From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 158: : Your wife and I raise them

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Haotian Sect.

The architectural style is rough and simple, majestic, very similar to their martial arts.

At this time, the main hall of Clear Sky Sect was full of guests, and everyone's eyes fell on the pair of newlyweds in red makeup.

Someone is envious!

Someone is jealous!

Of course, there are also people who hold grudges!

The relationship between the forces of all parties is intricate. It is not uncommon for people to be stabbed in the back. It is not easy to maintain the superficial relationship. How can it really be like a family.

Tang Fan is dressed in a red wedding robe. He is in good spirits when it comes to happy events, with a bright smile on his face and high spirits.

Although I didn't pursue Xiao Qi, I felt a bit regretful, but the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was not bad at all. Although she was limited by her martial spirit, her strength was a little weaker, but as long as she was beautiful and temperamental, what else did it matter?

Tang Fan said that he did not choose.

But at the moment when he just finished worshiping, Tang Fan's expression suddenly changed.

He felt two divine senses swept through the Clear Sky Sect recklessly, which made his face very ugly.

In the seats not far from Tang Fan, the expressions of five or six young people also changed in unison, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, and then slowly turned into a strange state, creating a state of mind of watching a good show.

Everyone has a heart of jealousy. They are also young Tianjiao, and they also have the inheritance of the gods. How can you, Tang Fan, marry a beautiful girl?

Now, someone has no scruples at all, and directly uses their divine sense to scan the entire Clear Sky Sect. This is definitely the most serious provocation.

These people now have strange eyes, looking at Tang Fan, looking forward to what will happen next.

At the other table, Tang Yuehua and Tang San suddenly stood up and looked at the gate.

The god-level powerhouses all felt it, and all looked in the direction of the gate.

Whoosh! ~

A spear pierced through the void and stabbed directly at Tang Fan.

Tang Fan turned slightly to the side, the spear slammed into the big 囍 character, the tail of the spear hummed and trembled, and the strange force shattered the happy character.

"It seems that those gods are really in a hurry. Now any cat or dog can get the **** position!" A clear and magnetic voice came slowly.

Immediately afterwards, six figures appeared in front of everyone.

The man is as rich as jade, with sky blue armor attached to his body, and eight white-gold circles on his body slowly rotating.

He walked with big strides, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked at everyone, and he had a domineering domineering without anger.

On his right hand, is a tall and beautiful woman with a height of 180 cm, long sky blue hair hanging down to her ankles, and a red robe wrapped around her body. She is about thirty years old, tall and graceful.

Bo Saixi has a perfect appearance, a noble and elegant temperament, and deep and vast blue eyes.

It was the first time for her to come to Clear Sky Sect. She couldn't help herself. She thought of Tang Chen and that absurd and hasty relationship. Then, she shook her head slightly, everything was over.

She couldn't help looking at the tall man in military uniform beside her, with deep love in her eyes.

On the man's left hand, is a woman who is about 160 centimeters tall, has pale pink shawl and long hair, is about 27 or 8 years old, has a peerless face, is majestic and cold.

Bibi Dong is not tall enough, but her body proportions are perfect.

At this time, she was wearing a long white dress without many decorations. She looked elegant and noble, with a dusty and sacred atmosphere.

Not many people know the first two, but who doesn't know Bibi Dong? Who doesn't know?

Even if she doesn't have a gorgeous dress, a scepter that symbolizes her status, or a crown that represents her status, there is an aura that people can't help but surrender.

But at this time, she is only a supporting role.

The person at the head is that little-known man.

Behind the three are three girls who look exactly the same at first glance.

The man took the lead, walking like a tiger, and came to Tang Fan.

"You, Ye, Ye Han!"

Tang Fan's pupils shrank slightly, looking at the face in front of him, the fear of being dominated instantly surfaced in his heart, and his tone trembled a little when he spoke.

"Great, High Priest, you, have you left Seagod Island?"

A burly middle-aged man got up from his seat in the high hall, looking at Po Saisi with an unbelievable look on his face.

"I'm no longer a high priest. Are you, Tang Chen's grandson? Did you capture a child named Ye Chen, bring him out, and we'll leave now." Bo Saixi looked at the middle-aged man and asked. .

