From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 219: : Bibi Dong 1 Wu

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Spirit Empire, capital city, palace.

The five **** kings sat there carelessly, not paying attention to the murderous gazes around them.

While eating the exquisite food in the palace, they admired the moving singing and dancing of the beautiful dancers in front of them.

clap clap clap! ~

When the song and dance ended, the three **** kings threw away the food in their hands, and did not hesitate to praise them and gave warm applause.

The other two **** kings did it directly, pulling the two dancers into their arms.

"Sweet woman, I can't remember how long I haven't touched a woman. Come, let this **** kiss one."

Saying that, regardless of the dancer's resistance, he just wanted to force a kiss.


Suddenly, a frantic murderous aura raged down from the Emperor's Throne.

"Let them go, or die."

Bibi Dong was wearing an emperor's dress, showing no doubt of her noble and imposing manner.

The originally soft face was now as cold as frost, and the purple eyes turned into two black holes, as if looking at the dead, without the slightest emotion, watching the two **** kings who bullied weak women.

The act of forcibly kissing the woman came to an abrupt end, and the two god-kings looked at the woman on the high seat in disbelief.

They were stunned at first, and then quickly relieved. After all, they were able to sit here safely, relying on these ordinary people.

Immediately, the two **** kings looked at the fragrant dancer in their arms, and then turned to look at Bibi Dong. Suddenly, the woman in their arms was no longer fragrant.

Compared with Bibi Dong, the beautiful and moving dancer in her arms is really nothing.

"If you are fortunate enough to see His Majesty dance today, then you will die without regrets."

A deity stared at Bibi Dong with fiery eyes.

He is very aware of how strong the woman in front of him is. To be honest, sitting here, each of them feels like they are sitting on the tip of a knife, and they may die at any time.

However, there was a tinge of excitement as well as fear.

Because they have grasped the weakness of the generation of queens in front of them, she cares about this empire, those ordinary people, and their lives...

No matter who it is, as long as it is pinched at the weak point, it is not a problem.

The five god-kings showed Bibi Dong's determined eyes, looking at the noble and majestic queen who had a frosty face at the moment, full of anticipation and playfulness.

Bibi Dong's flawless and beautiful face was as cold as ice at the moment, and a faint cold light shone in her eyes.

What she hates most is bullying the weak, especially bullying women, which makes her involuntarily think of her experience in the Killing Capital.

However, these **** in front of them quietly came to the palace. Once they make a rash move, it doesn't matter if the palace is destroyed, but the aftermath of the battle spreads out, and the entire Wuhun Empire will definitely not be spared, and it will turn into a dead place.

"Teacher, you can start now."

When Bibi Dong's teeth were itching with hatred, Ye Chen's voice finally came.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes lit up slightly, and then slowly got up.

She wears a nine-curved purple-gold crown on her head, wears a special emperor dress made by the Wuhun Empire, and holds a golden scepter that symbolizes status and power. She is majestic and sacred.

The five gods were excited, and they thought Bi was about to give in.

The God Realm is isolated from the world. Although there are ordinary people, how can ordinary people who can live in the God Realm be able to provoke them?

The living environment of the God Realm makes them very powerful, but they simply cannot enjoy the pleasure of being above all sentient beings.

Now, seeing a generation of queens who are above all living beings, but have to obey them, how could this psychological satisfaction and the thrill of conquest not make them excited.

"Are you sure, I will die without regrets when I see my martial arts?"

Bibi Dong suddenly smiled, like thawing ice and snow, warm and bright, making this depressing hall instantly brighten up.

The three **** kings were bewildered by Bibi Dong's sudden alluring smile, and for a split second, they couldn't help themselves, revealing the appearance of a pig brother.

After becoming a goddess for so many years, she was the arrogance of the heavens, the goddess of beauty, what kind of woman they had never seen before, but there was no doubt that Bibi Dong was the most attractive in terms of strength, status, or appearance.

She is the king of gods, and she is an emperor through the ages. These two points alone satisfy most men's desire for conquest. Besides, she is beautiful and moving in appearance, but she is so weak when she is quiet, and it is easy to attract people. The desire to protect, such a woman, is a high-altitude existence for ordinary people, but it has a fatal attraction for pretentious geniuses.

The three god-kings nodded involuntarily, with a pig-brother look on their faces, looking at Bibi Dong's hot eyes, almost drooling.

But not all God Kings are as unbearable as the three of them, and the other two have their eyes narrowed slightly.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. In their intelligence, how strong is Bibi Dong? How can you give in so easily?

So the two immediately became vigilant.

Deng Deng Deng!

The high heels stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Bibi Dong's slender and jade-like legs moved and walked down the high platform step by step. Behind her, a dark and deep country slowly appeared.

One emperor through the ages, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, today's Bibi Dong disdains conspiracy tactics, facing the five kings of gods, Honghong's atmospheric coercion directly crushed the past.

Bibi Dongfeng is light and cloudless, and her elegance is peerless, but her aura is terrifying like an endless abyss that can devour everything.

The trampling of iron hoofs, the miserable roar, the wailing of pain...

All kinds of terrifying voices were like Dementors, with a terrifying pressure, they instantly rushed towards the five god-kings in front of them.

"Bibi Dong, do you have to fight with us here?"

A **** king said coldly, but he could hear the obvious serenity and restraint.

They were also afraid of death, and they came here not to do anything, but to restrain the strong in the palace from going out to rescue others.

They did indeed do it, but they did it a bit too far. The most inappropriate thing was to humiliate the palace dancer in front of Bibi Dong.

"Don't you want to watch Zhen Yiwu? Come on, I'll let you take a closer look today."

After speaking, the scepter in Bibi Dong's hand was replaced by a large black sword.

Majestic, cold, domineering, atmospheric, and undisguised violent murderous aura instantly filled the entire hall.

Ordinary people will definitely be torn apart in the face of this murderous aura, and there is no chance of survival, even a ninety-ninth-level Limit Douluo will not be spared.

Under Bibi Dong's control, the strong murderous aura avoided those dancers and instantly enveloped the five **** kings.

The strong suffocating aura contained in the murderous aura instantly impacted the minds of the five **** kings. These **** kings were all forcibly promoted by God Shura using special means, and there was a huge lack in their state of mind. , There is no such thing as a powerful strength.


Bibi Dong's red lips parted lightly, with disdain on her face, she spat out two words.

The black great sword was swung, and in an instant, the sword beams staggered and slashed forward.

Chi Chi Chi! ~

The three **** kings could not avoid it, and they hit the sword directly, and they were torn apart in an instant, the blood of the gods was scattered, and it was terrible.

"Ah! stinky woman, you don't talk about martial arts, we are not looking at this martial arts!" The three gods and kings screamed, controlling the remnants, wanting to break out regardless of everything.

However, Bibi Dong didn't give them a chance at all.

Bibi Dong stretched out a jade hand and turned into a black hole that devoured the sky and the earth. A strange force spread, and the souls of the three **** kings were swallowed up in an instant, leaving no trace.

The remaining two god-kings were terrified, extremely terrifying, and felt as cold as a body and mind, like falling into an ice cave.

PS: set up a group, 334752573, the answer to the question: Qian Renxue

In the end, I really don't want to add more updates, but the big brother Hanhai Sage Emperor gave too much, and it was a reward and a monthly pass, which made me feel embarrassed!

Add more to the big brother of the holy emperor of Hanhai!

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