From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 142: : 1st generation queen

A terrifying ghost filled the air.

Bibi Dong's physique was so strong that few people in the world could compare, and with the protection of the battle armor, he was not killed by a single hammer.

The ten undead knights gave up chasing Tang Fan and Tang San and returned directly to help.

A chain of knight spears flashed a cold light, attacking Tang Yuehua from all directions.

"Crap cloak."

Tang Yuehua scolded lightly.

The purple-gold sledgehammer was spinning, and nothing could stop it.

After ten hammers, one hammer one, ten undead knights were instantly beaten and cracked, and they would want to condense for a while, which is obviously impossible.

Bibi Dong's eyes were sharp, and she covered her chest with one hand, blood flowing from the corners of her mouth.

However, in the face of Tang Yuehua's attack, she was not to be outdone, holding two demonic sickles, she directly shook it.


The splendid palace was directly overturned, and the violent momentum permeated all directions.


The sky is bright, and suddenly, there is lightning and thunder.

A figure wrapped in thunder and lightning rose into the sky in an instant, and the figure of the six-winged angel filled most of the sky.

Brilliant golden light, divine power like a mountain, Qian Renxue has reached the 100th level.

Stab it!

A thunder spear penetrated the void and stabbed Tang Yuehua directly.


The purple-gold sledgehammer swung, but the water couldn't get in, and it directly shattered the Thunder Spear.

However, the paralyzing effect of thunder and lightning was transmitted to Tang Yuehua along the purple-gold sledgehammer, causing her body to pause slightly, and the hammer force superimposed by the random cloak suddenly collapsed.

Tang Yuehua was stunned for a while, glanced at the golden dragon scale armor on his body, and couldn't help but look strangely, and then looked at the beautiful figure flying in the sky.

This is the first time that I have encountered an energy attack that can penetrate the golden dragon scale armor.

But the biggest reason was that she was careless and unprepared.

"Don't make senseless resistance, you have already been severely injured, and now you surrender, I can save your life, otherwise..." Tang Yuehua put the Heavenly Emperor Hammer under his feet, holding the handle of the hammer, watching the shortness of breath The Bibi Dong, Dao.


Bibi Dong's red lips parted lightly, transforming into an indomitable giant.

All the energy substances in the world are absorbed by her body, and the injuries on her body are rapidly recovering.

"Is the emperor's hegemony really that good? As the Pope, you are also aloof, why bother to use swords again and make murder out of thin air?"

Tang Yuehua muttered to himself, full of puzzlement in his heart, but the movements in his hands were unambiguous: "The real body of the martial soul, the big Xumi hammer."

Naturally, she wouldn't watch Bibi Dong recover and do nothing.


The purple-gold sledgehammer with unparalleled power smashed down like a sky.

Angel Field! Killing Field! Nether Realm!

Two soft drinks sounded at the same time.

One after another indestructible barrier was instantly propped up.




One purple gold, two pitch black, three sledgehammers slammed down.


The third-layer domain was shattered, and Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue spit out a mouthful of blood, while Tang Fan and Tang San were even more unbearable, and were directly blasted away by the shock wave formed after the third-layer domain was shattered.

Bibi Dong staggered, her eyes darkened, her chest felt tight, and blood was constantly spurting out of her mouth, almost falling over.

Suddenly, an arm appeared and supported her.

Bibi Dong looked up, and in a daze, she saw a delicate face like a flower, brilliant and bright, full of joy and pride.

Then Bibi Dong felt a pain in her chest and was directly pierced by a long sword.

"Xiao, Xiao Qi, you, are you crazy? She is your teacher!" Qian Renxue's eyes were splitting from the other side, bloodshot eyes appeared in her pupils.

Originally, she was able to appear beside Bibi Dong for the first time, but after finding out that Xiao Qi appeared, she was careless and thought she was here to help Bibi Dong, but who knows, this scene appeared.


The long sword was drawn, bringing a string of dazzling blood flowers.

Watching Bibi Dong swaying and wanting to stand still, Xiao Qi's eyes flashed a stern look, and he swung his long sword to grab Bibi Dong's neck.

Sen Leng's long sword shone with cold light, piercing the air, screaming piercingly, and showing its sharp edge.

"court death!"

Qian Renxue's eyes were cold, how could she watch Bibi Dong be killed.

The thunder roared and the electric light shone. She was like a golden thunder and lightning, ignoring the distance of dozens of meters, and appeared in front of Bibi Dong in an instant.

The terrifying pressure fell on Xiao Qi in an instant, blocking her actions.

Qian Renxue came first, and slapped Xiao Qi's chest with a palm, and a crisp bone cracking sound came out, causing Xiao Qi's chest to collapse, and he vomited blood and flew upside down.

