"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Wang Long's life is a legendary life full of miracles.

Although he came from a poor family, although his parents died when he was a child, although he was not welcome in the family, although...

However, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi.

With the awakening of the martial soul, everything changed.

His powerful talent has conquered everyone, not only won the respect of everyone, but also the attention of the Silver Dragon King. Since then, he has punched Nanshan Nursing Home and stepped on Beihai Kindergarten.

But until he met that person and was defeated, his aura receded instantly.

The Silver Dragon King, who once protected him from growing up, disappeared, and Wang Long was confused for a long time. It was not until he obtained the heart of the dragon that he regained his confidence and began to make rapid progress again.

He has climbed to the top, he has also fallen to the bottom, and now he starts all over again.

This time he wants to take revenge, he wants to wash away the shame he once had, and he wants to prove himself.

Even if he has been defeated, he is still invincible in the world.

Although fighting against the black armored Valkyrie was a bit of a disadvantage, Wang Long was not discouraged. He inherited the heart of the dragon, and the room for improvement was huge and rapid. He was confident that he would win the next time he fought.


At the same time, the black armored Valkyrie also returned to the barracks at the call of Qian Renxue.

"Your Majesty, the wanton provocateurs have been repelled. We did not kill our opponents, and I hope Your Majesty will punish them." The black armored Valkyrie strode into a meteor, valiantly, and came to the central army tent, knelt down on one knee, and said in a clear voice.

"With your strength, it's really rare to be able to do the following. What's wrong with it." Bibi Dong's yellow robe was dignified and calm, and she raised her jade hand to lift up the Valkyrie with divine power.

After the divine power came into contact with the Valkyrie, Bibi Dong's calm face changed indiscernibly.

"After the combined forces of the two empires retreat, reward the three armies."

The strange color on Bibi Dong's face disappeared without anyone noticing.

Her voice was as indifferent and indifferent as always, and the orders came out one by one in an orderly manner. Among the large accounts of the Central Army, one figure led the order to leave.

"This is just a test. The next time we fight, it will be a **** storm. Either you will die or I will die. I hope you can't relax in the future. Okay, let's go."

Bibi Dong finally explained that Nuo Da's military tent was empty in an instant, and in the end there were only four people left.

Qian Renxue, Ye Chen, Bibi Dong, and the black-armored Valkyrie who still maintained the three-person spirit fusion skill.

"Sister, you are too handsome!"

After the unsightly guy left, the calmness and ruthlessness on Ye Chen's face disappeared instantly, and he became a little fan in seconds.

The young man looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a height of more than 190 cm, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and perfectly inherited all the advantages of Ye Han in terms of body shape.

The so-called blue is better than blue, and in terms of height, he is slightly taller than Ye Han.

He was dressed in a golden ornate robe, which looked noble and sacred.

But now it looks like a little fanboy, his eyes are full of worship, looking at the black armored Valkyrie.

"Everyone is gone, don't hold on anymore."

Bibi Dong's voice sounded.

At this time, the majestic queen, with gentle eyes and a tone full of pity and love, slowly came to the side of the black armored Valkyrie.

As Bibi Dong's words fell, the Valkyrie in black armor collapsed.




Three vomits sounded.

The three girls' bodies were shaky, their faces were extremely pale, and their breath was instantly wilted.

Obviously, in the battle against Wang Long, they suffered a lot of injuries, and all the behavior just now was just the result of disguise.


The admiration in Ye Chen's eyes instantly turned into worry.

Three people, one to support the other, to prevent them from actually falling.

Qian Renxue took out a few pills and said, "Hurry up and take it."

"These medicinal pills are too precious, so we should keep them in case of emergencies. Just give us some medicinal pills to restore our soul power." Qing Qian said.

She knew the preciousness of these medicinal pills in Qian Renxue's hands, and with just one pill, the seriously injured Bibi Dong quickly recovered as before.

As for the injuries of the three of their sisters, such a precious medicinal pill was not needed, and the most serious thing was the excessive consumption of their soul power.

"elder sister!"

Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong.

"You can hear it clearly, she knows the importance." Bibi Dong said.

After the three sisters took the medicine pill, they meditated cross-legged in the central army account and began to recover.

"Xiaoxue, when they recover, you can take them and Chen'er to the Frozen Forest." Bibi Dong glanced at the three people who had entered deep meditation, then turned to Qian Renxue and said.

At this moment, Bibi Dong was not a majestic and noble queen with a **** wrist, but at this moment she was just a mother.

"Don't say it, unless we are together, I will never leave you." Qian Renxue said.

The girl is stubborn.

"I won't leave the teacher, and I hate that man." Ye Chen said.

"Ye Chen!"

Bibi Dong's face darkened slightly, and her tone couldn't help but increase.

Ye Chen shrank his neck, avoiding Bibi Dong's sight.

Bibi Dong had a kind of holiness and majesty that came from her bones, and when most people faced her, they couldn't help but feel awe.

Although Ye Chen had been with Bibi Dong for a long time, facing the angry Bibi Dong, he couldn't bear the oppression of his gaze.

"Your strength is still too weak. After this test, there will definitely be a period of calm. The enemy wants to improve their strength and annihilate us in one fell swoop, but for us, this is also an opportunity. People, just take this time to go to the Frozen Forest to cultivate for a while."

Bibi Dong retracted her gaze towards Ye Chen and turned to Qian Renxue with a gentle tone and patient persuasion.

Ye Chen surreptitiously raised his head to watch, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

The teacher at this moment is too gentle, and that kind of eyes are full of kindness. When she looks at her mother, her appearance is actually very similar to when Sanniang looked at her three sisters.

"Are you busy and have nothing to do?"

When Qian Renxue saw the sudden doubt in her son's eyes, she hurriedly reprimanded and drove Ye Chen out.


After Ye Chen left, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they looked at each other and looked away quickly, the atmosphere between mother and daughter was a little awkward for a while.

"Mom, I, I don't want to leave you." Qian Renxue stepped forward and hugged Bibi Dong, saying in a depressed mood.

They all have a big picture. Although they know that what Bibi Dong said is correct, their emotions are often stronger than their rationality.

"Don't be emotional, I can still control the situation now, but my power is limited, you can only really help me if you get stronger quickly." Bibi Dong said.

Yubi Bibi Dong turned her head, the mother and daughter faced each other, looking at each other, each other's face reflected in their eyes.

"Mom, the two of us seem to be more and more alike now, otherwise, you will disguise yourself as me and take a few of them to find Ye Han, that guy has a lot of good things on him, with your talent, you must be You can improve quickly, I will temporarily disguise as you, here to help you guard..." Qian Renxue Road ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The girl looked at her mother's appearance, and the more she talked, the more excited she felt. There is a lot to do.

Bibi Dong's face turned a little dark, and when she saw her daughter who wanted to cheat her again, a burst of anger went straight to her forehead.

If it wasn't for the fact that the three girls were still beside her, Qian Renxue would definitely have had a kick.

"Stop writing with me here, clean up and get out of here." Bibi Dong said, her chest hurting with anger.

In order to forget that person, she did not hesitate to mutilate her body. How could she pretend to be her daughter and go to him now?

This is complete bullshit!

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass, your names are not changed. The number is too long. I can’t remember it, so I won’t write it down. In short, thank you for the monthly pass, thank you!

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