From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 212: : not the same

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Spirit world!

Qionglou and Yuyu are all over the place.

Rockery and flowing springs, Xiandao is in the sky.

Although it lacks vitality, there are piles of ruins all over it.

However, its beauty remains undeniable, especially when it is in an unspoiled place, and that beauty is far beyond the mundane.

On the ground made of white jade pavement, a man and a woman, one white and one black, stood two slender figures.

The girl looked sixteen or seventeen years old, with a tender face and fair skin, like a baby.

But what didn't match her face was her hot body.

Plump and straight, with a slender waist, tall buttocks, convex front and back, attractive curves.

This is a real and real child with a huge face, and I feel pity for the peerless stunner, but at this moment, she is crying, she is crying, but she is sad...

It's really hard to imagine who is so hard-hearted, willing to cry so beautifully.

And that hard-hearted man was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan at the moment, at a loss.

These two people are Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Han.

Zhu Zhuqing's heart was so sensitive, Ye Han really did not expect it.

As soon as the girl cried, he panicked instantly.

For so many years, Ye Han has never seen girls cry, especially the girls beside him.

He wiped in a panic, but he wiped fast, but it never flowed fast.

Finally, as a last resort, Ye Han resorted to his tried and tested ultimate nirvana.

He held the girl's cheeks with both hands and lowered his head slightly. Under the incredible stare of the girl's black and white eyes, Ye Han directly kissed him.

The girl was frightened, her pupils focused and contracted slightly, her cherry lips slightly opened, Ye Han was rude, drove straight in, attacked the city and swept the ground.

Zhu Zhuqing's mind went blank, feeling that his body was not his own.

Like a frightened bird, the lilac uvula is so frightened that it avoids everywhere, but it is repeatedly entangled by intruders, attacked, plundered...

After chasing and fleeing, entangled with each other, they soon lost their resistance, were completely captured, and became prisoners for their ravages.

Then, she learned to be submissive, to respond.

"Don't cry, no one is right or wrong when it comes to relationships, let alone who is sorry to whom. You and I are not related by blood. You like me and I like you are not in conflict. I really only had brother and sister feelings for you before. But, from now on, I will treat you as a woman, my woman."

Ye Han let out his mouth, looked at the girl's red and swollen lips, and couldn't help but smile.

Then, he smacked his mouth and said, "It's very sweet."

Zhu Zhuqing had just been possessed by his soul, and after hearing Ye Han's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face flushed.

She wasn't stupid, she reacted quickly naturally, what Ye Han said was sweet.

"Tsk tsk tsk, loss."

Ye Han shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

"What, what's the loss?" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were dodging, his cheeks were flushed, he looked very cute, his voice was weak, and his expression was shy and shy.

Although shy, she couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Hey, our family Zhuqing is so cute, I only kissed Fangze today, do you think I'm at a loss?" Ye Han smiled.

While speaking, he hugged the girl's slender waist with both hands, and lightly pecked her red lips.

Zhu Zhuqing's blushing face was embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look up at Ye Han shyly. The little chin poked directly into the ravine in his chest, and he blushed and could drip blood.

At this time, she could feel her heartbeat keep accelerating, never before it beat so violently, as if it would jump out of her throat at any time.

Being hugged and kissed by a big brother turned out to be such a feeling, dizzy, sweet, and shy, but I was looking forward to the next time.

Seeing that the girl finally stopped crying, Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xue'er gave her to me, should I accept her?" Ye Han secretly thought.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing carefully, Ye Han felt that his life was really good.

Most of the most beautiful women in Douluoxing have been completely wiped out by him, so who else is there?

"Let's go! Let's solve the problem in the God Realm first. If the situation is not right, I will take you into my internal space." Ye Han took Zhu Zhuqing's palm and walked forward.

It wasn't the first time holding hands, but this time it felt very different.

I didn't feel anything before, but now I feel that the slender palm is soft and boneless, like suet white jade, warm and greasy, delicate and soft, and extremely comfortable.

Unable to help, Ye Han couldn't help but squeezed slightly in his hand, it was indeed different.

The little girl hummed, her face even redder.

I didn't expect the big brother to be so bad, but my heart was inexplicably sweet.

Ye Han turned around and Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head like a frightened rabbit.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but smile slightly. He didn't expect that the little girl who had always been so cold was so cute.

In the God Realm, the buildings are splendid, glittering with dazzling glaze, dazzling and charming.

The mansion of the kind-hearted **** king, the gate is tall, with a height of 100 zhang, straight into the clouds, and several large characters on the plaque bloom with golden light in the mist, showing dignity and majesty.

Ye Han dragged Zhu Zhuqing here and saw the red figure standing under the plaque at a glance.

"As far as I know, you are a different kind of enlightenment. After you die once, you have to transform into a human form, practice again, and then inherit the divine position. Don't you hate it?"

Ye Han smiled and looked at the red figure with a little curiosity.

"The things of the past have passed, so why bother, it's you, the God Realm has become like this now, and there is nothing left, should you stop it?" said the kind-hearted God King.

Her voice is euphemistic and pleasant, like a mountain and flowing water, which makes people feel happy, as if she can let go of any unhappiness in her heart.

Hearing this, Ye Han shook his head, looked up and down the figure in front of him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and said, "Isn't this still you?"

"I, I don't seem to have offended you, and I reminded you last time, it should be a little favor for you, right?" The kind **** said.

"That's right, it was because you helped me a little last time that I tolerated you living until now."

Ye Han nodded, then sneered and said, "There is no love for no reason in the world. Although I am confident, I am not arrogant. Now, tell me your purpose and Where have all those gods gone? Be obedient, maybe I can spare you."

"Hehe, the king of gods can't be humiliated, do you think you can really do whatever you want?" The voice of the kind god-king also became cold.

"Alas! I don't hit women."

Ye Han shook his head and sighed, then slapped him and said, "But only if you are obedient."

"Disobedient woman, I will call you until you are obedient."


A terrifying flame rose up and turned into a huge palm, which collided with Ye Han's palm with the thought of the good **** king.

With a bang, sparks splashed and fell on the stone lion on the side, instantly melting the huge stone lion and falling to the ground, burning the ground into a huge deep pit.

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