The gap between the Titled Douluo and the 100th rank is too great. Fortunately, Xiaoqi is not an ordinary Titled Douluo. Otherwise, Qian Renxue's palm could have killed her.

At the same time, a large black hammer slammed into Qian Renxue.


With a muffled sound, Bibi Dong blocked the hammer and said, "Xiaoxue, go, get out of here."

Bibi Dong turned back, her beautiful face was covered with bloodstains.

She was hit hard one after another, her breath was dying, and she was almost unable to bear it.


Qian Renxue let out a long whistle, and an angel sword appeared in her hand.

The golden sword tip pointed straight into the sky, Jiutian Xuanlei, Huanghuang Tianwei, thunderous calamity, lead it with the sword, kill!

Where the sword's edge is directed, and where the robbery and thunder are pointed, all things are destroyed, like a punishment from heaven.


The place where Tang San was was directly turned into scorched earth, leaving a huge deep pit bubbling with smoke.


Qian Renxue drank coldly, swung the long sword in his hand, and thousands of thunder tribulations followed him like a shadow, chasing the golden phantom and slashing past.

"The realm of time, congeal!"

Tang Yuehua let out a soft drink, and a faint golden light filled her body.

In contact with these golden lights, everything is still.

With a flick of his arm, Tang San was thrown out by her.

"The Great Sumerian Hammer can break all methods with one force."

Qian Renxue's tens of thousands of thunder tribulations remained motionless, and Tang Yuehua's body burst into innumerable golden light. As the purple-gold sledgehammer was slowly raised, the time domain disappeared. At this moment, her slender figure squeezed into the void, and Qian Renxue's body was filled with light. The power of thunder suddenly collapsed.

As the Heavenly Emperor's hammer moved, the whole world seemed to tremble.

Bibi Dong's dull eyes seemed to return to light, regaining clarity, looking at the woman opposite, a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She was wrong from the start.

She is too confident, and the improvement of her strength has made her arrogant and arrogant.

The woman in front of him was a real berserker, but he chose to confront her head-on, and it was simply his own fault to fall into this field.


She glanced back at Qian Renxue, and then transformed into a dark demon god, swallowing mountains and rivers in anger, desperately rushing towards Tang Yuehua.

Bibi Dong had unleashed all of her potential, her combat power was naturally terrifying, and the two demonic sickles actually blasted the Heavenly Emperor Hammer into the air.

However, Tang Yuehua is not an easy person either.

She turned around, and with the help of Bibi Dong's power, she even combined the Daxumi hammer and the chaotic cloak, and used it.

"Do not!"

Qian Renxue's eyes were splitting, how could she abandon Bibi Dong and escape alone.

Seeing the figure of Bibi Dong resisting the Heavenly Emperor Hammer with difficulty, her heart seemed to have a fire burning, and her whole body was in an extremely irritable state.


When Qian Renxue just flew up and wanted to step forward to help, Bibi Dong's body was directly beaten back to the prototype.

The crown fell, the gems on the clothes were shattered, the queen of a generation fell to the altar, Qian Renxue's eyes narrowed, and her blood almost froze.

At this moment, everything was silent, and suddenly, Qian Renxue roared, and the shackles on her body seemed to be broken.

The thunder around the Seraph shone, as if some kind of imprisonment had been opened, and six wings were added in an instant, evolving into a twelve-winged angel.

The powerful aura suppressed the audience, all the enemies, except Tang Yuehua, no one dared to look directly at Qian Renxue at this moment.


The purple thunder with the thickness of a bucket, like a raging dragon, bombarded the shattered earth wildly, especially Tang Fan and Tang San, who were especially cared for.

If it wasn't for Tang Yuehua's timely help, I'm afraid it would be in danger.


The purple thunder traversed the The sunny sky reappeared, and on the dilapidated ground, three figures stumbled up, their gray heads and faces in disarray.

They peeped at each other, and then their eyes fell on the beautiful woman in white.

"The speed is too fast, I can't catch up, but don't worry too much, if there is no accident, Bibi Dong should not survive." Tang Yuehua said.

Her tone was calm, neither happy nor sad.

I didn't feel complacent because of my achievements, nor did I feel sorry for myself because my speed was not as good as others, as if I had done a trivial thing.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that the reason why she won easily was because Bibi Dong didn't know how she fought, and with the help of Tang San and Tang Fan, Bibi Dong would be severely injured as soon as they came up. That woman, the ending is really hard to say.

Tang San and Tang Fan looked at each other with a trace of fear in their eyes.

They didn't expect that, besides Bibi Dong, there was such a powerful person hidden in the Spirit Empire.

Then, the two looked at Xiao Qi, waiting for her explanation.

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