Many years ago, this middle-aged man was still a teenager. He once went to Seagod Island with another teenager. The two were talented, and they were Tang Chen's grandson. Bo Saixi naturally remembered it.

Ye Han glanced at Po Saixi, frowned slightly, and finally sighed without speaking.

Po Saixi's face...has to be given, this is what he owes her.

"Okay, Bo Saixi, it's not your turn to decide what to do with Ye Chen." Bibi Dong said.

Ye Han couldn't refute Bo Saixi's decision, but Bibi Dong could.

"Tang Xiao, are you going to invite Ye Chen out, or am I going?"

Bibi Dong's eyes fell on the middle-aged man, and the icy killing intent seemed to permeate.

"It's just a defeated general, and you dare to be presumptuous. Ye Han, if you think that you can show off your power here with two women, then you are wrong." Tang Fan sneered, and finally restrained the panic in his heart.

He is now a serious god, and he has completely accepted the inheritance of gods and inherited the position of first-level gods. His combat power has skyrocketed, far from being comparable to before.

"Wife, it seems that people don't want to sell your face. In that case, you don't need to worry about this matter and leave it to me to handle it."

Ye Han pulled Po Saisi behind him, and suddenly, he took a step forward, with nothing to say, and slapped Tang Fan's face with a slap.

"act recklessly."

A sneer hung on the corner of Tang Fan's mouth, without flinching, he punched Ye Han's palm directly, intending to abolish his arm.


An anxious voice suddenly sounded.

Unfortunately, no one will listen to her.


The palm collided with the fist, and Tang Fan's arm snapped and snapped.

Then Ye Han's palm slowly moved forward unstoppably and slapped Tang Fan's face.

Tang Fan's movement of attacking forward was as if he had brought his face up to be beaten.

puff! ~

Four or five teeth spurted out with a mouthful of blood, Tang Fan screamed, smashed the wall behind him, and flew out.

Tang Fan and Ye Han, the gap between the two is too big, just like the difference between clouds and mud, Ye Han is in the sky, and Tang Fan is in the ground.

Tang Fan was slapped away with a slap, Ye Han didn't pursue it, but looked at the bride with a red hijab and a bewildered look beside her.

The original protagonists of Douluo Continent had three women and two beside him, but he didn't even look at the last one, which was indeed inappropriate.

With a slight smile, he directly performed his duty as a groom and lifted Ning Rongrong's hijab.

A beautiful girl in her early twenties, with hair like ink, appeared in front of her eyes.

There was no doubt that most of the women who got married were the most beautiful moments, and Ning Rongrong was no exception.

The girl wears a little pink, wears a phoenix crown, and wears a fiery red dowry. She is like a peony that is about to bloom. It is picturesque, and its beauty is a bit unreal.

"Little, Xiaohan."

Suddenly, a soft and weak voice sounded.

Ye Han raised his head and glanced, then turned his eyes back and looked at Ning Rongrong. When he met her sad and doubtful eyes, he couldn't help but smile lightly, and said, "Why, the happy day has this expression, I don't want to. Marry?"

Ye Han had an affinity that naturally radiated from him, and with his gentle smile, Ning Rongrong nodded subconsciously when he heard the clear, slightly magnetic voice in his ear.

This marriage is a marriage of interests, and she is naturally unwilling.

However, Ning Rongrong, who was in her twenties, was no longer the arrogant and arrogant witch she used to be. She knew that her sect needed this marriage, so she made a choice against her will.

Now, her answer was the truest choice in her heart, but as soon as she nodded, she regretted it.

Under everyone's attention, her answer was to slap Clear Sky Sect in the face in public.

"Tang Your wife and I raise him, how are you?"

Ye Han retracted his gaze, did not look at Ning Rongrong again, but turned to look at the man with disheveled hair and blood on his face who came from the ruins, and said lazily.

At the same time, his palm stretched out, grabbed it in the void, and a boy wrapped in bandages instantly appeared in his hand.

Glancing at the young man in his hand, Ye Han couldn't help but glance at Tang Yuehua, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

If someone else dared to hurt his son, he would have slapped him to death long ago.


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