From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 190: : Army of the Dead

Chapter 191 Undead Army


Strong murderous aura swept the sky and the ground.

The role of ordinary people in this battle has been infinitely close to zero, and the battle of gods in the sky is the key.

Bibi Dong was wearing a purple battle armor, and a faint purple energy lingered around her body, making her whole person appear hazy and mysterious.

Different from the blue-faced fangs in the original book, where evil spirits are rampant, the current Bibi Dong is transcendent. Although he can't see his specific body shape, he has a noble and majestic aura that naturally radiates.

If it is looming, the perfect figure is like a god, and it catches everyone's eyes. Even as an enemy, there is an urge to worship.

The 130th-level powerhouses stood at the top of the pyramid in Douluo Continent. They represented the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and their every move could affect the mental will of the weak, and this was the reason why Bibi Dong didn't deliberately target them.

Bibi Dong faced the gods alone, without any fear, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, and there was no doubt that she was peerless.

"Where is Tang Yuehua?"

Bibi Dong looked at Tang San and said a name.

She is not afraid of many gods, but Ye Han once asserted that she could not ignore the person she could not beat.

"Are you looking for me?"

A faint voice sounded.

A tall figure with long silver-white hair and white trousers strolled through the sky.

She doesn't put on makeup, but it doesn't affect her peerless appearance and noble and elegant temperament in the slightest.

"I thought you would hide behind and attack?" Bibi Dong said, with a hint of playfulness and disdain in her eyes.

Obviously, women are cautious, and she still remembers the failure of that year.

However, Tang Yuehua shook her head when she saw the fighting intent in her eyes, and a look of exhaustion flashed in her eyes.

"What about him?"

Tang Yuehua Road.


Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted.

She was asking Ye Han.

Shaking her head, Bibi Dong didn't want to mention that person.

"Then, where is he now, do you know?" Tang Yuehua continued to ask in a leisurely tone.

She has set foot in the frozen forest many times over the years, but each time she has not had the courage to go to the core area.

She was afraid, she was worried, she was afraid... afraid that he was still mad at her.

If she doesn't go to see him, at least she can still have some thoughts. If she does, she is afraid that it will be a farewell, and even the last thoughts will be extinguished.

So he went back and forth again and again, but never appeared in front of Ye Han.

Bibi Dong was speechless, feeling a little irritable, and really didn't want to hear bits and pieces about this person.

Tang Yuehua's eyes were deep, and she looked at Bibi Dong, thinking that she was jealous of a woman and was unwilling to tell herself about Ye Han.

"In the past, we defeated you by relying on the number of people and raiding, but now you are still alone, do you still have to fight stubbornly?" Tang Yuehua looked at Bibi Dong and said helplessly.

If possible, she didn't want to fight with Bibi Dong.

But obviously, Bibi Dong didn't think that way.

"Alone!" Bibi Dongguaner smiled.

With a loud bang, a cold, ruthless, terrifying and terrifying underworld kingdom descended in an instant.

The icy and chilling aura was surging, and the undead knights marched out in unison.

A team of eleven people, ten people are above 120 level, and the captain has reached the terrifying 130 level.

Ten teams of undead knights rode in the world, with momentum like dragons, murderous aura, and the soldiers pointed at them. All of them seemed to be held by a sharp blade in their throats, their backs were cold, and their hairs stood on end.

"This emperor alone can reach thousands of troops."

Bibi Dong drank it coldly and changed her name, showing the majesty of the imperial way.

Behind her, the huge nether kingdom almost turned into reality. After ten undead knights, the dense army of undead roared and roared in the sky, scrambling to save, like ants, and the void was filled in an instant.

Most of these undead armies are skeletons, but there are also some flesh-and-blood figures, some of them are still full, some are missing arms and legs, and there are also some more terrifying existences such as huge bone dragons and bone beasts. There is no shortage of 100-level existences.

The army of the undead seemed to be chaotic and disorderly, but after leaving the Netherland, the entire army was quiet, just like real soldiers, waiting for the command of the general.

"Life and death go hand in hand, there is life and there is death, and death is your final destination."

Bibi Dong opened her mouth and pointed the long sword in her hand.

Silently, the army of the undead turned into a pitch-black wave, flew out in an instant, swept the world, and rushed forward regardless of everything.

Seeing this, the combined forces of the two empires, ordinary people have long been frightened and scattered, where have they seen such a scene.

The terrifying army of the undead, like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, fled in a hurry wherever they went.

Bibi Dong didn't speak, but her will could affect the entire army of undead.

Everything fled in a hurry, and those who do not resist can be forgiven, but all those who resist will be killed.

Blood splattered, blood-drenched corpses lay across the ground, and most of the dead were soul masters. Ordinary people were weak-willed. Facing the terrifying army of undead, after all, few dared to resist.

This is the means of God, if it is not a hundred levels, it will eventually become an ant.

And the hundred-level, here is just a bigger ant.

The undead army is not afraid of death, because they have emerged from death and will eventually perish again.

But as long as their loyal master has not died, they have a chance to manifest again.

The body of the undead army is cold and without temperature, but the heart is scorching hot, hoping to burst with the strongest power, do the best for their master, make the greatest contribution, and look forward to the next resurrection.

No one thought that Bibi Dong would have this trick, and was caught off guard.

Fortunately, god-level powerhouses are not slow to respond.

Some 130-level powerhouses hiding in the shadows shot in time, and devastating attacks swept past, the undead army fell down like glutinous rice ribs in an instant, and they all perished.

In any case, the army of the undead is not a real life after all, and it is only a means of enlightenment when Bibi Dong created the Netherworld God Kingdom. Compared with people of the same realm, the army of the undead is still a step behind, and it is very difficult to be swept away. normal.

But even so, after the impact of the undead army, the combined forces of the two empires suffered heavy losses.

Although not many people died, the most serious thing was the disillusionment of the army, and the morale was devastated.

"East Emperor!~"

"East Emperor!~"

"East Emperor!~"

The combined forces of the two empires were like a funeral morale was low, but the Wuhun Empire was the exact opposite.

Everyone is excited, no matter what their cultivation base is, they are all screaming in the sky, shouting those two words recklessly, with reverence and Mobai, and they are extremely fanatical.

"Bibi Dong, you shouldn't have shot." Tang Yuehua sighed.

Then, the Zijin Sledgehammer appeared, pointed directly at Bibi Dong, her red lips slightly parted, and she spat out a word, "Fight!"


Bibi Dong scolded lightly, and the black long sword slashed out.

Stab it!

The sharp sword light is like a glorious sky, hitting Tang Yuehua directly...

(End of this chapter)

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