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The general trend of the world will be divided for a long time.

It is the general trend that the Wuhun Empire will unify the continent.

Subsequent series of policies to benefit the people were promulgated in an orderly manner, no surprise, a brilliant trend is about to kick off.

However, all this has nothing to do with Ye Han, because he is not a human being.

The extreme north, the frozen forest, the core area.

The three Xuanbing pagodas stand quietly around the huge Xuanbing Castle like dedicated guards.

Under the thin sunlight, the four buildings shimmered and reflected magnificent colors, which were beautiful.

On the second floor of the castle, in a bedroom.

Ye Han, Xuedi, Gu Yuena, Bo Saixi, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Arou, the seven people gathered around a soft couch, looking at the figure lying on the bed, Ye Han's face was full of hesitation.

Between Ye Han and Tang Yuehua, it can be said that it is fate, fate, encounter, love, and acquaintance. Who would have thought that it would eventually develop to this level?

It was just a little misunderstanding, maybe it was all my fault!

As a man, he was too cautious, waiting for her to admit his mistake, but he didn't care about her feelings at all.

His punch was so powerful that it completely broke Tang Yuehua's foundation and broke her path. Who knew that she wouldn't come to him, just because he was afraid that he would drive her away again, in order to keep a little bit for himself Expectations and dreams.

Now, Ye Han doesn't know how to face her.

"Go, don't hesitate anymore, you can't let her sleep here forever, right?" Xue Di pushed her husband's shoulder and said.

Ye Han glanced at the few people around him, and after meeting their encouraging eyes, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Gritting his teeth, he stretched his head out with a knife and a knife in his head.

Ye Han came to sit beside the soft couch, reached out and gently stroked the fair and pretty face that perfectly blended pure and dignified.

After so many years, she still looks the same as before, she is only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, her skin is white and tender, soft and elastic, and the years have not left any traces on her.

A little golden light spread along Ye Han's fingers and penetrated the woman's skin.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the woman's eyes slowly opened like autumn water.

She stared at Ye Han in a daze, her eyes kept blinking, wondering if she was dreaming.

"how do you feel?"

Ye Han opened his mouth, his voice soft and caring.

Then he carefully lifted the woman up and hugged her into his arms. His gentle movements were like caring for a piece of fine china, afraid that a little force would break her.

The woman shook her head slightly, just staring at him with a pair of wonderful eyes.

At this time, she only had him in her eyes, and there was nothing else. The people around her were automatically ignored by her.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I will definitely find a way to restore your cultivation base to the original." Ye Han said with guilt in his eyes.

The more the woman is like this, the deeper the guilt in his heart.

Thinking about it half a year ago, he didn't know why his brain was pumping. He shot so ruthlessly, and one punch completely shattered Tang Yuehua's foundation, leaving no way out.

There is a saying that if you abuse your wife for a while, chase your wife in the crematorium.

This is the case with Ye Han and the woman now. Although it is not chasing after his wife, it is more difficult than chasing after his wife.

In half a year, Ye Han thought of countless ways, but he was still unable to rebuild the foundation for women and restore their strength.

"It's me who should say sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, I'm sorry, I was wrong." The woman was teary-eyed, her head shook slightly, and her beautiful silver-white hair was rippling like water.

At this point, she already knew that she was not dead.

Ye Han's embrace, Ye Han's breath, Ye Han's voice, everything about him was so captivating, so attached, and made her reluctant to let go.

"I'm also wrong, I'm too excited, I'm too strict with you, but those are over, are you still willing to believe me now?" Ye Han said.


The woman did not hesitate at all, her eyes were firm, she nodded, and said, "I believe it."

"Then let me tell you good news, your eldest brother and second brother are not dead." Ye Han touched the woman's delicate cheek with his palm, feeling the smoothness in his hand.

"Really, really?"

