From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 152: : Sun and Moon Continent

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Human beings can only be fully enlightened if they have experienced real life and death.

Bibi Dong is like this, and Po Saixi is still like this.

People die like lights go out, people who have already died once, what else can't let go?

Reborn, Bo Saixi's burden was completely put down, and now, she just wanted to live for herself.

What high priest, what sea god, what mission, what responsibility, go to hell!

The grievances and grievances with Ye Han have long been thrown out of her mind. She is now only Bo Saixi, the mother of three children, and Ye Han's wife.

With the beautiful woman on his side, Ye Han temporarily put down all his troubles completely.

Looking at the dignified and pretty face in front of him, looking at the bright red lips, Ye Han lowered his head and kissed it softly and firmly, domineering and greedy demanding and plundering.


Bo Saixi involuntarily let out a nasal sound, and then responded with a selfless response!

A piece of liver and intestines is broken, where can I find a soulmate in the end of the world.

There is no doubt that Bo Saixi is his bosom friend. She has a special physique. Among all women, she is the only one who can let Ye Han let go of his hands and feet and perform all eighteen martial arts.

Of course, if he cast it a second time, even Bo Saixi would not be able to bear it.

Even so, Ye Han was already satisfied.

In this way, the two of them forgot all their troubles, lived a life without shame and shame on this nameless island for ten days, and then reluctantly left this place full of memories.

"Finally willing to come out."

Ye Han pulled Bo Saixi, and after the two left the island, two figures instantly appeared in front of them.

Xue Di's cold and faint voice sounded, his eyes flashing coldly, and he looked at Ye Han.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work, Xue Er." Ye Han touched his head and took the Ice Emperor.

He naturally knew why Xue Di was so angry.

The reason is that when he sees himself, he hugs the Ice Emperor who won't let him go.

She was too clingy, as if she had identified Ye Han, she would be troubled if she didn't see him for a while, and she left not for a day or two, but for ten days. One can imagine how Xuedi came here. of.


Xue Di snorted coldly and gave Ye Han a cold profile.

Then, with her slender legs striding forward, she came to Bo Saixi, the ice and snow thawed, a smile that eclipsed Baihua's face, and said, "Congratulations!"


Bo Saixi's eyes were dodged, her cheeks flushed, like an ostrich, she didn't dare to look at the Snow Emperor at all.

Although the two have long been in love, and Xue Di has also made it clear that he will not stop her from dating Ye Han.

However, facing the Snow Emperor at this time, Bo Saixi still felt like a little three who had done bad things, and was caught by the wife of the other person, making her blushing and embarrassed.

"Where's Bibi Dong?"

Ye Han opened his mouth to ease Po Saixi's embarrassment.

"She is practicing."

Hearing this, Xue Di glanced at Bo Saixi calmly, and said, "Follow me."

The four of them, except for the Ice Emperor, who have no cultivation base for the time being, the other three are all strong, and the speed is naturally not slow.

However, after a while, a few people came to the island where Bibi Dong cultivated.

The four of them had just approached, and Bibi Dong had just finished practicing. With a relaxed smile on her face, she walked out of the residence.

Then, Bo Saixi and Bibi Dong looked at each other, and the atmosphere instantly became solemn.

"It's all a family from now on, Bibi Dong, don't be stunned, call me Third Sister." Ye Han brought Bingdi to Bibi Dong's side and said.

"Why, didn't you say come first, come first, and orderly? She..."

Bibi Dong suddenly stopped talking, looking at Ye Han's playful eyes, a bright red couldn't help but appear on her beautiful and moving face.

"I said it casually back then, do you still remember it clearly?"

Ye Han shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm here so you don't have to be embarrassed. Bo Saixi is already older than you, so it won't hurt if you call me sister, or you'd rather call me sister Qian Renxue in the future. Sister Posesi?"

Bibi Dong was speechless, her face flushed, and after holding it for a while, she finally said, "Third sister."

