From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 146: : Binger Resurrection

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

One day in the **** realm, one year in the lower realm.

In Ye Han's feeling, only twelve days have passed.

However, it has been twelve years since Douluo Continent.

Ye Han originally planned to avenge the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor, and then went to Seagod Island to look for Po Saixi.

Who would have thought that twelve years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Po Saixi, that mature and beautiful woman who looks about thirty years old, she is actually the stupidest among the women Ye has ever met, and she is a little cute.

Although he is powerful, he is always bullied by himself.

It is obvious that his heart has been captured by himself, but he still does not know it.

He clearly gave birth to three such lovely daughters, but he refused to tell himself.

He obviously saved Xue Di, but he didn't dare to meet him.

That silly woman has a great debt to herself, but she treats her...

Ye Han glanced at the petite woman beside him, his teeth itch with hatred.

If it wasn't for this woman, he wouldn't have stabbed a spear in Bo Saixi's heart back then, and stabbed him to the core, and things wouldn't be so troublesome now.

If there is really no way to get Bo Saixi this time, maybe you can kill her and sacrifice the flag!

Of course, just kidding.

However, it's still okay to beat in front of Po Saisi.

"You, what do you want?"

Bibi Dong was startled by Ye Han's malicious gaze, and subconsciously protected her hips with both hands, she quickly took two steps back.

Apparently, she had just been beaten, which left a serious psychological shadow on the Queen.

"Go to Seagod Island, do whatever I tell you to do, don't be petty, don't be stubborn, and don't sing against me, do you hear it?" Ye Han said.

"You and I......"

Bibi Dong opened her mouth, but seeing that Ye Han's eyes were not good, she couldn't help but shut up.

"You deserve it, let you do all the bad things, now you will be punished."

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed a light of joy, although he did not dare to refute, but his heart was unavoidable.

With her IQ, thinking of the situation that day, after a little thought, she can guess the situation.

Unsurprisingly, there must have been an unspeakable adultery between the two, but this **** forgot it back then, and then he was plotted by himself, and he actually thought that Ye Chen was himself and his child.

Then when he saw that he was injured, he couldn't wait to jump out and give the woman a spear.

But is it too late for conscience to find out?

Twelve years have passed, and now I think of that woman.

Although Bibi Dong was still angry with Bo Saixi, she couldn't help feeling worthless now.

One by one, they look like dogs, what kind of men are hard to find, but they are entangled with such a thing.

Although he was good-looking, good-looking, and personable, he still couldn't cover up his wicked crimes.

Although he is powerful, he is a shameless man.

Although he can be gentle at times, he is an uncompromising pervert.

Although he is smart, he is even meaner.


If Ye Han had 10,000 good qualities, Bibi Dong would be able to find 10,000 faults in him.

Thinking about it, Bibi Dong couldn't help but look forward to this trip.

She wanted to see how this despicable and shameless man could save that woman.

"What are you thinking about? Laughing so hard."

Ye Han appeared in front of Bibi Dong's eyes, looking at the woman with a slightly upturned mouth and a malicious look in her eyes.

"No, I didn't think of anything."

Bibi Dong was taken aback by the sudden voice, and quickly came back to her senses and hurriedly defended.

"Xiaohan, the person has been found, we can go." Xuedi's voice sounded.

While Ye Han and Bibi Dong were talking, the Snow Emperor had already found a ship that could sail far away through his divine sense.

"captain Jack."

Ye Han brought Bibi Dong and Xue Di to the boat, and when he saw that man with a bowler hat and a beggar-style cowboy dress, with a thin figure and smoky makeup, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Lord Xuedi, I haven't seen you for many years, and your demeanor is still the same!" Captain Jack stepped forward, hugged his chest, and respectfully said.

Xue Di nodded slightly, his voice was cold, and said, "I have already said the destination, so I don't need to repeat it again, right?"

"Yes, the three adults please, we will set off immediately." Captain Jack said.

At the same time, his heart was full of surprise. Back then, he couldn't see through the cultivation of Xue Di and the others.

Now, decades have passed, and he is already a rank ninety-three Titled Douluo, but when he looks at the Snow Emperor, the panic that seems to be a low-level creature facing the top of the food chain is even more than before.

Glancing at the other two, the man and Captain Jack felt a little familiar, as if they were the boy back then.

And that woman, Captain Jack just glanced at it. He quickly looked back.

so horrible.

The terrifying devouring power emanating from that woman almost sucked away his spiritual power.

"Open your eyes to me. If anyone dares to provoke those adults, this boundless sea is their destination."

Although many of the sailors on the ship are old brothers who have been with him for decades, all of them have vicious eyes and know who can provoke and who can't, but Captain Jack still couldn't help his spiritual voice transmission and solemnly reminded him.

Ye Han was familiar with the road and walked into the best room on this ship.

"In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed, and things are different, but the ship still hasn't changed much." Ye Han couldn't help sighing.

"When we came, it was still the ship Bing'er found. Who would have thought that now, it's just you and me." Xue Di opened his mouth, his voice melancholy and his expression low.

Going back to the old place, she will inevitably be hurt.

Bibi Dong's mouth twitched.

It turns out that this queen is not a human being in your eyes!

Ye Han's face changed, and he wanted to slap himself.

You can really chat.

Which pot does not open, which pot do you carry.

Looking at Xue Di's dull eyes, Ye Han's eyes flashed a trace of struggle, and then he seemed to have made up his mind.

The expression on her face suddenly loosened, she stepped forward and hugged Xuedi into her arms, and said softly, "Remember what I said when we went to the realm of the gods? After avenging my revenge, I will let Bing'er come back again. Come to us, do you remember?"

"You really,"

Xue Di's eyes lit up, looking at Ye Han, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

After so many days, after the initial blind trust, she has gradually regained her senses.

Bing'er sacrificed, how could he leave the source of his soul, but he didn't discover it?

However, when she heard Ye Han's old story revisited, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Okay you, I didn't expect that even you don't believe me now."

Ye Han pretended to be in pain, interrupted Xue Di's words, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Today I will prove that I, Ye Han, never say empty words, and I will never lie to you."

After he finished speaking, he waved his palm.

A figure wearing a long green dress appeared quietly.

With a pretty face, a cool temperament, a tall figure, eight magical lines exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and a faint glow of blue light on her white skin, who else could it be if she wasn't the "Ice Emperor"?

It's just that compared to the previous Ice Emperor, the current Ice Emperor is a bit dull.

But Snow Emperor didn't care about this at all. The moment he saw the Ice Emperor's appearance, Snow Emperor's beautiful and refined face was instantly covered with tears.

She stepped forward and hugged the Ice Emperor tightly.

"Bing'er, is it really you? I thought I'd never see you again?" Xue Di revealed his true feelings, and big tears fell in his eyes.

"Xue'er, don't cry, it's me, I'm not dead." Ice Emperor said.

But for some her voice was a little dull, a little too gentle.

"Bing'er almost died, her soul was damaged, and her memory was damaged. We will teach her well in the future, and she will recover soon." Ye Han stepped forward and hugged the two girls, then said to Emperor Xue.

"Yeah! Bing'er, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you became like this. No matter what, I'll let you recover as soon as possible." Xue Di nodded, his voice was clear, without the slightest doubt.

"You chat with Bing'er for a while, and I'll go out to get some air."

Ye Han let go of the two of them, then couldn't help but say, grabbed Bibi Dong with a suspicious look, and pulled her out of the room.

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