From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 226: : if there is an afterlife

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

The universe is vast and inexhaustible, the beginning of which is unknown above and the end of which is unknown below.

In the dark universe, strands of dazzling light galloped and fled quickly.

Suddenly, a flash of light in the front stopped, and the flash of light dissipated, revealing a single person, with a fierce look in his eyes, with a determination.

"Made, if you don't run away, you will die! I have lived for so many years, and I have never been so useless. Let those two little girls out and let me vent first." The man said.

"Sir, do you really want to do this?"

Someone next to me asked.

The other escape lights stopped, and the people inside were also hesitant.

They all know what it means when they do.

That is true immortality, in which there is no room for manoeuvre.

"Everyone, brothers and sisters, after the fun is over, we part ways. Whether we can live or not depends on the destiny. Instead of living like a lost dog, I would rather die in battle." The leader said bitterly.

The clay figurine still has three points of fire, not to mention a god, who has been chased and killed by Qian Renxue for so many years, no one is angry at all.

Hearing that the leader was finally willing to let them fly away, there was a fire in everyone's eyes, that was the fire of hope, the hope of living.

Then, the two were released.

"Hey hey, the little girl looks so iconic, I'm afraid she's not much better than the kind **** king."

A group of people grinned evilly, made a wretched mocking sound, and gathered around.

Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling looked at each other, their faces were pale, and there was a sense of relief in their despair.

"Have you finally reached this point?"

The two girls laughed miserably.

After so many years, they have long had the consciousness to face everything. They are not afraid of death, but they are a little unwilling.

"Lingling, if there is an afterlife, what would you most like to do?" Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Lingling and asked.


Ye Lingling's eyes showed a look of contemplation.

In a trance, she saw a **** figure.

That was the first time she and him met. At that time, she called him Brother Ye, healed his wounds, and took care of him for a while.

His voice, face and smile are still fresh in my memory.

They were just friends back then, and in the blink of an eye, twelve years later.

Seeing each other again, his strength has long been unfathomable, and he casually made the first sect of the continent completely silent, and then he took himself to the snow-covered extreme north.

They blamed him, hated him, and didn't understand him, but he didn't explain, he just taught her how to cultivate, created the best cultivation environment for them, and then personally helped them cultivate...

Ning Rongrong has a sentence that is quite right. After being watched by him for so many years, after experiencing the initial shyness and embarrassment, and finally accepting it calmly, which girl does not have him in her heart?

Ye Lingling admitted that he could not forget him.

Now, Ning Rongrong asked what she would most like to do if there was an afterlife, and she suddenly had an answer.

"If there is an afterlife, I want to marry him."

She answered decisively, then looked at Ning Rongrong and said, "How about you?"

"I want to be your sister." Ning Rongrong blinked and said with a smile.

"You, are you trying to grab a man from me?" Ye Lingling couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

"Why rob, isn't it good for us to serve one husband together?" Ning Rongrong asked.

The two girls talk and laugh as if there is no one around, and look at the gods and nothing around them, talking and laughing freely and casually.

But the gods were horrified, because they found that they couldn't get close to the two of them, not even the king of gods.

The bodies of the two women are glowing, holy and mysterious, forming an unknown field that prevents anyone from approaching.

Boom! ~

In the dark universe, countless thunders lit up.

The dazzling golden light illuminated a large universe, and a twelve-winged angel descended.

The majestic and sacred aura pervades, she is like a golden torch, burning herself to illuminate the world, dazzling, bringing people endless hope and... despair.

Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling looked at each other and saw joy in each other's eyes, relief, and sadness and melancholy.

The joy is that they will not die silently, no one knows, no one cares, the good news is that they have not been abandoned, the sad and melancholy is that they are going to die after all.

Burning the avenue, the soul burns, irreversible.

In order to keep their innocence, the two women were determined and determined, without the slightest hesitation, they took the most drastic measures, otherwise, they would not be able to stop the King of God.

Qian Renxue looked at the two of them and told them to stop.

The two shook their heads with a miserable smile. At this time, they could do nothing but wait for death.

They even know very well that if there is reincarnation in the world, they have no chance of reincarnation.

The soul burns, the Great Dao collapses, and they will vanish into thin air and cease to exist. After a few years, everything will turn to ashes. Who can remember them, the little witch named Ning Rongrong, and the so-called immortal goddess, who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside Ye Lingling.

The two of them looked at each other hand in hand, feeling lost and looking sad.

"I'm so unwilling!" Ning Rongrong sighed.

"Sister Xiaoxue, help me tell Big Brother Ye that I like him, and it's my biggest regret in my life that I didn't become his woman in this life." Ye Lingling said.

At the juncture of life and death, the girl had no scruples and spoke the words that were hidden in the deepest part of her heart.


The violent thunder roared in the universe, as if the drums of war were beating, making people tremble.

Qian Renxue's fighting power was full, brave and invincible.

If it wasn't for the past few years, these so-called gods would have killed all of them long ago if they had used Ning Rongrong and Ye Lenglen as hostages, and made Qian Renxue throw them at the mouse.

Now, the two girls used special means to prevent these people from approaching, giving Qian Renxue a chance, how could she let it go.

The twelve-winged angel is extremely powerful, with three attributes of light, fire, and lightning.

Thunder and fire are not separated, with powerful and violent attacking power, while light gives her powerful mobility, fast and unbelievably fast.

Bang bang bang!

The three powerful gods were pierced through the chest by Qian Renxue's thunder spear. Then, the thunder flashed around the three people's chests with a muffled sound. Several people were shattered into the void and annihilated together with their souls.

Then, Qian Renxue turned back and looked at Ye Lingling.

In the pair of beautiful eyes, cold electricity bloomed, which contained an inexplicable meaning, and Ye Lingling looked very unnatural.

Ye Lingling's breathing stagnated for a while, and then she remembered that among the women of Brother Ye, this woman is the most difficult to deal with.

Thinking about how many trials and tribulations Hu Liena has endured at the beginning, she was recognized by the other party. This is a goalkeeper. Without her consent, no one can live in peace.

Ye Lingling was startled for a while.

However, when she thought about her state, she was relieved.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, they are dying, who cares about other things.

After I die, who cares about the flood.

Ye Leng Leng was very daring and fearless at this time, and looked at Qian Renxue.

"What's so good about that bastard, is it worth all of you to follow him one by one, regardless of everything?" Qian Renxue murmured, looking like these girls are very clueless.

Obviously, she forgot herself.

Just now, Qian Renxue had finally discovered the state of the two girls without taking a closer look.

They were dying, and all she could do was kill them all and avenge them.

"I'll take your words to Rong Rong, how about you? Do you want me to pass the word to him and tell him that you want to be his woman." Qian Renxue turned into a golden light and struck a **** who was trying to escape. Kill in the stars.

" Ning Rongrong shook his head, looked at Qian Renxue, a slyness flashed in his eyes, and said, "I can't see Brother Ye now, but, Sister Xiaoxue, are you willing to accept us instead of him, let us to be your sister? "

While speaking, a pair of big watery eyes looked at Qian Renxue pitifully.

After all, Qian Renxue spent a relatively short time with the little witch, and didn't know her very well. She was directly bewildered by her deceptive appearance, her heart softened, and she nodded reluctantly, as she agreed.

PS: There is an urge to write two people to death, but I am afraid of being scolded, it is difficult!

Thank you big brother, the monthly pass of Space Xizhilang, thank you big brother!

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