It was purely an instinctive reaction. As soon as the words came out, the woman immediately stuck out her tongue. With a cute and cute face, she gave a mischievous smile and said, "I, I'm not doubting you, I'm just too excited."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Ye Han's narrow face with a half-smile in his eyes, looking at her.

"You, you, you know how to bully me if you're a villain." The woman was irritated, how could she not know that Ye Han was deliberately teasing her.

As for Tang Fan's ending, she doesn't care anymore.

No matter who did something wrong, they had to pay for it, she paid, Tang San paid, eldest brother, second brother also paid, Tang Fan naturally couldn't be spared.

Ye Han's eyes flashed slightly, and he had to sigh a goblin, and he was still an ever-changing goblin.

The mature body, the beautiful face that perfectly blends dignified and pure, the cute expression of a girl, the charming and emotional of a mature woman, all converged on this woman.

The reason why he fell in love with Tang Yuehua was not without this reason.

Serious people, immoral hearts.

What man doesn't like a woman like this?

Looking at the beautiful cherry lips, Ye Han couldn't help recalling the past, slowly lowered his head, and kissed directly.

Woo! ~

The woman resisted symbolically for a few times, then wrapped her arms around Ye Han's neck, and responded with a selfless response.

The relationship between the two is solid, the misunderstanding is resolved, the knot in the heart is untied, and it immediately returns to its original state.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ~

Just as the two were confused, a light cough suddenly sounded.

The bodies of the two froze at the same time, and then quickly came back to their senses.

The woman's face was flushed, and she was about to push Ye Han away, but Ye Han did not let her wish at this time.

In order to avoid coaxing later, time-consuming and laborious, Ye Han quickly cut the mess and adopted the most direct method.

"It's all my own, don't be shy." Ye Han said.

"Zhuqing, I won't introduce her. Although she has grown up now, you should know her. After all, nothing has changed except that she is bigger."

Hearing the words, the woman involuntarily looked down from Zhu Zhuqing's baby face.

She had always been very confident, but suddenly she felt a little inferior.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a while, then following the woman's gaze, he lowered his head and looked down, his face flushed instantly.

"Big brother, too, too, too bad."

The girl was jealous. She originally wanted to say hello to the woman on the bed, but now Qiqi Ai Ai couldn't say a word.

"This is Emperor Xue, called eldest sister, Xue'er, this is Tang Yuehua." Ye Han said.

"Big, big sister." Tang Yuehua hurriedly stepped forward to greet her, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were dodging, and she did not dare to look at the Snow Emperor.

This eldest lady, Tang Yuehua had known for a long time, did not dare to neglect at this time, she was shy and uneasy.

Her appearance made Xue Di think of Bo Saixi.

"It's a family from now on, don't be too polite." A slight smile, like white snow in the spring, made the whole sky brighter.

Love what he loves, worry about what he is worried about, be in pain, cry with him, be sad, share with him, this is the Snow Emperor.

Tang Yuehua had always been confident in her appearance, but at this moment, she couldn't help being convinced by Xue Di's appearance.

"This is Bo Saixi and Gu Yuena, called Third Sister and Fifth Sister." Ye Han continued to introduce.

Tang Yuehua was slightly taken aback when she heard the words.

She knew that Ye Han was married~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but she never thought that she would have so many wives.

But she still gritted her teeth and called the third and fifth sisters.

With blue hair and red robe, Bo Saixi, who is 180 cm tall, is mature and beautiful, and has a noble temperament. Just standing there makes people feel an invisible pressure.

Tang Yuehua was silent, looked at Bo Saixi's chest, and felt ashamed in his heart.

With a woman's instinct, she knew that she was no match for Po Saisi.

Then, she looked at the fifth sister Gu Yuena, her flawless face, that arrogant and elegant, with a hint of **** temperament, youthful vitality, quite wild, like a glamorous fierce horse, waiting to be subdued.

Tang Yuehua felt that she had been stabbed in the heart again.

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