From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 205: : Ye Chen's wedding

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

He had promised Bo Saixi to show her the scenery of Douluo Continent.

Ye Han has not forgotten, and now he is fulfilling his promise step by step.

It is also a kind of practice to lead people, walk the world, and realize life.

Three years later, Ye Chen got married.

After learning the news, Ye Han couldn't help but be stunned for a long time.

It turned out that before I knew it, my son was already so old, and it was time to start a family and start a business.

Ye Han felt a lot for a while.

In the end, the pace of travel was suspended, and everyone came to the capital of the Spirit Empire.

As the economic center of the entire continent, the capital of the Spirit Empire is undoubtedly the most prosperous.

Luxury cars that are extremely rare in other places, strong people, abound here, people living in this city seem to be born with a kind of self-confidence.

Although the laws promulgated by the Spirit Empire clearly stipulate that all living beings are equal, there is no distinction between high and low, and the princes are guilty of breaking the law and the common people, but the people living in this city are born with a kind of capital that is superior to others.

For Ye Han, the biggest change in the establishment of the Spirit Empire is technology.

But for civilians, after the establishment of the Spirit Empire, there are countless benefits.

The first is that children from ordinary families don’t need to spend a penny to go to school. If they have the talent of soul masters, the primary and intermediate soul master academies not only need not pay, but also get more subsidies. If they have excellent cultivation talents, they can also get bonus.

Secondly, a convenient life, a gradually sound rule of law, and too many changes are changing the lives of all people invisibly or in form.

Row upon row of prosperous cities, fresh air, clean streets, and an endless stream of pedestrians.

One after another smiling faces, happy faces, satisfied figures, harmony, love, solidarity, mutual assistance, civilization...

Not the same.

Everything is different.

Gu Yuena's flawlessly beautiful face couldn't help but show a hint of sadness.

She always remembered that she was the master of souls and beasts, and she never forgot her identity.

The better the development of human beings, the more difficult it is for the soul beasts to survive.

"There must be a way to the front of the mountain, don't worry, there will be a solution." How could Ye Han not notice the emotional changes of the people around him.

He looked at the sky, and he already had an idea in his heart.


Gu Yuena nodded slightly, and the wrinkled eyebrows instantly loosened, and she instantly found the backbone.

In any case, as long as he was there, the soul beast family would not be able to perish.

Gu Yuena has absolute confidence in Ye Han.

Ye Han rubbed Gu Yuena's head, and a group of people came to the gate of the Imperial Capital of the Spirit Empire.

Everything is changing, the only constant is the solemnity and dignity, majesty and holiness.

Under the light of the rising sun, the even taller and more magnificent Spirit Empire Palace exudes endless rays of light, making people dare not look directly at it.

Qian Renxue stepped forward and took out a token.

Whoa! ~

After seeing the token, all the knights stood straighter in an instant, with their heads held high, guns in one hand, and their chests in the other in salute.

"Welcome to the ruling elder!"

In the sound of the armor colliding, a group of people shouted in unison.

Although Qian Renxue had resigned from the position of the general of the army, the position of the ruling elder was still unqualified, so this token was still in her hands.

brush! ~

A golden figure crossed the sky and arrived in an instant.

The light faded away, and two figures appeared.

A tall and straight figure, dressed in a golden robe, with long golden hair, was Ye Chen.

He looks to be in his early twenties, handsome, majestic and holy, and his whole person seems to be glowing with a sense of power.

Beside him was a white-clothed woman in her twenties.

The woman was beautiful and refined, with black hair like ink, her eyes were black and white, as if she could speak, and looked at Ye Han and the others.

Ye Han frowned slightly when he saw the woman.

The appearance and temperament are not bad, but the cultivation base is low, and it seems that he has just reached the realm of Soul Douluo.

Ye Han's frown didn't matter, but it scared Ye Chen to death.

"Qing'er, this is my dad, dad, this is my fiancee, Liu Yuqing." Ye Chen hurriedly spoke and introduced.

He was afraid that Ye Han would cause trouble, so he came to strike first.

Ye Han glanced at his son who was in a hurry and pouted.

After so many years, the little **** seems to be calling him father for the first time.

"Hello uncle."

Liu Yuqing glanced at Ye Han timidly, and hurriedly said a Wanfu gift.

"Yeah! It's the first time we met, and I don't have anything to give you. This is for you." Ye Han smiled and took out a fairy grass and gave it to the girl.


Liu Yuqing looked at Ye Chen and asked for his opinion, looking like a husband and wife.

She knew very well that the relationship between Ye Chen and his father was not very good.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, and his eyes fell on Ye Chen.

Although there was no other emotional expression, Ye Chen felt that his scalp was numb, and there was a sense of impending disaster.

"What is the strength of the cheap old man now?"

Ye Chen was in shock, and nodded quickly, signaling Liu Yuqing to accept the gift.

"This is the eldest, the third, the fifth, and the sixth, this is my biological mother, this is the little girl..." Ye Chen took his fiancee, starting with the Snow Emperor, and introduced them one by one.

After greeting each other, Ye Chen and his wife led the way towards the interior of the palace.

"Brother Ye, uncle is not as scary as you said! Although his wife is indeed a bit more, you can't learn from him in the future." Liu Yuqing whispered to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stumbled under his feet.

"Daughter-in-law, are you going to kill yourself as a husband?" Ye Chen wailed in his heart.

Because after Liu Yuqing said the information about Ye Han, Ye Han's dangerous gaze fell directly on him.

Ye Chen, who had become a **** king, trembled slightly and felt a terrifying pressure.

"My father has always been approachable and amiable, and he loves me even more." Ye Chen winked at his conscience, while sending a voice transmission to his lest Ye Han would not be able to receive his mental fluctuations, He even deliberately expanded the scope of spiritual sound transmission without concealing it at all.

Liu Yuqing is not an idiot. After having known Ye Chen for a long time, he naturally understood what he meant. He glanced at Ye Han secretly, and immediately did not dare to say more.

Ye Han pouted, not bothering with his son.

After all, this guy's big wedding is imminent, it's better to save some face for him. If the game goes bad, losing face is a small thing, and delaying the wedding is a big deal.

The group came to the inner courtyard of the palace.

Don't say it's a man here, under normal circumstances, even a maid can't come in.

This is the residence of some of the most honorable people in the Spirit Empire, but today, Ye Han and the others did walk in swaggeringly.

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