Just after calling out, Bibi Dong instantly realized that something was wrong.

With a flash of light in her mind, she finally thought, where do she and Ye Han have a future?

But as soon as the words came out, it was too late to regret it.

"Bibi Dong, I'm sorry."

Bo Saixi stepped forward, bowed and apologized, with a sincere attitude and no pretence.

As for the relationship between Ye Han and Bibi Dong, it was brought about by her, so how could she compare it?

Ye Han looked at Bo Saixi, then looked at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong looked at Bo Saixi, her face changed for a while, then she snorted coldly, turned her head, and said, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

Ye Han snorted and couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud.

Xue Di also had a smile on his face.

Of the four people, only two were unknown, one was the Ice Emperor with incomplete memory, and the other was the silly Bo Saixi.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Bibi Dong glared at Ye Han angrily.

The result was a head-to-head kill.

"Okay, okay, get up, everything is over, Bibi Dong has forgiven you." Ye Han said helplessly.


Bo Saixi raised her head, looked at Bibi Dong and stared at Ye Han shyly and angrily. No matter how stupid she was, she now knew that Bibi Dong was arrogant and couldn't say any words of forgiveness.

"Let's go! Let's pick up the child and return to Douluo Continent." Ye Han said.

He relied on his powerful strength to tear the void, and brought a few women directly to the Sun and Moon Continent.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

A rhythmic sound suddenly came, attracting the attention of several people.

Ye Han couldn't help grinning when he saw it.

"What is this?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Steam locomotive."

Ye Han opened his mouth and directly said the name of the behemoth in front of him.

"Yeah! Do you know what it's used for?" Bibi Dong said, looking at Ye Han.

"Pull people, goods, means of transport." Ye Han explained.

Bibi Dong's eyes sparkled and she was very interested in steam locomotives.

Snow Emperor, Bo Saixi and Ice Emperor were just curious about this.

"Bo Saixi, accompany Dong'er to study the steam locomotive and leave the matter of finding a child to me." Ye Han said.

"You, okay!"

Posesillo hesitated, then nodded.

Bibi Dong ignored it.

Ye Han smiled and said no more, leaving the opportunity to be alone for them, then pulled Xuedi's figure for a flash and left here.

After leaving Douluo Continent and returning to Seagod Island, Bo Saixi was exhausted physically and mentally. After three or four years, he sent his three daughters to Sun Moon Continent.

To others, the Sun and Moon Continent belongs to a world that does not exist, but how could Seagod Island, which lives in the deep sea all year round, not know it.

Ye Han's inextinguishable primordial spirit is powerful, and as long as he is willing, he can cover the entire Douluo Star at will, which is why he is not worried about the God Realm stabbing his nest.

He could observe the wind and grass in the core area of ​​the Frozen Forest at any time. It can be said that Ye Han has definitely surpassed the God King in all aspects except that he has no divine power.

Standing on the Sun Moon Continent at this moment, he sensed the three people with the same bloodline as his.

In the past, their breath was covered up by Bo Saixi's breath, and Ye Han couldn't sense it, but now it's so clear.

His mood was unprecedentedly excited, and in one step, he appeared in front of the three of them.

The three of them at this time are... blacksmithing, painting, and quarreling.

In the steaming forging room, three girls who looked sixteen or seventeen years old and looked exactly the same at first glance, refused to give in to each other, and there was a lot of quarrel.

The air in the forging room was distorted, and the vision was blurred. The girls were concentrated, and suddenly there were three more They didn't notice.

"It's not right here, it's obviously like this." Qing Xuan's cold voice sounded.

"I tried this yesterday, and it didn't work at all. I'll think about it again." The gentle and gentle voice was stubborn and unyielding.

"Obviously haven't tried it yet? Try it again today." Qing Xuan said coldly.

As she got older, her temperament became more and more indifferent. In this hot iron smelting room, it was like a freezer, and she did not need to generate electricity.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the devil who does not understand love, thank you!

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