable to throw Ye Han into the air.

At the moment when Ye Han lost his mind, she threw Ye Han into a duel, and because she was exhausted, she couldn't support herself, so she sat down.


Ye Han was miserable, and was kicked and pinched by the blushing Bibi Dong, and was driven out of the palace.

"You really don't want to go with us?"

Ye Han found Ye Chen again, together with Qian Renxue, the husband and wife, and persuaded him together, hoping that he could change his mind.

It's a pity that Ye Chen's heart is stronger than Jin's, and he has made up his mind to stay in this world.

The two persuaded to no avail, Ye Han took out a godhead that exuded a luster.

This godhead is extremely special, it looks radiant, beautiful and dreamy, but if you feel it carefully, you can find that the power contained in it far exceeds the realm of the king of gods.

"You are so old, I don't seem to have given you any gifts yet, but this is for you." Ye Han said.


Ye Chen choked, not knowing what to say for a while.

If he wants to leave this world, he must destroy the godhead, obliterate his Taoism, and cut off the connection with this world.

If he doesn't want to leave, then his cultivation will also be limited by the limit of Godhead, and it is almost impossible to break through again.

Now, seeing his determination, Ye Han put the ladder to a higher level in front of him.

This unreliable father has paved all the way for him.

Ye Chen also had a rebellious period, but that period has long since passed, and now he does not resist this arranged fate.

Ye Chen, who had come from the most difficult years, even enjoyed the feeling of being cared for. His firm heart was shaken, and he was a little reluctant to part.

But it was only for a moment, and his heart became firm again.

He likes this world, he likes this prosperous country that he and his master and mother have built with one hand, and, in this world, in addition to his mother and teacher, he also has wives and sons...

"Find a place to refine the godhead, and I'll help you protect the law." Ye Han sighed.

For three months, Ye Han was Ye Chen's law protector, so that he was safe from danger, refining the godhead smoothly, and his strength has been greatly improved.

At the same time, Qian Renxue was also doing Bibi Dong's ideological work, but unfortunately the results were not ideal.

In the end, Qian Renxue said goodbye to Qian Daoliu, who was inherited by the guardian angel. Immediately, she and Ye Han returned to the frozen forest with Qing Qian, Qing Xuan, Qing Wu and Bai Jingjing.

Everyone worked together to start making the portal.

Half a year later, Ye Han stood on a tall altar, looked at the dozen or so women in front of him, hesitated for a while, and said, "Wait for me for half an hour.

The girls nodded slightly.

brush! ~

Ye Han's figure disappeared in a flash, and he came to the Wuhun Empire Palace again.

Only this time, Ye Han didn't go looking for Ye Chen, but went directly to Bibi Dong's bedroom.

Half a time passed, Ye Han lowered his head and returned to the frozen forest again.

"Don't be discouraged, maybe it's because of fate! You still have us." Xue Di comforted softly.

Ye Han nodded to clear up his mood.

Then, he recruited the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

"If that world is suitable for the soul beast clan to survive, I will let Xiaoguang come back to inform you, the time is limited, and things here are up to you." Ye Han said.

"Be careful in the past, you don't have to worry here." Gu Yuena said.


Ye Han nodded, then took out the Myriad Realms orb, opened a gate of time and space, and glanced back at the direction of the Spirit Empire.

"Goodbye, Douluoxing, goodbye, Bibi Dong."

In the end, Ye Han shook his head with a wry smile, and then stepped into the gate of time and space with the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

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