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Red-clothed, red-haired, kind-hearted **** king, and peerless elegance.

But as long as you die, no matter how beautiful you are, whether you are a country or a generation of heroes, it will always be the same in the end, and you will never be able to escape the fate of disappearing.

Watching the good **** king disappear completely, Ye Han slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the sky blue armor slowly dissipated, revealing his pale face.

The avenue is simple, a seemingly simple punch, but condensed all his power.

Killing a super strong with one blow, Ye Han was not complacent.

He killed a peerless beauty with one blow, and Ye Han didn't give up.

He just sighed a little, a beautiful peerless beauty, how come you have to swear.

This seems to spoil the image a bit!


Even if you want to explode, you have to explode her yourself!

In short, Ye Han felt that the image of the kind-hearted God King in his heart was completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the kind **** king has disappeared, otherwise if he knew what Ye Han was thinking, he would probably spray him with salt and soda.

Bitch is hypocritical.

You've already treated others like that. In the blink of an eye, you don't recognize people and don't say anything. When you look back, you beat people to death with one punch. In the end, you don't allow people to scold you. How can you be so shameless?

Shaking his dazed head, Ye Han waved his hand and put away that extremely special godhead.

Then, he looked at the seed of fire left by the good **** king after his death.

After careful sensing, it was confirmed that there was no spiritual imprint left, Ye Han pondered for a while, and collected it into the sea of ​​​​spirits for cultivation.

The elves of heaven and earth are rare, and it would be a pity if they disappeared.


Ye Han is purely compassionate, he can't bear to see a special life disappear completely, and he has absolutely no idea of ​​cultivating another peerless beauty.

In a blink of an eye, people disappeared without a trace.

A chaotic space has not dissipated for a long time, proving that there was a war here, showing that a peerless beauty once came to this world, this is the last trace she left.

In the unknown star field, Ye Han shook his body and fell out of the space-time tunnel.

He wanted to force his body to help Qian Renxue rescue Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling, but he obviously overestimated his physical condition. Just halfway through the journey, his body had serious problems.

"Zhuqing, go, go, there."

Ye Han released Zhu Zhuqing from the internal space, and hurriedly explained, then fell into the girl's arms and fell into a coma.

"Big, big brother."

Zhu Zhuqing was in a hurry, looking at the man who fell in his arms, big tears could not help falling from his big eyes.

She shook Ye Han's body, trying to wake up the unconscious man, but unfortunately, it was all in vain.

Then, she remembered what Ye Han had just said.

She carried Ye Han on her back and quickly rushed in the direction he pointed.

The sky is blue and the vegetation is lush. The only downside is that it lacks a kind of vitality.

This is another primitive planet, but there are only flowers, trees, and some single-celled organisms.

half year later.

The valleys with lush flowers and plants, waterfalls and springs, under the blue sky and white clouds, the scenery is particularly beautiful.

A girl with a hot body in a long black dress, wearing a hat made of flowers on her head, carrying a basket, dancing like an elf, stepping on the flowers and rushing forward.

The elder brother's body gradually improved, making the girl's face fill with a happy smile.

The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She had a baby face with fair skin and a little baby fat on both sides of her face. Her thick black hair was casually scattered behind her back like a waterfall. She looked cute and pure.

But her physique didn't quite match her appearance.

The black dress can't hide the seductive curves at all, it is bumpy and hot.

Seeing her, everyone's heart can't help but have four words "Tongyan Huge."

Suddenly, the girl's light footsteps paused slightly, and the softness and ease on her face were instantly replaced by indifference.


She looked at the sky, her eyes full of vigilance.

"What a keen sense!"

An exclamation sounded, and then, three figures appeared in front of the girl.

The tall body carries a terrifying aura, distorting the air and making the world pale.

The bright sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, the gentle breeze disappeared, and murderous intent swept the sky and the ground.

The girl's eyes narrowed, and the black eyes turned into a pair of vertical pupils, full of coldness and ruthlessness.

She lowered her body slightly, the basket in her hand disappeared, and her black fingernails more than a foot long slowly emerged, like a hunting leopard, making an attacking gesture.

"One hundred and twenty-eight, you want to deal with us three hundred and thirty. I really don't know, how does your brain grow?" One of the three mocked.

"Have you ever heard of a big chest and no brains?" the only woman said.

But the tone was sour, full of jealousy and envy.

"Little girl, give you a chance, hand over that person, and we will spare your life." The person who spoke first said.

The three of them were the first to escape the net from the God Realm, and were lucky to escape from the hands of the Shura God.

The collapse of the God Realm could not hide their perception.

When they went to the God Realm to find out, they found the girl and another person in front of them on the way.

However, they knew how perverted that person was, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

After observing on the outside for half a year, the man didn't move at all, and they finally couldn't help it.

All the gods in the realm of the gods agreed that there was a huge secret hidden in that person back then, and once he got it, he would leap over the dragon gate and change his life.

So these three people followed and kept it for half a year, just for the secret.

Hearing the words of the three, the girl's already cold face became even colder.

"If you want to find big brother, step over my body first." The girl said, her voice was clear and sweet, like the collision of gold and jade, which was extremely pleasant.

After speaking, the girl took the lead.

The realm is not as good as the opponent, if the opponent takes the lead, she will be more passive.


There seemed to be a cat meow between the heaven and the earth, and then the black mist spread, covering the three people in the sky.

In the dark fog, in the confrontation, in the slaughter, the girl's black long skirt was replaced by a black leather jacket.

The sharp cold light continued to bloom, and the powerful energy fluctuations spread and spread in the sky.


Someone screamed, the only woman among the three.

"Big brother, second brother, save me."

The woman screamed for help, her voice full of fear and pain.

"court death."

Two roars sounded simultaneously.

One punch and one palm shattered the darkness and brought the light back to the world.

The girl in leather armor was short of breath, her plump **** were constantly rising and falling like the tides of the sea, and her state was extremely exaggerated.

The leather armor on her body was damaged in many places, revealing ferocious and terrifying wounds, dripping with blood.

But she is like a female leopard without pain, and she doesn't care about her injuries at all. With beautiful eyes, she stares coldly at the enemy in front of her.

And under her feet ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ a pile of broken bodies is slowly falling into the sky.

In a short period of time, a 130th-level **** was killed, his body and soul were torn apart by the girl, and his years of cultivation were destroyed.

"you wanna die."

The eyes of the remaining two first-level Dzogchen gods were raging with anger, burning for nine days, mad with hatred.

At the same time, there is a sense of horror.

Feared by the girl attack, my heart is cold.

Although the strength is low, but the attack power is too strong.

After the extreme anger and panic, there is rage, they feel shame and shame, and now only killing can wash away this shame.

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