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One big and one small, two beauties hug each other.

The picture is beautiful and the plot is very touching, but Ye Han looks lost.

Shaking his head, he quietly left here.

At the top of the pagoda, Ye Han was leaning on it, with one arm behind his head, and one palm took out the wine jar again and began to pour it.

"Let's go!"

Xue Di pulled Gu Yuena and watched for a while, but finally did not come forward.

Sometimes companionship is the best healing medicine, but giving each other a little space is also a good remedy.

The aurora between the sky and the earth gradually disappeared, and the thin sunlight passed through the thick clouds in the sky and shone on the snowy plains, making the entire northern land like a mirror, emitting a dazzling light that people could not look directly at.

Ye Han squinted his eyes, his eyes were hazy, he raised his arm, grabbed the wine jar and poured it into his mouth again.

But he took a sip of the air, and he drank the entire jar of wine.

"Go away, you're blocking the light.

Ye Han waved his hand in a daze, pulling away the figure standing in front of him.

His strength was too great, and the woman's weak body had no resistance at all, and was directly pushed to a stagger by the huge force, and then instinctively rushed forward.

Ye Han's reaction was slow at this time, and he didn't have time to avoid it. He was directly covered by the two giant groups. Fortunately, his strength was strong, otherwise he would definitely die in his current state, and he would be suffocated and suffocated to death.

The intoxicating fragrance blows towards the face, making the body weak, Ye Han can only move his mouth...


A greasy coquettish moan emanated from her throat, Arou's pale cheeks instantly flushed red, and her entire body softened.

Suddenly, a pain in the chest.

Using both hands and feet, she quickly got up.

Looking down, the shirt on the chest was wet, and there was a tooth mark at the top.

Her cheeks flushed, Arou bit her red lips lightly, and looked at the drunk Ye Han with complicated eyes. Gradually, her black and white eyes revealed a trace of confusion and love.

She couldn't tell who she was.

Having been forcibly instilled with memories for so long, in front of her daughter, she was Arou.

Now, she is... who.

"Mom..." Xiao Wu appeared.

The girl is tall and has beautiful curves. Two long, slender, straight, long, rounded legs moved to Arou's side, hugging Arou's arm tightly, making it buried deep in the snow-capped mountains.

Then, she looked at Ye Han with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice, "Mom, shall we leave here?"

She already knew what Ye Han had done, and now she really didn't want to see this person.

"Haha! Xiao Wu, you, you are here, um, why are there two Xiao Wu?"

Arou opened her mouth, and before she could speak, Ye Han's voice rang out first.

His eyes were blurred, and he raised his head, smiling with tears in his eyes. He looked at Xiao Wu for a while, and A Rou for a while, his eyes full of doubts.

"Sit down, Xiao Wu!" Ye Han patted his side and said to Arou.

The mother and daughter are too similar, and with Ye Han's attitude at this time, it is impossible to tell who is who.

Hearing this, Arou didn't even hesitate, she just sat next to Ye Han and subconsciously wanted to hug his arm, but at the last moment she realized that she was Arou now, not Binger, so she stopped in time .


Xiao Wu spoke softly, a little resentful.

"Why is there another Xiao Wu!" Ye Han said, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand to pull, Xiao Wu was caught off guard, and with a soft cry, fell directly into Ye Han's arms.

The seductive fragrance of virginity rushed towards his face, Ye Han couldn't help but wrap his arms around Xiao Wuyingying's unbearable waist, and took advantage of the situation to peck her cherry lips lightly.


Xiao Wubai's blushing pink cheeks instantly congested, her lovely eyes widened, she glanced at Arou secretly, and then she bit her red lips and looked at Ye Han in embarrassment.

"Haha, our little dance is the cutest." Ye Han laughed and said with a big tongue.

Then, he stepped forward again and kissed Xiao Wu's red lips.

"I am sorry!"

As Xiao Wu gritted her teeth and watched with angry eyes, Ye Han said softly.

Then, he took out a jar of wine again and took a few sips.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The spirits burned his throat and rushed into his nasal cavity, causing Ye Han to cough violently, with tears and snot flowing.

Arou instinctively reached out and patted his back.

Xiao Wu looked slightly suspicious, glanced at her mother, and then didn't think much about it.

Looking at the embarrassed man, there was a hint of unbearableness in her eyes, and she stretched out a small hand to help him wipe the stains off his face.

In the past few years, not only did Ye Han not watch Xiao Wu carefully, but Xiao Wu also did not watch Ye Han carefully.

Until now, looking at the man in front of him, Xiao Wu found that although his appearance was still young and handsome, he looked eighteen or nineteen years old, but there was a little more vicissitudes in his temperament, which made him more masculine.

Xiao Wu's heart trembled slightly, she wanted to forget him, but only now did she realize that his voice, face and smile were actually engraved in her bones and blood, how could she forget?

From the age of two or three, she knew that there was a person like Ye Han, who would be her husband in the future, who would accompany her all her life. In our hearts, we have long been inseparable from each other, how can we forget?

The heart-to-heart on the roof of Yuexuan Building, that lingering kiss, hearing that her ear was cut off by herself, that touch of distress and pity that could not be concealed, how could she forget?

