From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 170: : come and go in a hurry

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The vast snow field, white mist, and the cold raging.

In this snowfield surrounded by mountains, a mysterious ice castle stands.

Around the Xuanbing Castle, there are three nine-story Xuanbing Pagodas distributed in the shape of a zigzag.

Under the thin sunlight, the four buildings gleamed and were beautiful, like exquisite works of art, magnificent and colorful.

At this moment, a golden light streaked across the sky and landed at the entrance of Xuanbing Castle, revealing five stunning figures.

The leading woman looked eighteen or nineteen years old, with bright blonde hair.

She was wearing a long golden palace dress, with snow-white skin and a beautiful face, with a kind of gentleness and grace that did not match her age.

There was a blond girl beside her.

She looks about 20 years old, with beautiful features, cold temperament, mature and charming face, long hair tied behind her head with a rope, tall and slender, with exposed curves, giving a silent temptation.

On the other side, there are three girls who look exactly the same.

They looked only 16 or 17 years old, each with red clothes and blue hair, with a gentle and quiet temperament, giving people a sense of grace and luxury at a young age.

The other person, with black clothes and black hair, has a cold temperament, like a thousand years of mysterious ice, cold and indifferent, like a machine without emotion.

However, when she saw the Xuanbing Castle in front of her and felt the familiar atmosphere in the castle, the emotional fluctuations in her eyes were stronger than anyone else's.

The last person has soft white hair. She is wearing a white shirt, slim trousers and a pair of long leather boots. She looks young and energetic.

After the five of them landed, the white-haired girl stepped forward and said, "Mom, let's go back..."


Just halfway through her words, the gate of Xuanbing Castle slowly opened.

The same five figures came out.

The man is tall and handsome, dressed in white clothes like snow, not stained with dust, and his sky-blue hair flutters in the wind, showing the meaning of being elegant and out of the dust.

On one side of his body, there are two figures, one white and one red.

The figure in white is slender and slender, the face is beautiful, the facial features are exquisite, and there is no flaw in the slightest.

She has a pair of clear and transparent sky blue eyes, as if she can see through everything in the world, her temperament is pure, noble and elegant, like Aoxue Hanmei.

Beside her was a beautiful young woman in her thirties, wearing a bright red robe, 180 cm tall, with warm skin.

Her appearance is dignified and beautiful, her temperament is noble and elegant, and her eyes are as deep and kind as the sea.

On the other side, there was also a woman in white.

She was equally tall and slender, and her features were equally flawless, with no flaws to pick out.

However, her temperament is full of nobility and arrogance. Those purple eyes seem to not put anyone or anything in the world in their eyes, with a faint pride.

The last woman was wearing a cyan gown, fair skin, and a beautiful face, but her temperament was gentle and moving, and she would not give people the slightest oppression, making people feel like a spring breeze and feel comfortable.


The white-haired girl's voice was crisp and she shouted, which made the man's face involuntarily show his aunt's smile.

Gentle, tolerant, kind, this smile seems to contain all the beauty in the world.

He opened his arms and looked at the girl who came running, the smile on his face thicker.

But it was only for a moment, and his smile gradually solidified.

The girl is like a dancing butterfly, and like a dexterous swift. In an instant, she turned around, left a scent of fragrance to the man, and directly hugged the beautiful young woman in her thirties.

"Hee hee, mom, did you miss us?" the girl asked.

"You! Are you polite and not calling anyone?" The beautiful young woman in her thirties said with a straight face.

But the kindness and compassion in those eyes can be seen by everyone.


The girl stuck out her tongue, let go of her mother, turned to look at the woman in white beside her, and said crisply, "Hello, Auntie Nana!"

Gu Yuena, the three girls have known each other since they came back from Sun Moon Continent, so they are no strangers.

"This is Aunt Brigitte." The man in white said.

"Hello Aunt Brigitte." The girls greeted one by one, very well-behaved.

The man in white wanted to wear it, but unfortunately, the girl just ignored him.

Afterwards, the other two girls also stepped forward to greet everyone one by one, but left the man in white there to hang out.

"Hahaha, don't make a bitter face, come, this girl will give you a hug." The girl in the golden palace dress stepped forward with a gentle smile on her face, and gave the man a hug.

"It's still my Xiaoxue." The man said.

After hugging, the man looked at the girl in white, long blond hair, beautiful face, charming and mature temperament, and said with a smile, "Are you here to fight me again?"

"Humph! I have self-knowledge." The girl said proudly.

Then, she looked curiously at the three towers around her, thinking in her heart why the teacher sent her here, what is the mystery here?

"Mom, elder sister, elder sister Dong'er asked me to bring her here and give her to you to take care of her. Nana has a good talent and is now a Contra, but the current situation in the mainland is treacherous, and there are conspiracies and intrigues everywhere. Douluo's cultivation is still not enough." The girl in the golden palace dress said.

The man glanced at his silly daughter-in-law, as if he hadn't heard her awkward and clumsy words to cover up.

"Speak in the house."

The man led the crowd back into the house.

The originally empty sofa was instantly filled with people.

"Qing Qian, Qing Wu, Qing Xuan, I brought them three back to you, Nana will stay with you, if possible, you can teach her." The woman sat next to the man, her voice clear.

The man looked into her eyes and found some bloodshots.

"Has the war in the human world reached this level?" the man said to himself, but did not ask.

It was a human war, and he didn't want to be involved.

"Chen'er is cultivating, you go upstairs to rest for a night, and you can see him tomorrow." The man said.

"No, I'm going back." The girl shook her head.

She knew that as long as she asked, he would definitely agree to help, but she didn't want him to go against her will.

As a woman, she helps her mother fulfill her wish, which is only natural.

What's more, if you really let him go out, then you and your mother's identities will definitely be hidden.

The IQ of a woman in love is zero. This sentence is indeed true.

With the woman's ingenuity, she was stunned that she didn't notice the man's abnormality.

Or maybe she has discovered something, but it's just not enough!

The girl came in a hurry, walked in a hurry, and did not stay too much.

The man sent her out of the frozen forest, handed her a bottle of the most precious healing medicine pill, said a word of appreciation, and then returned to the forest.

He didn't know if he was doing it right or wrong, but he longed for quietness in his heart. He liked tranquility, like this clean world, not so much disturbance, not so much intrigue...

What's more, there is Xiao Wu, he has already felt sorry for the girl, should he continue to sprinkle salt on the girl's wound?

After returning to Xuanbing Castle, the man seemed to have changed his mind. He calmed down, began to cultivate, and began to study the secrets of time.

Time flies, like a white horse passing by, in the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

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