Looking at the face in front of her, Xiao Wu's face shed two lines of clear tears.

He used her mother's soul to create another person, so that the relatives did not know each other. After learning the truth, she was in pain, she was heartbroken, and she wanted to forget him...

The person she loves hurt her so deeply, but now she feels like she can't do anything.

She can't forget, complain, hate, or even escape.

Looking at the wine jar that Ye Han raised again, she snatched it over, raised her head and poured a big mouthful into her mouth.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ~

The girl blushed and had a thick neck and coughed violently.

Seeing this, Arou hurriedly stepped forward to help her get better, but the effect was minimal.

"Xiao Wu, I, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Arou, I'm sorry for all of you, and I've let down your love for me, slap! I'm a **** beast, I can't do anything well, my wife died, But nothing can be done."

Ye Han slapped himself, and then cried and laughed with a sad expression.

"Drink, drink, don't say those are useless." Xiao Wu took a breath, shook her dizzy head, and handed the wine jar in front of Ye Han.

The girl was not drinking well, so she drank the wine that Ye Han specially brewed for herself, and after a sip, she became drunk.

Ye Han took the wine jar and took a sip. Suddenly, when he saw Xiao Wu next to him, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he handed over the wine jar and said, "Drink!"

Arou took the wine jar, hesitated a little, then took a sip...

Unconsciously, two people were drunk, and one was stunned.

With Arou's help, the two drunks returned to the ninth-story pagoda. Then, Arou sat directly to the side, her head was dizzy, and in a daze, she saw that the two were talking and crying and laughing. They chatted and finally kissed.

When Ah Rou is in a better state, he finds that the two are truly one...

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Han's tightly closed eyelids began to tremble. Then, his eyeballs rolled slightly, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Time passed, the tightly closed eyes finally slowly opened, he looked around blankly, then his pupils shrank slightly, like an electric shock, he quickly pulled his palms out of Arou's messy clothes, and then lowered his eyes, looking towards Zan. On her body, Xiao Wu, who was in a deep sleep.

"This, this is really called a rabbit"

Ye Han was lying on the ground, not daring to move, because he could clearly feel that a mass of tenderness wrapped his body....

Ye Han didn't dare to move, and he didn't even dare to take a breath, but his brain was running fast. He carefully recalled what happened, but in the end he couldn't remember anything.

Turning her head and looking at A Rou, she found that although her clothes were messy, at the very least, she was still wearing clothes. Shouldn't the bad thing you imagined happened?

As for Xiao Wu... the dresses are all around her waist.

Ye Han was silent, slowly running his soul power, using his inextinguishable soul, and began to expel her alcoholism and restore her physical strength.

During the tea time, Xiao Wu's pale complexion returned to ruddy, her long eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Just before she opened her eyes, Ye Han shamelessly closed her eyes and began to play dead.

Xiao Wu's expression was almost the same as Ye Han's, first blank, then panic.

Afterwards, she got up quickly, a tingling pain and a sense of emptiness swept through her body instantly, causing the girl's body to stumble and almost fell.

She hurriedly tidying up her clothes, Xiao Wu's beautiful and flawless face, tears kept falling like broken beads.

She originally wanted to leave, but now that she has given him her body, how can she go?

Seeing the pitiful appearance of Xiao Wu crying silently, Ye Han could no longer pretend.

"I'm sorry, all of this is my fault. If you want to beat or scold, kill or cut, I will do whatever you want, as long as you are happy." Ye Han opened his eyes, looked at the girl, and said solemnly.

Xiao Wu looked at Ye Han who suddenly woke up, panicked at first, and then she was aggrieved and embarrassed.

After listening to his words, Xiao Wu looked down and said, "Do you only have three words to say sorry to me?"

"I, no, I like you too, it's just..." Ye Han hurriedly said.

Xiao Wu let out a snort, her tears turned into a smile, looking at Ye Han's hurried look, she couldn't help but smile, "I just don't like me as much as Sister Xue'er and Sister Bing'er, I just feel sorry for me, I just don't know how to face me now. To me, right?"

Ye Han was stunned, then nodded silently.

"Brother Ye, I originally wanted to leave you, to forget you completely, and to start life again with my mother, but now..."

Xiao Wu's face turned slightly red, and she said, "Now that I'm yours, what can I do? Don't say sorry to me again, okay?"


Ye Han looked at Xiao Wu, his eyes were full of surprises~www.wuxiamtl.com~ quickly tidied up his clothes, then stepped forward and hugged the little girl into his arms, his face was full of guilt and doting, "In the future, Brother Ye, I'll never do anything to hurt you again."

"Yeah! I believe you." Xiao Wu nodded lightly in Ye Han's arms.

The two cuddled for a while, Xiao Wu raised her head, blushed and said, "Brother Ye, I, I want to take a bath."

"Okay! I'll take you somewhere." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he was about to start tearing the space, but was stopped by Xiao Wu and said, "Mom."

"Oh! I almost forgot my mother-in-law." Ye Han smiled.

Then let go of Xiao Wu and come to A Rou's side.

Just when he was about to help Arou up, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

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